The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

@Betsy Bann has a message for Miss Bramble and the GPU and is quite insistent that I pass along his precise message without changing it or amending it:

The Human was very mean to me tonight and stole my precious Snugglesafe! I sat right on it from within my comfy bed because it's mine and when he couldn't gently pull it out (because it was mine and I was sitting on it) he chose instead to hold on to a part of my bed to hold the bed still so he could steal my Snugglesafe! Bad enough it was cold but to steal it too?! I am bereft. I'll never see my lovely Snugglesafe ever again. Woe is me.

That is his message, Miss Bramble. His Snugglesafe is currently in the microwave, warming up so I can slide it back under his bed tonight.
Ooo is Bann is very upset ……you need to get him his snuggle safe quickly Lorcan quickly quickly 😂
Tut tut. You need to be careful, Miss Bramble likes to put slaves on the naughty list FOREVER....
Do you think you might get a second chance and be allowed off the naughty list ? I’ve heard Miss Bramble is very kind really …’s hoping …..I’ve tried 🥰
Dear Bann

I understand that your Slave took your Snugglesafe warmie away from you last night. How very dare he! From what I hear you made it very awkward for him and you are to get congratulated on this. I also understand why your Slave was taking your warmie away: it was to make it warm again after it had gone cold. But there you were asleep in your cosy snugglesack and all of a sudden you were woken up to find your (now cold) warmie being taken away. You didn't understand what was going on as you were still half asleep and that your Slave was going to give it back to you warm. A warm warmie is so much better than a cold warmie.

Your warmie friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
@Betsy Bann has a message for Miss Bramble and the GPU and is quite insistent that I pass along his precise message without changing it or amending it:

That is his message, Miss Bramble. His Snugglesafe is currently in the microwave, warming up so I can slide it back under his bed tonight.
Ophelia and Bianca are like that too :no:
The cage currently looks like a massacre took place in it. What is it about some red peppers that they just get everywhere?!

Also, funny story - I accidentally pinged Cam on the ribs with a piece of cucumber yesterday while he was eating. What does it say about any of us that he didn't even react...and just kept eating? Sorry, Cam.

I go to get the Snugglesafes and what do I find? Somebody's peed in bed. Somebody's peed in bed so much it's got through to the Snugglesafe. This was not the case this evening, why do it at nearly midnight when I can't wash a bed before bedtime?! Thanks, Bann. Thanks so much.
He's going to be really impressed when he realises his shenanigans mean he's got no bed all day tomorrow so I can get it washed and dried out, lol. But needs must, can't have him sitting in a damp bed, even if he doesn't agree.
I have spare beds, but none that'll fit over a Snugglesafe like these do. Wash cycle's nearly finished anyway. Or at least I swore it said it had 15 minutes left when I went to the toilet and then when I came downstairs 20 minutes later, apparently it still had 18 minutes to go. 🤨
Dear Lorcan

This is getting a bit repetitive. I seem to be writing to you or Bann and Camm quite a bit this days.

This time is because you don't have sufficient beds big enough to go over snugglesafes. I gave you the benefit of the doubt last time that Bann had cause to complain about his treatment with his snugglesafe. I am not going to let you off so easily this time.

Why do you have lots of beds but not lots large enough for a snugglesafe? That is completely out of order! Bann and Camm need nice big fleece lined snuggly beds to snuggle down in on a warmie. It's what makes life worth living. You need to either make or order some more beds straight away!

If I have cause to write to you again, your name will go to GPU Headquarters where an Emergency Committee Meeting will discuss whether you should go on the Naughty List for life ..... you have been warned.

Yours very disappointed in you

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

I did. However, knowing their penchant for eating things they shouldn't I need to be certain the beds are big enough that they can't easily access the Snugglesafe below even when it's in a cover. They squabble too much and to give them beds that are too small is to risk danger and, even accidentally, it's one I try to avoid. Sourcing large enough beds (that would house 3 or 4 goblins) is difficult and something I'm still actively trying to do.

They are currently in other beds and have been all day. The others will be dry enough to put back in the cage and on top of the Snugglesafes tonight.

Yours doing what he can,

I can't repeat the words I said when I discovered this bed with a massive missing patch of cotton, only that I still don't know who did it because there was zero issues with either of them. That was enough cotton that it should've caused some discomfort, but no. Apparently that's what I get for spending the evening in Manchester with family 🤨
I couldn't make this up if I tried.

I put the beds back in, on top of nice warm Snugglesafes. Cam was straight in.

I gave Bann 20 minutes. Twenty. No exaggeration. For fifteen of them he stood in a different bed and glared at me. When he finally left the bed, he ran the long way round the cage, stopped at the haypile in front of the beds, craned his neck as far forward as possible (also, he's long) and then...stayed where he was and ate hay. I finally gave up when he walked over to the bed Cam was in and stuck his head and his front half into the bed a few times before scuttling backwards to escape Cam's wrath.

I gave him a pellet, tossed the rest into the cage, and left at that point. I couldn't stay without laughing any longer.
He did work it out at some point. I'd left the opening to the bed wider than usual (unintentionally - it normally flops down, the one Cam's in did, whatever way I sat the other one down it didn't) and when I went to bed, he was glaring at me - again - from inside it. If looks could kill, lol.