Dear Gaia
What a bad day you've had. It is clearly your Slave's fault that she didn't put a pee pad down in the correct place for you to have your little tinkle on. What sort of Slave is she? Not anticipating your every need. And to complain that you are wet underneath and then tell you that you stink (how very rude) and THEN give you a bath
the very cheek of her! I would not stand for this behaviour from your Slave at all. I think you coped with your traumatic treatment very well by weeing everywhere you could. You are to be commended on your swift action. I agree that there must be something wrong with your model of Slave by her wanting to wash you in Sham's poo (who is Sham? What sort of creature is a Sham? Do we know? Do we want to find out?). I really hope that Sham's poo was safe to be bathed in.
Now how to deal with a frisky Minerva? If she is having her Season she is bound to be a bit out of sorts so you just have to be a bit patient with her. You told her off which is good as she was annoying you. Every girly pig has different reactions to being in Season some are nice and placid and others are a nightmare. You just have to put up with Minerva being a bit annoying for a few days. Remember, she has to be patient and kind when you are in Season.
As for revenge, the GPU don't advise on revenge, they advise on ways of dealing with unruly Slaves and I feel that by weeing on your Slave that told your Slave you weren't happy. Hopefully there won't be a repeat case of bathing.
Yours not happy about the way your Slave has treated you
Miss Bramble
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