The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

I have a (probably stupid) question. I'm planning on getting the beastie boys some mini peppers as a treat. Do you give them the whole thing or prepare them like the big ones?
With the mini peppers I just lop the top stalky bit off and they get the rest. If they're on the large side then I'll slip them in half along the length but most aren't big enough to bother.
See I vaguely remembered trying them with some banana before but from recollection they weren't fans? But I was eating the banana and figured I'd see how they went with it and I was definitely not expecting to almost lose my fingers, lol. Cam got a bigger bit of actual banana because I failed miserably to split it properly, so while he got on with his banana, Bann got some peel too. And I kept my fingers, which is the best part.
Bann keeps stabbing himself in the nose with hay. No actual injuries yet, except maybe his pride and my soul when he glares at me afterwards like it's my fault. It's coming up on 2 years since they arrived here and I'm still not sure if they ever know what they're doing lol.
I mean if they'd eat soft hay, that'd fix the problem in a heartbeat, but they won't. However, as mean as it sounds, don't feel too bad for him. The reason he repeatedly does it is not because there's sharp hay everywhere they turn, it's because he discovers a sharp piece and then repeatedly finds as many different ways as possible to walk through it like it'll magically disappear or be less sharp if he walks into it from a half millimetre to the left or right. :doh:
I do love the shinnaghans of your puts a smile on my face.xx

Honestly half an hour ago they were in bed sulking at me for whatever it was they were sulking at me about, and then I opened the pellet tub lid (rather than just the flap) to see if it was worth opening the Burgess pellet bag and that got their attention.

And then as I'm sat there, pellet in hand, waiting for one of them to come over for it, they both started running around and checking the floor of the cage. Sod the Human, where's the food?!
I sometimes wonder if I should rename these the Bann Diaries, because after feeding them early this morning (by 20 minutes because I was downstairs and it was cold and I was sort of done with walking up and down stairs) Cam was good with it. Bann had a 20 second Wheek-A-Thon in his bed before he managed to find the doorway and get his piece of cucumber too. Daft eejit'll be the death of me. :))
Just sliced up a celery stick. The bag's been sitting to the back of the fridge and it was wet (although just from the condensation, pretty sure it never froze). I figured it wouldn't hurt to turn it down anyway, not like it needs to be cold cold, right? Guys the fridge dial was between 1 and 2 :eek:

Also, celery. Cam got out of bed and ran over for his. Ate a mouthful. Ate it. Paused. Looked at me, confused. "Aye, it's yours, here you go!" He stopped looking confused, yanked it out of my hand and legged it.

Bann didn't want to get out of bed. Okay fine, I'll toss it towards his bed. No. Bann did. not. want. to get out of bed and so the pieces of celery that he could reach if he moved even just his front half out of bed? No, that's too far away tyvm, why can't you throw it so it lands right in front of me, you idiot Human. I'm going to go back inside til you get your act together. And no, that other piece right next to the doorway doesn't count because it's to the side and I don't see why I should have to crane my neck left either. Right at my feet, please. RIGHT AT MY FEET AND I'M GOING TO YELL TIL YOU GET IT.
A little bit of both. They really like the beds they're currently in because they're massive and fleecy and they don't have rigid sides, which means the door flops over and nobody even knows they're there! Y'know, til the wheek storm starts or one of them moves, lol. Said beds are also on top of Snugglesafes all day and right next to the radiator.

They don't get said beds in the summer because they don't need them, but they're also happy to sleep elsewhere in the cage in warmer weather too. And Bann's just really, really lazy unless he's realised he's missing out on the munchies.
The goblins are going to lose half of their cage space overnight, just for one night, and I can already see the regret in my future lol. If you don't hear from me tomorrow by the evening, please remember I love you all.

Well so far so...good? I moved their beds with them inside and they've refused to leave said beds so I still don't know how it's being received.

Also, 6 bin bags worth, the bin's full, and I've still got several rooms to clear. And I have a hole in my ring finger because the hay stabbed me. And a hole in my kitchen wall I didn't know I had.
I just accused somepig of chattering their teeth at me overly loudly. Turns out it was something rattling on my chest of drawers. Sorry, goblins. It's been a long evening. It'll be worth it when the new windows are in tomorrow.
Wow that’s quick getting the windows in ! Typical in very cold weather tho 🤔
Wow that’s quick getting the windows in ! Typical in very cold weather tho 🤔

They were going to do it today at 8am. I found this out at 11am when I took my phone off Airplane Mode. Oops. That said it wasn't like that all day yesterday so I've gotta wonder what time they actually did it.

Also clearing space in the boxroom is hard.