Stripe and Chesney

And Chez was just lost without Stripe, even though they're just bar buddies. When we came back he was just staring into Stripe's cage, he looked really worried!
Stripe is continuing to improve today, he was out and about when I brought lettuce for the boys. He only ate one leaf, though.

He had all his meds and he refused the last mL of emeraid, but I refilled his hay after that and he's been munching for a solid five minutes!

When he heard the treat bag he put his nose to the bars for a cookie.

I have to write and revise some poetry for my thesis today, but no work!

Here's Stripe munching, apologies for the bars of the cage, didn't want to startle him by opening.

Stripe sounds comfortable and is eating nice and steadily 👍 It is always heartening when the sound of the treat bag is greeted with enthusiasm. Good luck with your studies 📚
Stripe has been in his hide a little more this morning, so hopefully he's alright. He came out for some hay and water and ate a pepper slice and I saw him cleaning his anal sack for the first time in weeks. I had cleaned it at med time and there was a perfect shaped, shiny poo in it.

Chez did some zoomies and little does he know he's having a lap time tomorrow after cage cleaning. Stripe sits nice on the end of my knees but Chez won't. Any tips on how to make him more comfortable appreciated. Closer to my body? Where to place my hands?

I'm going to a Spanish opera Friday and I think it is going to be a comedy but I hope it's sad, too.
I got a little worried that Stripe wasn't interested in his hay after his meds. But then I topped it off and he started munching. Don't know what was wrong with the perfectly good hay he had, lol!

Chez gets so excited about spot cleaning. He crawls on the dust pan, gets in the way, and popcorns.

Barrett the cat is addicted to wet food. He woke me up at 4 am for a serving. He will not let it go, I've tried everything. I'm hoping to wear him off.
Stripe has been in his hide a little more this morning, so hopefully he's alright. He came out for some hay and water and ate a pepper slice and I saw him cleaning his anal sack for the first time in weeks. I had cleaned it at med time and there was a perfect shaped, shiny poo in it.

Chez did some zoomies and little does he know he's having a lap time tomorrow after cage cleaning. Stripe sits nice on the end of my knees but Chez won't. Any tips on how to make him more comfortable appreciated. Closer to my body? Where to place my hands?

I'm going to a Spanish opera Friday and I think it is going to be a comedy but I hope it's sad, too.
Sorry, that shouldn't be no, it should be:
Nice to hear that Stripe is eating and being fussy and taking care of his little bottom! Truffle stands on the sweeping pan too, perhaps he thinks I am stealing his hay. He looks very wistful when I gather it up and take it away. It might be full of his scent as well, and nice and familiar. "Oh, I peed all over that, and now you're taking it away!" 😄
Stripe hasn't regained his appetite for veggies yet, but I brought home some wheatgrass today and he gulped it down! He is still getting emeraid twice daily. He has taken to two other spots in the cage that aren't in the hide.

Chez is feeling a little left out with all the attention on Stripe. So he just had a cage cleaning and did some popcorning and burrowing.

I was thinking of starting to stroke him when he's in the cage. Does anyone do that? Or does it scare them? I did it to Stripe last night, but a minute later he walked away.

Chez is now doing some clean cage zooming. Here he is with his pellets.

Stripe is very beautiful with his strong colours! My piggies are very skittish, but sometimes they allow me to stroke the crown of their heads. They like to sniff and nibble on my hands and Polo likes it when I hold his Romaine leaf for him, although if it is bell pepper, he runs off with it in his mouth, usually disappearing into his hide to munch away 🥬🫑