The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Cam does not react to me saying Bann, Cam reacts to me saying Cam.
Bann does not react to me saying Bann, Bann reacts to me saying Cam.


In other news I fed them earlier. They came running out of bed to find the food. They don't chitchat so much these days but there was chitchat, happy chitchat, running round the cage to find the food, looking at me like where did you hide it, Human? And all the while, they're not just ignoring the coriander that's under their feet, that they keep running over. No. They're outright just not even registering that there's anything there that's edible.

I have been betrayed today by my eyes, my hands, and my peppers.

The eyes - a card was posted through the door this morning and of course I didn't twig until after I owned it that this card was not, in fact, for me. Knocked on my neighbours door, two doors down, and was like "I owe you an apology because I opened your card". I don't think she was mad about it? What gets me is whoever posted that card through the door didn't walk past my window, or I'd've seen them, which means they've walked past said neighbour's house to reach my door.

The hands - functional neurological disorder means, in my case anyway, my hands don't always behave themselves. I'll be holding something and it'll ping across the room, or the floor, or in today's case in trying to pick up a piece of pepper to toss it into the cage, my hand spasmed and it landed on Cam. Cam reacted to this the same way he reacted to my hitting him with cucumber the other day; in other words, no reaction at all. Still. Stupid hands.

Finally, the peppers. I had a nice big green pepper I was going to feed to the goblins, but after cutting the top off and cleaning out the internal pith and seeds it turns out that despite having no external signs of it, internally it had begun to rot. No nice big green pepper for the goblins :td: they had to make do with a smaller-but-not-rotten yellow pepper instead.
Goblins get food. Goblins get their own portion, nice big portions each. Cam gets his, Bann gets his, I go back to the study for two minutes, realise I can hear indignant shouting from the bedroom. Run to check. Bann's yelling at his bed again.

It's the same bed, too. Like he exited from what would be Cam's bed if Cam hadn't been elsewhere demolishing the crap out of a carrot cottage. Bann ran out of it, grabbed the food, ran back to his own bed. And then yelled at it.

Meanwhile Cam's staring at me from the opposite side of the cage with a "see what I have to put up with?" look on his face.
Cam was asleep in a tunnel when I went in earlier, saw me, did the "food?food?food?“ excited thing, and came right over.

And then, indignant screaming from Cam's bed as Bann suddenly rises he's about to sleep through dinner. I had forgotten just how indignantly loud he could be.
Also, I have discovered the goblins out in the cage more recently and I think it's because I've been downstairs. Upstairs I usually have their door pulled closed (not shut entirely) because I vape in the other room. But I've been downstairs, and vaping downstairs, so I've left the door open. And that seems to have them happier to be out and about in the cage. Granted, they'll probably change behaviour now 10 minutes after I post this reply, lol, but still. Kinda cool.
"Bann, ffs, don't be a (ahem)." all day long, Bann. All. Day. Long.


I don't like doing them on the coffee table, because it's too low to sit on the sofa and too high to sit on the floor, but my only other real option is the bed and I share a room with the goblins. Downstairs is a much better - and drama free - option.
Ahahah oops.

So firstly, Bann's apparently decided he's not going to attempt perching on Cam today. Thankfully. The fact he's aware he can go around Cam instead of over him proves to me he's known this all along and just fancies taking the easy way out. Good job, you lazy bum.

Second, I was tossing pepper slices into the cage, I try to get them in as many different places in the cage as possible. It's more fun to go searching for your dinner, right? Except I managed to toss one on top of a bed. Getting that back is going to spook them so I'm hoping nopig tries standing on anypig to get that sweet red pepper! Also this one was really red. Really, really red.
Cam was wearing a tray as a hat earlier. Bann was begging for pea flakes, Cam realised something was going on, kept lifting the tray up to search but never actually finding the pea flakes so all you'd get is "wander wander wander LIFT UP TRAY wander keep walking oops wall* reverse LIFT UP TRAY". It is very hard to feed a goblin when the other one has lost the plot entirely, lol.

*and yes, the "wall" was actually Bann

THEN I'm sitting downstairs earlier, on the sofa, watching Taskmaster on my phone and taking a break from counting puzzle pieces, and suddenly this piece of hay just...floats down on to the sofa. Out of nowhere. I did have to look up to see if a spider had decided to drag it along the ceiling somehow but no. Besides, one of the cellar spiders caught the latest giant house spider for food anyway.

Finally. Peppers are large. Sliced a pepper. Got upstairs. Cam was begging. Right as I got to the bars, two pieces dropped from my grasp straight onto Cam. I panicked and profusely apologised til I realised, he'd been hit, looked round, found the offending pepper, and decided it was going to be his first slice. Bloody peppers. Gimme the mini ones back any day, lol.