Minnou’s piggies

Dear Bouncy Gaia

I love bouncing too. I don't popcorn I bounce. It's like Boing! Boiiing! Boiiiiing! It's great fun. I'm so pleased that you and Minerva are getting along better now and that my advice to you both is working.

We have never tried watermelon as our Slave doesn't like it but we do love a bit of Galia or Cataloupe melon rind. You should try it sometime. We also love a bit of narna skin. My Slave has a narna every day but we don't get the skin every day. Also Misty and I have decided we like blueberries too. We don't get fruit all the time as Slave says it's bad for us so we get it occasionally.

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Bouncy Gaia

I love bouncing too. I don't popcorn I bounce. It's like Boing! Boiiing! Boiiiiing! It's great fun. I'm so pleased that you and Minerva are getting along better now and that my advice to you both is working.

We have never tried watermelon as our Slave doesn't like it but we do love a bit of Galia or Cataloupe melon rind. You should try it sometime. We also love a bit of narna skin. My Slave has a narna every day but we don't get the skin every day. Also Misty and I have decided we like blueberries too. We don't get fruit all the time as Slave says it's bad for us so we get it occasionally.

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank-you for your food reccommendations; I shall try to convey our wishes to the Slave but she is rather dumb and far from fluent in in our language (her attempts at wheeking aren't bad though...). Our Slave has given us narna and narna skin to try. We didn't like the skin and demanded something else.

I just remembered! Miss Bramble, does your Slave ever play silly games with you to try and amuse you? Ours likes to play 'peek-a-boo' with us for some reason... We know she's there and she never manages to catch us by surprise so I'm not sure why she does it. Also, the Slave decided to get some small paper bags and hide some nibbles inside them. We knew there were goodies inside but made no attempt to rip open the bags; we're not savages! So we looked at the bags and then to the Slave and back and forth until she got the message and opened them for us. Tsk!

Your friend,

Ooh another bouncer? Cam bounces. Into bed, out of bed, onto food, into the water bowl (except I think that was an accident, lol), seeing the human, enthusiastically greeting the human...

So we looked at the bags and then to the Slave and back and forth until she got the message and opened them for us.

The goblins would like to pass along a message - a cardboard tray filled with goodies and topped with hay is a very entertaining way to eat food. I mean, sometimes they'll just tip it over and onto their heads, but you win some you lose some lol.
Ooh another bouncer? Cam bounces. Into bed, out of bed, onto food, into the water bowl (except I think that was an accident, lol), seeing the human, enthusiastically greeting the human...

The goblins would like to pass along a message - a cardboard tray filled with goodies and topped with hay is a very entertaining way to eat food. I mean, sometimes they'll just tip it over and onto their heads, but you win some you lose some lol.
I think we are all underestimating Gaia and Minerva's capacity to be spoiled and lazy; if it isn't served up to them on a solid gold plate they can't (or won't) see it and they aren't going to bother looking for it either. I've tried. They're both so ridiculously bad at foraging that they trip over their food and still have no idea that it's there. They'd never make it in the wild. :xd:
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank-you for your food reccommendations; I shall try to convey our wishes to the Slave but she is rather dumb and far from fluent in in our language (her attempts at wheeking aren't bad though...). Our Slave has given us narna and narna skin to try. We didn't like the skin and demanded something else.

I just remembered! Miss Bramble, does your Slave ever play silly games with you to try and amuse you? Ours likes to play 'peek-a-boo' with us for some reason... We know she's there and she never manages to catch us by surprise so I'm not sure why she does it. Also, the Slave decided toea get some small paper bags and hide some nibbles inside them. We knew there were goodies inside but made no attempt to rip open the bags; we're not savages! So we looked at the bags and then to the Slave and back and forth until she got the message and opened them for us. Tsk!

Your friend,

Dear Gaia

How come you don't like narna skin?!? Misty and I love it! Send it down here for us!

Our Slave is very boring and never plays silly games with us. However, we do love nibbles and hay in a paper bag. Our Slave doesn't seal the bag so we can just go in and help ourselves. I'm glad you have your Slave trained now and she saw the error of her ways and opened the bags for you. Keep going with your Slave training you and Minerva and doing very well.

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

How come you don't like narna skin?!? Misty and I love it! Send it down here for us!

Our Slave is very boring and never plays silly games with us. However, we do love nibbles and hay in a paper bag. Our Slave doesn't seal the bag so we can just go in and help ourselves. I'm glad you have your Slave trained now and she saw the error of her ways and opened the bags for you. Keep going with your Slave training you and Minerva and doing very well.

Your friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Miss Bramble,

Narna skin must be an aquired taste? Or perhaps the Slave is right and we are both fussy eaters. I wonder if the Slave thought we would just tear up the paper bags like a pair of wild dogs because she has caught us both ripping and pulling the wallpaper off the walls on multiple occasions now. Not sorry to have disappointed her!

Your friend

Your girls sound like fun. My boys managed to get 2 breakfasts this morning. They told my partner I hadn't fed them, he says they were so insistent with their shouting and bar biting that I'd forgotten he believed them. Fool!
Mine have been at their hay, gobbled their pellets, demolished a large pile of fresh grass, sad-eyed their way to a bowl of forage and a piece of apple each and now they're climbing the walls and complaining that they're weak from hunger at the same time...
I am a bad slave. 😭

Tested the piggie's courage, independence and intelligence today and separated them, carrying Minerva into a different room - the hallway, more or less just round the corner of the room they reside in, and letting her roam in there by herself to see what she would do.

Minerva's response was to sit and wheek her head off in the middle of the hall whilst Gaia ran around in the other room also wheeking her head off.

Ended up carrying Gaia to Minerva - which settled them both - but neither felt like exploring the new territory so I ended up kneeling and scooping Gaia back up into my arms and Minerva pretty much just ran up the length of my body because she didn't want to get left on her own again.

So co-dependent it's troubling. :no:
We long ago discovered that the doorway to the kitchen most definitely has an invisible force field that only works on guinea pigs.
I've noticed that too. When they're free-roaming they both slowly creep to the doorway to the kitchen, as though they're fearful of stepping on a landmine and when they finally get there, they both panic and flee in the opposite direction faster than you can say 'boo!' :xd:
I've been ill for over a week now, with the most irritating and wildly productive cough I've ever had in my life. My back, chest and throat aches from all the coughing.

But my two little troopers are soldiering on! They've gotten used to the noise and being on the bouncy castle that is my chest whenever a coughing fit starts.

Gaia: "I object to that; I don't like being catapulted into the air"
Minerva: "I just lie flat and hold on for dear life..."
The slaves I think you may be referring to now have an authorised thread, where even Dignified Sir George has felt able to show off the extent of his boarliness without any repercussions. 🍑😁🥳
The slaves I think you may be referring to now have an authorised thread, where even Dignified Sir George has felt able to show off the extent of his boarliness without any repercussions. 🍑😁🥳
What thread would that be?

Clearly I have been a slightly ok Slave this week otherwise my name would be thrown in there by Gaia... the little tattletale...
I've been ill for over a week now, with the most irritating and wildly productive cough I've ever had in my life. My back, chest and throat aches from all the coughing.

But my two little troopers are soldiering on! They've gotten used to the noise and being on the bouncy castle that is my chest whenever a coughing fit starts.

Gaia: "I object to that; I don't like being catapulted into the air"
Minerva: "I just lie flat and hold on for dear life..."
Sounds nasty.
Hope you recover soon.
I seem to remember that just recently @Betsy had a very nasty cough and was recommended rubbing Vicks on her feet at bedtime and going to bed wearing socks.
Apparently it works.
Sounds nasty.
Hope you recover soon.
I seem to remember that just recently @Betsy had a very nasty cough and was recommended rubbing Vicks on her feet at bedtime and going to bed wearing socks.
Apparently it works.
I loathe Vicks and Olbas oil and the like. The two things that keep me awake on a night are noise and smells. :xd:

I can sleep with the lights on and on pretty much any kind of surface.
Boars Galore 🍒

Ahem. Don't let the girls know.
I've seen the thread and am not going to tell them :shh:

Turns out the best place to get photos is in the sink! They can't move far and I get the best light suited to my sucky phone camera.

Don't worry; she didn't get wet. That plug chain got nommed though.

Just need to shove Gaia in there one day. xD
I've been ill for over a week now, with the most irritating and wildly productive cough I've ever had in my life. My back, chest and throat aches from all the coughing.

But my two little troopers are soldiering on! They've gotten used to the noise and being on the bouncy castle that is my chest whenever a coughing fit starts.

Gaia: "I object to that; I don't like being catapulted into the air"
Minerva: "I just lie flat and hold on for dear life..."
I hope you feel better soon. ❤️