The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

So far today we've had demonic screaming (nobody wanted to share a bed), more demonic screaming (Bann always sounds demonic, tbf), a tug of war over a pepper (there were two, but why fetch the second when Cam's eating the first right in front of you?) and finally, Bann running through the water bowl and not even batting an eyelid ( to speak).
Honestly I just went in to the bedroom with a couple of peppers and not only did they think I was trying to bribe them out of bed with non-existent food (I had to rattle the pellet tub a few times, lol) but I only have the blinds partly open and I saw what looked like a massive clump of poo in the cage. My first thought was "oh ****", but actually it turned out to be what remains of a hay cookie.

My poor nerves, lol.
Fireworks, fireworks everywhere - except I had an unintentional nap, and the goblins don't appear to have even noticed it's a "special" day. Maybe that's where I get it from? :hmm:I can't wait til they realise they're on a "no lettuce" diet. Oughta be fun, right?
It's for their own benefit, unfortunately. They keep getting dodgy bellies (well, okay, I think it might be just Cam, but there's no "feeding just one" goblin, lol) on salad foods, lettuce included. Either we go no salad or we have three days of just hay and nuggets every week and they appreciate the "dry" days about as much as you'd expect, lol. They'll get plenty of coriander, cucumber and pepper to make up for it, with some mint and parsley thrown in occasionally too.
You should expect a VERY stern letter from Miss Bramble when they notice 😁

It's for their own benefit, unfortunately.

Miss Bramble has previously sent letters to piggies who had dodgy tums and no veg who have complained to her about this. She agreed with the Slave that it was for their own good and that having a dodgy tummy could be quite painful and not very nice. It may not have been what the piggies in question wanted to hear. Miss Bramble only wants all piggies to have good experiences with their Slaves and gives out advice accordingly.
Ah, mornings. I remembered thinking to myself at about 10:30 that Cam was being very subdued, considering the time, but I needed a drink so I'd pop my head in on the way down. But never fear! The minute I left the study, the shrieks began.

(happy excited shrieks) "I know, Cam, I hear you. I'm on it."
(slightly more urgent shrieks as I take the first step on the stairs) "Cam, seriously, gimme five already."
(two steps down the stairs, and sad/dejected/defeated shrieks) " :)) ...seriously, you numpty."
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Someone shoot me. :doh:

The new Snugglesafe covers are here! The human hates how much more of a faff they are, the goblins hate them because they want their nice warm beds back. When reminded they no longer have said beds because they ate it, there's no response beyond "warm beds plz now kthnx".

Slightly bigger issue - we're going to have squabbles. The only place they'll go anywhere near them is the 2' space that aligns with the radiator. Both are now in that space. Now this is fine when they're in beds, even if we're talking beds without roofs because they're still separate beds but now that we're talking basically two discs on the ground, I can see my beauty sleep going straight down the toilet.

Seriously. Who eats their beds?!
lmao so I've been watching old Crimewatch episodes on YouTube and I'm watching a piece on a raid on a security/money delivery van, and midway through this Cam's shrieking started, and I'm like why are you yelling you've just been fed?!

It was the alarm on the van in the reconstruction. No wonder Cam was looking at me like I was an idiot.
Still watching old Crimewatch episodes (up to 1993 by now!) and I'm still having trouble filtering out Cam's shrieking from various alarm noises. Meanwhile, Bann tried to eat my thumb and got a very confused look on his face when he bit down on thumbnail. Sigh. The things I put up with for these two.
The things you do for Cam and Bann … and dedication ❤️❤️
And ….. we love hearing all about it ….the continuing adventures of Cam and Bann ( and their slave) 😂
Great news, folks! The room temp drops to 17.4° after the heating's been off for a couple of hours AND coriander is Evil Incarnate once more. On the bright side, two loads of their washing done today and a third brushed down and in the machine ready for detergent, laundry cleanser and a wash cycle tomorrow. Also I keep getting summonsed by Demonic Shrieking but every time I go in, either they're staring at me from the same bed (which would explain the screaming) or they're sulking at me from opposite ends of the cage.

"Hi! Cam, want some pepper? Here's a pepper. Does Bann want a pepper?" Bann pops his head out of the bed. "Alright, here you go." And I gently toss the pepper towards him. Bann proceeds to leave the bed, sniffing the floor for his pepper...and walk right instead of left. I swear something's wrong with his nose.

Also my Back2Nature just turned up. 🤷‍♂️ I made sure to thank the delivery driver because a) he's always been good b) he's managed to rekindle my faith in DPD and after their stunts last year, that's impressive and c) I woke up (hungover, lol) to a message from DPD saying the box was delayed for around 24 hours so I'd already hit the "redeliver on Wednesday" button still turned up.

The goblins, meanwhile, are cranky because the Snugglesafes were late, because I was next door. However, I did leave the heating on. They were not cold.
Both goblins in one bed.
Both goblins refusing to leave the bed, because then Other Goblin would have the bed.
Both pepper snacks put in front of their bed because otherwise, nobody will leave, because Other Goblin can't be allowed to have the bed.
Both try to go for the same pepper.
Both scuffle trying to snatch pepper from Other Goblin while still refusing to leave the bed for Other Goblin to steal.
Both scuffle trying to stop Other Goblin from not only stealing the pepper, but also the bed.
