The Goblin Diaries (previously Quitting Smoking)

He looks fine this morning, thankfully. They got fed early this morning because I needed to check how the temp was in the bedroom, since it's a miserable af day outside and I woke up this morning to the temp at 17.9°, and that's a wee bit on the low side. Plus I had to go to the GP for bloods this morning so I couldn't do a regular check.

But on the bright side, bloods are done, DPD actually turned up, and his eye looks fine for now. Why can't they eat soft hay like normal not-goblins?!
That’s good for Bann and you
Busy day already !
Soft hay ….. nah they know what they like 🥰
I've never met guinea pigs so weirdly fussy about their hay before. I almost wondered if I was imagining it at some point because it is that ridiculous, right? And then I gave them the samples from Happy Hay and it was confirmed - give them the meadow or crau, and they just...stare at it, sniff at it, then come back to me because that's not actually Food.
Cam has had a yucky tummy. He's been subdued (but still eating) all day but I just went to grab the Snugglesafes and he was standing in a pile of soft poop. Okay, hay only it is. Sorry Bann.

But I wanted to give his feet a wipe. And I picked him up before it occurred to me, the baby wipes are in the study.

Such a drama pig. Wiping his feet took much more effort than I'd've believed possible, nevermind necessary. Thanks, Cam.

Yes that is good - I’m sure it was lovely to have a little Cam cuddle ❤️
Come on Cam get munching more hay 🥰
He's the nippy one, lol. I've got them trying out the Science Selective grain free tonight because I discovered earlier that the bag was torn and that meant dumping the contents into available containers, which means their usuals are trapped underneath. Not a huge deal, they'll manage lol.

Better than I will, anyway. I've decided to rearrange the study tomorrow. Woe betide me.
Ah I love Cam 🥰
I use the grain free science selective
You are very keen to rearrange the study tomorrow ! Good luck 😂
They've been having the Versele for months, and before that it was the Cunipic. I liked the Cunipic, they adored it, but it's impossible to find now. And I don't want them only eating one type of pellet, the little gits are fussy enough as it is.

However, I've just taken the Snugglesafes in and Bann's picking something up from the floor of the cage to eat. It's not hay, which means it's pellets. I'm on to you, lads. 🤨
Hope that Cam is feeling better today.xx I can't imagine the complaints you are receiving from them both about the lack of veggies.x
Let's just say that rearranging the study is going to be a great idea, lol. They haven't quite worked it out yet, but they will!

Edit: and yeah, he's already out and about in the cage at the moment. Better than yesterday so far.
Oh boy, I'm in for it soon. They haven't twigged yet because they don't normally get veg until 11am anyway, but, after spending all day yesterday in bed and refusing to come out, you'll never guess who was first to the bars for the hay portion they've just been given. I swear he does this on purpose.
Glad Cam is better today ….. we look forward to hearing about the punishment they’ll give you later 😂

Oh they've already started. Just been in for the first time in a couple of hours, and I left them with newly refilled water bowls. It's a double bowl, you fill one you fill the other. So I walked into one side being nice, clean water still, two sulking goblins, and the other side of the water bowl had been pooped in, peed in, and had hay cookie dust dumped all over it. :td:

Hope Cam’s tummy is more settled today

I think so. He's much less avoidant today (unfortunately for my ears lol).
Cam has had a yucky tummy. He's been subdued (but still eating) all day but I just went to grab the Snugglesafes and he was standing in a pile of soft poop. Okay, hay only it is. Sorry Bann.

But I wanted to give his feet a wipe. And I picked him up before it occurred to me, the baby wipes are in the study.

Such a drama pig. Wiping his feet took much more effort than I'd've believed possible, nevermind necessary. Thanks, Cam.

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Cam is adorable!
Cam is looking and sounding much better this morning. I went in to check on them about 9am and stood at the door, when all of a sudden I see a little grey/pink/white face poking itself as far over the corner of the bars as possible. Just went in to change their water and he scooted out from underneath a cardboard tray, yelling to make sure I knew he was right there and that I hadn't forgotten him.

As if I could possibly forget about you, Camowen.
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They're both rather bewildered as to what's happened to their food. Still behaving themselves though (although Cam's getting progressively shoutier, but he's been much much worse before lol), and now they'll take the science selective pellets from my hand rather than just sulking and then grabbing them off the cage floor when they think I'm not paying attention. They arrived here on Oxbow pellets, so that's 4 brands I know they'll have now - Oxbow, Burgess Blackcurrant and Oregano, Versele Laga, and the SS grain free.

And in the midst of typing Cam's started screaming at me from the bedroom. :doh: Peace for a bit longer please lads, Tesco's arriving between 3 and 4pm.
It’s great to hear Cam is shouting at you ! We know he’s back to normal then !
Roll on that Tesco delivery 😂
Still waiting on DPD. If all goes well it'll be here in the next couple of hours, but it's tipping it down outside and I don't know that I trust DPD with the rain. But whatever, it's a waiting game now.

I just went in to give the goblins some hay. Cam sat in a tunnel and Bann in a bed, staring at me suspiciously. I left them the hay, went back into the study, and a few minutes later, Cam's screaming at me. Loudly. Now, Cam loves his food, but he's not known for screaming at me if he's just got hay instead. He loves his hay, so...what gives? Well I went back in, gave him a pea flake, waited for Bann to appear to get his pea flake...and realised the water bowl was dry. Don't know how I missed it first time round, but I got the bowl, rinsed it and refilled it, and they were both happily munching on hay. Cam wanted his water back. It's nice to know he'll let me know if I missed something, lol.

In other news I slightly overslept and I sat up and got my bearings for a bit...and then Bann started yelling at me because he wanted his morning hay breakfast. Bann. Bann never yells at me. He's much less obnoxious about it than Cam is :))