The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

He's a flippin' menace is what he is, lol.

Also, I think I may have worked out the prompt in changing his behaviour. I want at least another day or so to be sure, but I think I've got it!
We can’t wait to find that out ! 😂
I woke up this morning, then have like 5-10 minutes I don't remember, and then I hear unhappy squeals coming from Bann. Oh no. It sounds like he's in pain. Poor Bann! Wait, those are scuffles. Oh for crying out loud. Said out loud the two of them needed to pack it in and then, sitting up, realised Cam was on the opposite side of the cage and looking at me like, what're you having a go at me for, I'm not doing it!


Unfortunately by the time I could see properly he'd stopped scuffling and was begging at the bars. There was nothing else in that bed for him to scuffle with and I have no idea, did he have a fight with a piece of poop or something? I mean, this is Bann.
Oh, it gets better.

On my way downstairs I poked my head in the door for half a second too long and they came running. I mock grumbled and got out the pea flake jar. Because I had boxes of vape stuff all over the bed (in my defence I was looking for something) I had to do this standing up, which is a bit of a juggling act when you're trying to put the lid back on the jar without snapping the flake. Just as I had a flake ready in each hand, they ran off into the cage to look for their goodies on the floor. That's why they took so long, right? I'm just standing here like some mad eejit with pea flakes in his hand for the hell of it?

I brought pepper back upstairs. They were in bed at first so I put some vape boxes back in their bag and precariously balanced the bag and tray back where I found it. Bann's come over by this point, gets his pepper. As he runs to bed, Cam's realised there's pepper on the go so I'm ready to give Cam his but, too late. He's spotted Bann's. He's run into the same bed (the yellow and blue cube), knocked it out of Bann's mouth, and we've got protest squeals as Cam gets his head to the opening and tries grabbing the pepper except he can't, because he's trying to bite it near the base and can't get a grip.
Bann, meanwhile, has exited the bed from the other entrance with every clear intention of going the long way round to get his pepper back. Right as Cam finally gets his teeth round it, I managed to get Bann to take the second pepper instead.

What did I do to deserve this Chaos?!
Oh, it gets better.

On my way downstairs I poked my head in the door for half a second too long and they came running. I mock grumbled and got out the pea flake jar. Because I had boxes of vape stuff all over the bed (in my defence I was looking for something) I had to do this standing up, which is a bit of a juggling act when you're trying to put the lid back on the jar without snapping the flake. Just as I had a flake ready in each hand, they ran off into the cage to look for their goodies on the floor. That's why they took so long, right? I'm just standing here like some mad eejit with pea flakes in his hand for the hell of it?

I brought pepper back upstairs. They were in bed at first so I put some vape boxes back in their bag and precariously balanced the bag and tray back where I found it. Bann's come over by this point, gets his pepper. As he runs to bed, Cam's realised there's pepper on the go so I'm ready to give Cam his but, too late. He's spotted Bann's. He's run into the same bed (the yellow and blue cube), knocked it out of Bann's mouth, and we've got protest squeals as Cam gets his head to the opening and tries grabbing the pepper except he can't, because he's trying to bite it near the base and can't get a grip.
Bann, meanwhile, has exited the bed from the other entrance with every clear intention of going the long way round to get his pepper back. Right as Cam finally gets his teeth round it, I managed to get Bann to take the second pepper instead.

What did I do to deserve this Chaos?!
You've written that like an exciting story. What's the next chapter going to be?
Okay so I'm still not 100% certain about what's prompted Cam's behavioural shift, but I think it's been me. Or more specifically, I've been playing videogames again. I couldn't for a few months, couldn't concentrate long enough to get started so instead I've been crafting with the tv on as "background noise". The goblins don't tend to announce themselves when there's Strange Voices around (unless you were my old CPN, but that's because Cam associated her with free treats, lol. This is why I avoid appointments at home :)) )

But if I'm gaming, I've got earbuds in because it can get noisy, so there's no strange voices to be heard. So Cam doesn't hear voices, which means he doesn't hear me. So when I go in to announce myself and say hello...Voice! It's the Human Voice!

So not 100%, but I'm like 99% certain that's what it is. The TV's not been on.
Another day, another part-eaten bed. I don't know what to do with these two, they have more than enough to play with, chew on, distract themselves with. Why have they suddenly started chewing up their beds?
Argh I managed to slice my finger, thumb and the webbing between them trying to dismantle a vape tank for cleaning. Lesson learned, lol. But it's okay, because you know how we joke about our pets taking after us? Bann just walked to get his coriander, walked into a piece of hay, ended up wearing it at his head, and had to do the "move head away" movement about 6 times before it finally dropped off and he could go back to eating.
Argh I managed to slice my finger, thumb and the webbing between them trying to dismantle a vape tank for cleaning. Lesson learned, lol. But it's okay, because you know how we joke about our pets taking after us? Bann just walked to get his coriander, walked into a piece of hay, ended up wearing it at his head, and had to do the "move head away" movement about 6 times before it finally dropped off and he could go back to eating.
Be careful @Lorcan ❤️
Apparently the goblins didn't really want celery for lunch today? But I tried explaining to them I needed space in the fridge because I bought myself a treat (Aero mousse, and a couple of sandwiches) and if I made space in the fridge, I could fit all the goodies in it for them, too. I didn't mention that Asda was out of baby peppers so they've got sweet pointed peppers again for a bit. No point in giving them all the bad news at once, right?

I didn't tell them I have a couple of slices of watermelon in the fridge, either. That'll be a good surprise!
Update: they got watermelon, and I still have fingers, so good job all round. If Bann had actually come to get his piece from me I'd probably have been in more trouble, because fingers that smell like food are fair game to him lol, but he refused to budge til I tossed his piece. Then he put in far more effort craning his neck out to get his piece than he ever would've done had he just walked out to get it and gone back into bed, lol.

It was delicious watermelon, too :bal:
Oops. I forgot I put the Happy Hay order on subscription and found an email this morning concerning my receipt. No idea where I think I'm going to put this box, mind you, but needs must and all.

In unrelated news I woke up at 7:15, went to the toilet, realised I wasn't particularly well (couldn't keep my phone in my hand, couldn't stand up straight, no depth perception) and figured I'd sleep that off, because that's how it works. At 7:15am, it was 1.8.2° in my bedroom. When I woke up again 2½ hours later, I felt miles better, but also it was 16.1°. Oops on that, too. I did at least put extra beds on top of the Snugglesafes last night so it will have been warmer for them but I really hate heating this house in the winter.
There's few things cuter than Cam popping his nose and eyes out of the doorway to the beds to see if I've brought food of some description, though.
Thank you. My body just gets wildly dysfunctional at times, particularly when I'm tired (like when I woke up first this morning). It's hard to explain to people that "no, I'm too tired" doesn't mean I just feel sleepy, it means I'm a danger to myself because nothing's functioning properly. Thankfully it hasn't come up so much since the pandemic and I stopped having to go to appointments several towns and cities away, lol.
That sounds like the fatigue I get in the afternoons. I either have to go for a walk, making one foot go in front of the other, the fresh air helps. I have to go round the block a couple of times as I daren't cross a road. Or just give in and go to bed for a couple of hours. Now it's winter it tends to be more of the later!
Oh, goblins.

Everytime I think "that's it, they're not topping that ridiculousness"...they top it. Like tonight. There's Snugglesafes by the radiator, and last night I put big warm fleecy beds on the Snugglesafes to stop them sleeping out in the open. They're daft and it's not warm enough for it so, more beds.

They didn't want to shift from the beds so I could get the Snugglesafes back out - cue grumbling noises and protesting rumbles at my shifting them just so I could get the Snugglesafes out to make them warm.

And that was getting them out. It took several minutes, and even more grumbling and protesting squeals before I could get them back in and, just as I step out of the cage and sit down on my bed because that was a workout and a half, they've suddenly realised what time of the day it is and came running for their nuggets. WHY COULDN'T YOU DO THAT FIVE MINUTES AGO YOU GITS.

It's gonna be a long winter, lol.
There's nothing that says "fun" quite like trying to empty a box of hay so the new one has somewhere to go when it arrives tomorrow, but there's too much to fit into the upstairs tub, so you have to get a couple of large shopping bags to put the last bits into, then collapse the box down, sweep the floor of runaway hay, get the box to the bin, realise it won't fit, have to tear bits off it til it does, sit down on the doorstep, realise you've left your vape upstairs, get upstairs with a can of Coke and one of the carrier bags, empty half of it into the cage, realise you can see over-wet poops again (sigh. either basil or celery or both, I'm guessing), realise it's 16.6° in the room, go back downstairs to check when the heating'll be on and move the dial so it'll click on relatively fast, go back upstairs, give the goblins some packing paper and have them complain because paper is scary, leave the room, wonder why the hell you're carrying a can of Coke in your hand still, sit down, open it, have a drink, remember the other hay is still downstairs and it can wait til later, and then realise you've got a grass seed stabbing you in the foot.