Pigging Out

Bonding so far is doing good. Bryce only lunge on Bodie/Harris once but he ran away after that. He only thought Bodie is in fight mode. It's more of just them sorting hierarchy and not trying to kill each other. Bodie is so food motivated and stops every now and then to eat hahhaa. Bryce can't eat so he's the one that's more focused on Bodie. But just the usual chatter is what they are doing. No fighting. Whitney had tried to kill Bryce in the past a few times when we had to rebond them after falling out. But nothing like that that we can see today. They are both have free runs of the living room now and still calm with the occasional chatter and rumble strutting. I'm not worried of them killing each other that I can leave them alone to their own devices and not hover around. Both asleep now in separate boxes probably tired. 😂
I just finished cleaning their main cage. Bodie is like a nutter running around the whole living room. 😂 And because there are so many boxes around, every 10mins he changes boxes to snooze in. 😂 Hubby said we need a tracker for him coz he keeps on disappearing from where we last saw him. 🤣🤣

Bryce is okay and tolerates him. He is just grumpy for now because he can't eat yet on his own. Simon has filed his teeth much shorter to make it last because they are going on holiday end of the month and then when they get back, hubby and I are on our own holiday. Our boarder would have to take Bryce in that time. But Bryce sometimes follows him around and they can sit and chatter next to each other as long as Bodie follows Bryce's rules. 😂

They seem to be getting on better today. Bodie still sometimes tests Bryce's limits, but they are just mostly chitchating with each other. No fighting and they do follow each other now. Loads of popcorning too. Whenever Bodie sees us picking up Bryce for syringe feeding, he would look at us and sometimes seems like waiting for him to be put back to the floor. 😁 Bodie already knows whenever we go to the kitchen and would expect something. 😂😂 And he also eats from hubby's hand. He snatched the parsley from him so quick. 🤣
Bodie demolishing the grass. Bryce is still trying to eat by himself. So he's missing out on some food because Bodie is like a hoover. 😂 They are both not very keen on watermelon so have to stop giving it for now. Bodie goes crazy for parsley and likes me hand feeding him plum tomatoes. He hasn't eaten any of the pellets that @Wheekallweek gave us, or any other pellets we have but he constantly is eating hay.

Glad he’s settled in so well. Hopefully Bryce will soon be back to munching again.
He is starting to eat some today. He ate some pellets, cucumber and honeydew by himself. Still not enough to stop the syringe feeding though. He won't eat hay which he needs, but it's usually the last thing that he will eat after he gains confidence back in eating again.
So since we started bonding Bryce and Bodie, they are free running in the living room 24hrs. This is so they have a big area to run to in case they aren't accepting each other yet. Tonight, I decided to close the main cage, which is just normal at night time. This is how Bodie is reacting. I'll see if he calms down. If not and he starts annoying Bryce, I might open the cage again for a couple of days. 🙄🤦‍♀️
