The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

Must have been a hard job to de-bed them!

Honestly they've spent the last hour or so turfing each other out of bed, no input from myself required! It's a ritual after cage clean time, annoy the crap out of each other til they're knackered and can't be bothered. Meanwhile I'm still trying to work out how they got hay cookie dust on the top of the bendy log tunnels.
Lovely to see the boys. What a great set-up they have and of course a well trained slave to look after them. :D
Gosh those boys have a wonderful home - it’s amazing ! It’s lovely to see them
I think any piggy owner knows how it’s really hard to keep everything unmessy ….my pigs live downstairs but I still find hay upstairs 😂
The housing association sends someone round once a month to do building checks - make sure the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are functioning, the boilers working, there's no maintenance issues (like, say, my windows and front door and the still dodgy toilet seat, lol) and Cam spent so much time just...begging. Like mate you've had enough cucumber today to feed an army, stop pretending you never get fed XD
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The housing association sends someone round once a month to do building checks - make sure the smoke and carbon monoxide alarms are functioning, the boilers working, there's no maintenance issues (like, say, my windows and front door and the still dodgy toilet seat, lol) and Cam spent so much time just...begging. Like mate you've had enough cucumber today to feed an army, stop pretending you never get fed XD
You can see in the photo he’s wasting away 🥰
He is too hungry to move......😁

He was last seen bolting to the cage bars and doing that delightful full-body wheek he does (although not as loudly as he could, which makes a nice change) as soon as I popped my head round the door to check the room thermometer. And it's at a 19.6° - nice for them, sorry about the gas bill lol.
I must warn you, that's the sort of thing they tend not to forget :)) It's like rustling bags, the effort I had to go to so they'd stop screaming at every bag rustle...but it's okay! I can now eat crisps in bed in (relative) piece and quiet. Well, til Bann bodychecks Cam out of the way because he wants that very specific piece of parsley that Cam wasn't even eating in the first place.
How are they so clever yet so stupid at the same time? It seems like all their intelligence is channelled into hooman domination.....

I'm 100% certain they actually share a brain cell, and it's decided which pig gets it that day by something similar to a coin toss.

I'd forgotten about this one, but the cage layout is as it was in that last photo I posted, right? So they both got cucumber. Bann ran off with his towards the Snugglesafes, Cam ate his where he was, at the water bowl.
Bann eats half of his, and then comes back to beg for more. I don't have more. I know I'm still in the room but I'm trying to sort out a load of washing, you eejits, gimme a break. Nope, Bann keeps it up. But then Cam starts, independently. They're a couple of grids away from each other and I'm not convinced Cam even knew Bann was there. Bann knew Cam was, though. Eventually Cam gave up, took his cucumber portion, dumped it in the water bowl (again!) and wandered off.
Bann comes closer to me at this point because Cam's disappeared and, well, I've still got no food. Except Bann's found Cam's cucumber, sniffs it a second, then rescues it from its water bowl bath and eats it instead.
Cam's looking at me, very confused at that point. "...there was food?!"
I don't understand these two at all.

So since we've gone back to using the Snugglesafe covers, I put them both down, next to each other, in the corner of the cage and lay a piece of fleece over the top. They like that corner because it's next to the radiator and who am I to argue, right? Buuuut, it's not covered. At all.

I've tried putting the fleecy forest strands down but then they won't go into the corner at all and scuffle over the remaining Snugglesafe. But if I lift the fleecy bits up, Bann goes into the corner underneath the triangle, and Cam goes to the one next to it. Like that's their Snugglesafe patch, they doesn't squabble over it at all. Which is great, but it means I go in to go to bed at night and Cam's just lying on his Snugglesafe, nothing around him or over him, doing that thousand yard lights-on-nobody-home sleep stare. You'd think they'd prefer a bed, or at least a roof, but no. He goes out of his way to avoid those.

Also hilarious was him yawning at Bann yesterday, mid rumble, til it turned out he was rumbling, yawning and stretching at the same time. 🤨
...and again! Bann apparently couldn't work out why the perch kept wriggling and making squealy noises no matter where he tried to he leapfrogged over the wriggly squealy lump instead. 🤨 Bann does this on purpose, I'd swear it.
"Bann, stop standing on him. I know he was teeth chattering at you, he was teeth chattering at you because you were stood on him. You can work this one out yourself, you know."
I thought of Cam and Bann yesterday watching my old lady piggies. Athena was having a nice nap in the cuddle sack and Brownie couldn't get in next to her. Brownie decided that climbing on top of Athena would be fine and take her nap there. :))
We, the Goblins, are shocked and appalled. Shocked and appalled!
Dear fellow goblins and (hopefully) sane humans, the Human called us names today when talking to the...I think he said Tezz Coe? Delivery driver, whoever or whatever that is. And he called us a word that we can't actually repeat on the forum, because even though the Human can say it, we Goblins would have it get caught up in the profanity filters. We think this is rather unfair too, tbh.

When we put this to the Human, he rolled his eyes and asked us what we thought he'd do when we make him pour out the water bowls and refill them every 20 minutes or so? Don't we like having clean water to drink? Don't we want to not get ill from drinking poop water?


We think he might have a point except he's the Human, so of course he doesn't. We told him this, and he made a movement that looked kind of like this: 🤷‍♂️ and said he'd see us again in 20 minutes.
I wish I understood Cam, sometimes. He's been much quieter recently, but not subdued, it's more like he's realised he doesn't have to scream at me 24/7, I will fetch the food and water without prompting. It's taken him nearly 2 years for it but hey, we got there eventually!

...or not. Recently, at least once a day (but not all day) I have been met with the situation I had five minutes ago. Went in, said hello, had a one sided conversation with them while grabbing the hay and as I'm bent over, I look right, and Cam's in a bed (with cardboard jammed into the doorway, because that's Cam's favourite thing) and we made eye contact. Suddenly he's bounced out of the bed, because cardboard's no much for an excited goblin, and runs at me, first perching on the bendy log tunnels and then up to the bars, screaming delightedly the whole time like he's not seen the Food Bringer for a week instead of an hour.

Also, on the Human side of things, yesterday's Tesco order arrived with my Coke. I'm an addict. I used to buy the cheaper ones but then the sugar tax happened and most of them added stevia to their recipes, and my tastebuds don't like stevia. I can sort of do aspartame or acesulfame K but not all the time. So I buy the expensive stuff instead. Except yesterday's order turned up with two packs of cherry Coke and a pack of Coke which is the wrong way round. The Coke packs are bigger. I buy double of the bigger packs. But I shrugged it off because I was chatting with the delivery driver about pet rats and guinea pigs and figured well, it's still Coke, and I've still got some in the cupboard. I'll not be missing out.

Went downstairs this morning and there's a second pack of Coke beside the coffee table. I did buy two packs. 🤷‍♂️