Minnou’s piggies

Dear Gaia,
if you are ever in need of advice how to nip your slave and look completely innocent at the same time, don't hesitate to contact us at GPFANS.
We do training courses and 1 to 1 coachings.
Wheeks Tessy
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Dear Tessy,

Why would I want to look innocent when I nip the Slave? She shouldn't be so careless as to leave her hand near my mouth!

Wheeking back!

Gaia x
Dear Tessy,

Why would I want to look innocent when I nip the Slave? She shouldn't be so careless as to leave her hand near my mouth!

Wheeking back!

Gaia x
Dear Gaia,
it's always a good move to look innocent when nipping or doing anything mischievous. This way when your slave goes on about things you have been up to, all the other slaves won't believe her because you're always looking so innocent. You get away with a lot more when you look really cute and innocent.
Wheeks Tessy
Dear Gaia,
it's always a good move to look innocent when nipping or doing anything mischievous. This way when your slave goes on about things you have been up to, all the other slaves won't believe her because you're always looking so innocent. You get away with a lot more when you look really cute and innocent.
Wheeks Tessy
Dear Tessy,

Other slaves? Do the rest of you keep more than one of these things around!? :yikes: I get away with plenty of things as my Slave dare not reprimand me. Why, yesterday I began chewing on a table leg whilst staring her directly in the eye the entire time, to show her who is boss around here. I could tell she didn't approve but I never received any form of discipline. She did insult me earlier though... I was having a nice nap by the water bottle and I could hear her muttering on about me 'getting wet' and 'being as dense as an open brick.' How very dare she! I'm going to either nip her or pee on her.

Your slightly peeved friend,

Dear Tessy,

Other slaves? Do the rest of you keep more than one of these things around!? :yikes: I get away with plenty of things as my Slave dare not reprimand me. Why, yesterday I began chewing on a table leg whilst staring her directly in the eye the entire time, to show her who is boss around here. I could tell she didn't approve but I never received any form of discipline. She did insult me earlier though... I was having a nice nap by the water bottle and I could hear her muttering on about me 'getting wet' and 'being as dense as an open brick.' How very dare she! I'm going to either nip her or pee on her.

Your slightly peeved friend,

Dear Gaia,
it's always fun to show the slave who's the boss. Kylie went through her chewing phase as well. So did I when I was much younger.
But a self respecting guinea pig doesn't have to do these things any more.

Maybe your slave could get you some nice things made out of wicker or a carrot cottage to play with. That tastes much better than table legs.
Or if your slave gets really desperate about the furniture, she might protect it with cardboard. That's fun as well.

It's good that you plan to pee on or nip your slave if she really wants to decide where you should sleep or not. How dare she!

Wheeks Tessy
Dear Gaia,
it's always fun to show the slave who's the boss. Kylie went through her chewing phase as well. So did I when I was much younger.
But a self respecting guinea pig doesn't have to do these things any more.

Maybe your slave could get you some nice things made out of wicker or a carrot cottage to play with. That tastes much better than table legs.
Or if your slave gets really desperate about the furniture, she might protect it with cardboard. That's fun as well.

It's good that you plan to pee on or nip your slave if she really wants to decide where you should sleep or not. How dare she!

Wheeks Tessy
Dear Tessy,

Oh our slave bought us some things to chew on and presumably play with as well. We ignore those. It's just not as fun as mauling the things we know we aren't supposed to! The Slave makes us little dens out of cardboard boxes and I have only just decided to nibble on those a little bit. I may yet develop a taste for cardboard, who knows.

The Slave says I must be a massive inconvenience to Minerva as I'm always napping in places that prevent her from going about her business. Being able to leave a den is one example she uses; if the den only has one entry/exit point and I choose to sleep there (and I often do) then Minerva can't get out without waking me and I always scold her if she does that. It's all Minerva's fault, you see.


Minerva: *putting on her best rumblestrut, butt swaying performance in front of Gaia*

Gaia: *gobbling grass Sesame Street's Cookie Monster-style, completely ignoring Minerva*

Bad timing, Minerva. Gaia does not care. xD
I said I would put Gaia in the sink for a photo session and here we are:


Her fur grows lovely on one side and has a weird kink in it on the other side so one side always looks elegant and the other makes her look like a right scruffbag. XD

And she ALWAYS stands/lays with her 'bad side' facing you, usually with a fierce look on her face.
Me: *doing a bit of spot cleaning in casa de Gaia & Minerva*

Gaia: *waddles over to check the dustpan and slams a hefty paw down on it, flipping the dustpan up sending its contents flying, covering herself in poop and damp hay*

Gaia: "............... I meant to do that......." *casually starts chewing on the brush bristles*

Me: :))

Dear Gaia,
We are disappointed, nay appalled that your slave said your delicate, petite, ladylike and perfectly beautiful paw is "hefty".
We have seen your pigtures and been reading about you and consider that the very idea of any of your actions being anything less than graceful and very charming is obviously a hideously misperceived notion on the part of your slave.
Unfortunately Miss Bramble is on one of her well deserved holidays at the moment so we advise that you make a list, we're certain that you will have several incidents to report, and send it to Miss Bramble upon her much anticipated return.
Yours in sympathy and with kisses,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris.
Rumble, rumble, rumble
Dear Gaia,
We are disappointed, nay appalled that your slave said your delicate, petite, ladylike and perfectly beautiful paw is "hefty".
We have seen your pigtures and been reading about you and consider that the very idea of any of your actions being anything less than graceful and very charming is obviously a hideously misperceived notion on the part of your slave.
Unfortunately Miss Bramble is on one of her well deserved holidays at the moment so we advise that you make a list, we're certain that you will have several incidents to report, and send it to Miss Bramble upon her much anticipated return.
Yours in sympathy and with kisses,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris.
Rumble, rumble, rumble

Dear Sir George and Master Boris,

I am far more put out about my Slave laughing at me! I am loathe to admit my paws do look quite large (despite black supposedly being slimming) and they are quite hairy and I promise they do also pack a punch! I don't know my own strength half the time. I am quite thankful for my large paws as they seem to assist me when I stand on my hind legs and I do that very gracefully without losing my balance. The Slave thinks I'm 'begging' when I do this but really I'm just trying to beat Minerva to the grass. Minerva is rubbish at the 'begging' pose and can't seem to stand on her hind legs unaided so I am at an advantage.

I forgot Miss Bramble is on holiday.... I'll have to keep a diary of my Slave's misdemeanours and then organise a posse.

Yours with returned kisses,

Upset Minerva today because I caught a glimpse of one of her back paw pads and thought there was something wrong with it so I was handling her in ways she wasn't used to, trying to get a better look and it turned out to be nothing (I think).

And then I gave her some carrot as a reward/apology but Gaia stole it from her because she can't wait 3 seconds. :roll:
Call me cruel or weird but I have one simple request of the girls before they get food/snacks and that is they come to me for a little kiss on their furry nose before they get anything. I thought it would make them less nervous of people hovering over them and gawping at them.

Now, Minerva has always been pretty chill about being smooched but Gaia can be stubbornly defiant on the matter.

But the rule is no food until each has had a kiss.

So! Breakfast time usually goes;

Minerva: *runs over and gets her kiss and waits expectantly*

Gaia: *backs off to the far side of the cage* "What do you think you're doing, Slave? You're not to touch me! I'll not have your drool on my head!"

Minerva: *getting increasingly agitated* "foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!foodnow!"

Me: *as sweetly as possible* "Gaia~! Just come here, you're being silly"

Gaia: "NO!"

Minerva: *starts climbing the walls and having a meltdown*

Gaia: *huffs* "I really do want that grass though..." *grudgingly trudges over and receives a smooch*

Then I place a huge pile of grass in their cage and they both leap on it like lionesses on an antelope and gorge themselves until they're so stuffed, they need to take a 3hr nap.

It's hard work being a guinea pig.
Me: *carries the piggies through the kitchen to a different room for floor time today*

Minerva: *heads to the kitchen doorway and just stands there* "It's no good, Gaia! I know the way home but the floor is lava!"
I was a bit late with the grass today...

Gaia was aggressively mauling the bars of the cage and trying to pull the door open (it opens outwards so she was getting nowhere). Neither of them have given the bars even the tiniest of nibbles in the 3 months I've had them so Gaia must have been furious and desperate. :xd:
Dear Gaia

I understand that your Slave was late with the grass today dear oh dear this just will not do! I'm pleased that you let your Slave know that this is unacceptable behaviour by "aggressively mauling the bars of the cage". You are clearly beginning to train your Slave. Keep it up!

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

I understand that your Slave was late with the grass today dear oh dear this just will not do! I'm pleased that you let your Slave know that this is unacceptable behaviour by "aggressively mauling the bars of the cage". You are clearly beginning to train your Slave. Keep it up!

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank heavens you're back! I've missed having backup; Minerva is far too easy-going and doesn't get angry like a proper pig should when their Slave misbehaves. My Slave's behaviour has been appalling whilst you have been gone; there has been the hair-trimming, nail-trimming, referring to my paws as 'hefty,' laughing at me, being late with food, signing me up to clubs without my permission, letting me roam free in rooms I do not like, leaving kisses on my nose! *shudders* It's been awful.

Your disgruntled disciple,

Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank heavens you're back! I've missed having backup; Minerva is far too easy-going and doesn't get angry like a proper pig should when their Slave misbehaves. My Slave's behaviour has been appalling whilst you have been gone; there has been the hair-trimming, nail-trimming, referring to my paws as 'hefty,' laughing at me, being late with food, signing me up to clubs without my permission, letting me roam free in rooms I do not like, leaving kisses on my nose! *shudders* It's been awful.

Your disgruntled disciple,


Gaia: 'This too, Miss Bramble! The sink was cold and I didn't like it!'

Dear Gaia

Oh dear well you definitely need my help and there I was thinking your Slave training was going so well......

Next time your Slave puts you in the sink for Pigtures insist that she puts a nice towel or fleece in there first to keep you warm. To do this you must wriggle as much as you can and then your Slave will realise that you are unhappy with going in the sink as you find it cold.

I had my hair trimmed when Aunty Gemma came to stay and it felt much better afterwards and my morning groom hardly hurts at all. Aunty Lilli cut my nails while I was on holiday. Unfortunately, these are necessary to keep us looking our best even though we don't like them. Sometimes we just have to put up with this things.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

Oh dear well you definitely need my help and there I was thinking your Slave training was going so well......

Next time your Slave puts you in the sink for Pigtures insist that she puts a nice towel or fleece in there first to keep you warm. To do this you must wriggle as much as you can and then your Slave will realise that you are unhappy with going in the sink as you find it cold.

I had my hair trimmed when Aunty Gemma came to stay and it felt much better afterwards and my morning groom hardly hurts at all. Aunty Lilli cut my nails while I was on holiday. Unfortunately, these are necessary to keep us looking our best even though we don't like them. Sometimes we just have to put up with this things.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

I always wriggle and pull on the Slave's clothes with my teeth whenever she picks me up, no matter the reason. I like being difficult but I suppose if I do this over every little thing, the Slave may not understand what I am complaining about. I may have to tone it down a little...

I also give my Slave a good shove whenever I take a stroll and she decides to sit in my way.

I simply do not like having my nails trimmed even though I recognise the need to have them shortened. And the Slave gives terrible haircuts...

Your friend,
