Day 66!
Did I say I was celebrating at Day 75 or Day 100? I'm too lazy to look back and check. I'm feeling mostly better. Still a bit vertigo-y, sinuses aren't great, and I thought having a bottle of cider was a great idea but apparently the rest of me doesn't agree, and my intestines are ranting again. But cleaning the boys out last night, finally, has helped. They weren't stuck on dirty bedding or anything, I was cycling it through as much as I could, but still.
Cider was good though too! I'm mostly buying the half litre glass bottles to see what I like and don't, because it's been a while. So far I've had two excellent bottles, a couple of good ones, and so on. I'd gone off the taste of alcohol for a while and it wasn't til I had one of the excellent bottles I remembered what I liked about cider so much.