Forum Donator 2024/25
I needed to read that little adventure ….more please
It was Santa Paws! He rides around in a basket full of hay visiting all the good piggies (which all of them are) and bringing them presents and treats.What I want to know is where that piece of hay floated down from!
(which all of them are)
My three do have their moments too!/snort
Not the ones that pose for photos with their dangle berries showing/snort
That's disgraceful behaviour, I don't know anypig who would do that.....Not the ones that pose for photos with their dangle berries showing
I know of a few .....That's disgraceful behaviour, I don't know anypig who would do that.....
Bramble bounces too. She bounces around the run in the morning when she knows it's breakfast time. It's like boing! boing! boing!He'll sort of...bounce?
Bramble bounces too. She bounces around the run in the morning when she knows it's breakfast time. It's like boing! boing! boing!
Yes it's exactly like that!"Hi! Food! Yes! Stuff! Human! Hi! Hi! Food! Human! Hi!"
Those boys …. they’ll give you grey hair Lorcan
Or is he?Cam could obviously tell he was useless …..except at measuring doors and windows tho…….. ( he’s an expert at that !)
thinks mice are the size of Cam
At least he didn't call Cam an R.O.U.S. !See, this is what got me. Okay you can maybe account for him not knowing Cam's a skinny OR that skinnies exist and maybe he didn't realise Cam was grey AND pink and not just one or the other but...really. They don't make mice Cam sized and this is something I'm always grateful for.