Stripe and Chesney

Cage cleaning done, meds taken.

The antibiotics haven't kicked in yet, he's still hobbling around and squeaking in pain. But it was so good to see him play with his new toy today. It's a little wooden flower pot with a spongey part. He tossed it around and chewed a little.

I'm a religious person, so praying for his recovery.

Had ANOTHER dream about the boys. I thought my cat had gotten into their room, but when I opened the door a bunch of happy dogs came out wagging their tails.
I hope he feels more comfortable soon. It's nice that he has a great toy to distract himself with.
Went to bring lettuce and found Stripe cozy in the hay. Chez didn't like the red leaf lettuce, but ate it when he found out there was not an alternative.

Stripe seems to have developed some lameness in his right back leg. Just hoping the antibiotics work.

Stripe is on cage rest and the boys are officially separated as per the emergency vet.

Stripe ate his coriander and biscuit just now but he didn't get up to do it. The hay closest to him was eaten.

Hoping he'll take his antibiotics without making me take him out of the cage. Poop normal.

Chez is adjusting, he popcorned twice but he didn't want me to leave the room.

I wasted a metacam syringe, missed his mouth, but ordered in a refill till his recheck.

Emergency vet said maybe he'll be on long term metacam whatever is wrong with him. We don't really know if it is from the ear infection or something else. I just want him to be happy.
Thinking of you and the like ones. I hope things get better!
Hopefully the metacam will ease his pain if he has any. It is really sad that the vet studies for guinea pigs are not on the level of those for dogs and cats, though there is a lot improvement.
I hope Stripe is on the mend soon & his medication helps.

Our Hamish (RB)had a painful pelvis & pain along his right side near his hind leg. He was on daily Metacam for the rest of his life.

After Hamish’s friend Hector passed, we tried to bond him with another piggy- but, Billy(RB) was a bit humptastic and the boys ended up as neighbours. This arrangement was much better for Hamish- as it meant a lot less pressure on his back.
Stripe was in his snuggle sack this morning so all I had to do was lift him out of the cage and give him his meds!

But I worry with him spending so much time in there about urine scald. Would a baby wipe on his legs and feet help clean him off?

I know he did leave his sack for pellets in the night.

He was reaching for some lettuce and whimpered in pain. Just praying his walking gets better.

Chez is adjusting to being alone in his cage.

Long work day, so can't check on the boys 😥.
I’d change the snuggle sack more than you would normally. Also keep a close eye on his feet and bottom for urine scale. I wouldn’t clean him if he’s not wet/dirty. I hope he’s feeling better soon with the medication.
Poor boy, yes, keeping him dry is important. Perhaps some vet bed would help. It's a tricky question. Sending vibes for comfort and hope!
Gotta clean Chez's cage this morning.

Stripe was in his snuggle sack when I came to give him his meds. He wouldn't open his mouth but finally I found the right spot. Meds taken, bottom cleaned. He gets little poops stuck in his bottom. He hates being cleaned, he squeaks.

Then when I came back in the room, he was in his hide. So at least he can walk across the cage.

Long shift tonight.
No change in Stripe today :(and I'm going to offer him some emerald on a spoon when I get back from the grocery store.

I have to work on my thesis today but will be home. Just praying he gets better on the baytril and doxycycline. Keeping him clean.

Chez performed some zoomies and I had thought he'd bite at the cage bars when I separated the boys, but I'm happy to say he doesn't.

I hope he's not lonely all by himself, Stripe is nextdoor but stays in his hide.
Hoping that the Emeraid will make a difference (spell checker keeps changing it to emerald) I think he will be glad to have you nearby. Chez sounds healthy, although a little mischievous, but not too bad. Sometimes they know they need too need good.
Just got 6 mL of emeraid in and he seemed to like it, but he refused the last bit. It motivated him to eat a little hay as well. Then he walked from his snuggle sack to his hide and he didn't drag his back legs or whimper. Hoping this is a good sign.
Maybe try a small dish of the Emeraid in the cage so he can eat it for himself.
Micah was a banana addict and a bit of mashed banana in the Critical Care went down well.
A shall dish of grated carrot or sweet potato with some raw oats mixed in may also help.