Minnou’s piggies

The girls and I have developed a new game called 'Debris'

You simply chuck all of your guinea-pig's things (boxes, tunnels, blankies, toys etc) into a massive pile comparable to the aftermath of an air raid strike and they run and scramble their way through it like the extras in a WWII film.

Minerva flips things over (she's the muscle) and saves everyone (or just makes a bigger mess). A Hero!
Gaia was in a good mood this morning. That's a rarity. :roll:

She was just rolling out of bed when I went to open the curtains. Then she put on a fantastic popcorn display; it was like watching a hair piece riding a bouncing ball.

She was probably in high spirits because she knew a bounty of grass was due shortly but I like to imagine it was because she was happy to see me....... 🥺
Let the girls out for their daily floor time, went upstairs for something and when I came back down, the pair of them were in the KITCHEN! 😱

They got past the invisible force field! 😱

That's it, no one can stop them now, they're both too powerful! :eek::help:
Maybe they were going to use their new found powers to open the fridge door.

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Whose God-like being is that? :yikes:

Even if my two knew where the fridge was, what it was, what was in it, that they'd have to open the door and how to open the door, it's a fridge-freezer and the fridge part is a good 1m above their heads so that's their plans scuppered. :xd:

I had left some grass on top of the counter, perhaps the smell was luring them to the kitchen? All about filling their bellies, those two. :roll:
Even if my two knew where the fridge was, what it was, what was in it, that they'd have to open the door and how to open the door, it's a fridge-freezer and the fridge part is a good 1m above their heads so that's their plans scuppered. :xd:
You could always attach a piece of rope to the door so they could open it, climb up the road and dive into the salad drawer!
Sadly for Gaia and Minerva, their newly found powers did not make them immune to being picked up and cuddled by a human. :))

Also didn't help them escape a nail trim.

Gaia does nothing but kick up a fuss and she spent the entire time trying to scramble into my arms and up my chest thinking 'mommy' would save/protect her. It's the only time she's 'cuddly.'

Gaia for 15 minutes: "Hold me, Slave!" ;___;
Gaia for the other 23 hrs 45 minutes of the day: "I will bite your face off" >:c
I don't get why these two find the dustpan and brush so exciting.

Every time I try to clean up after them you can guarantee Minerva will either be IN the dustpan or on top of her soapbox pointing to where I've missed a bit whilst Gaia is busy bouncing around in front of the dustpan. I can no longer tell if she's just popcorning, or, squaring off at the thing and performing some sort of tribal war dance.
Dear Gaia

I'm sure your Slave was only giving you a cuddle. Cuddles are nice. I love a cuddle. I have one every morning after my grooming session then I get rewarded for being a good girl with a bit of yummy coriander.

Your helpful friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
I just accidentally kicked poor Gaia. 😭

They were having floor time in the back room/dining room and I went into the garden to bring the washing in and pick some grass and when I entered the kitchen my attention was to the left, where the back room is, as I heard the scuttling of guinea pig feet and thought 'oho... so you've both snuck in here and now that you've been rumbled, you're both fleeing the scene' :sly:

.... Only for Gaia to come dashing by from the right of me and my foot connected with her as she was fleeing. 😭
Dear Gaia

I'm sure your Slave was only giving you a cuddle. Cuddles are nice. I love a cuddle. I have one every morning after my grooming session then I get rewarded for being a good girl with a bit of yummy coriander.

Your helpful friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

No cuddling this time; she was trying to murder me... with her feet!

Your professional victim,

The good news is Gaia seems to be fine; I was just walking in slowly anyway so there was no power behind the 'kick' and she was straight back to gobbling grass and hay diving.

The bad news is I'm never getting off her ominous 'List' of things and people she does not like. 😭
Dear Gaia

That is different then. I'm so pleased you're OK. How simple minded is she anyway? She knew you were having floor time so why didn't she check the floor properly before kicking you out of the way? You were only coming up to see her and let her know how much you had missed her while she had been in The Strange Land of The Garden. This is no way to treat your devotion to her. How would your Slave like it if a giant kicked her out of the way? That's right, she wouldn't!

Your Slave has just reported you seem to be fine which is good. She may well take you to see the Nasty Vet Man if she is worried about you. I really hope you don't have to have that unwelcome visit but it may be for the best as the Nasty Vet Man will check you over and make sure you aren't damaged in any way.

Next time your Slave visits The Strange Land of Garden and arrives back inside, ignore her completely and don't go to see her. I suggest hiding in a safe place well away from her feet. Hide so well that she has to find you and don't come out when she calls you. Wait for her to start panicking and getting desperate and she will put some treats out to tempt you. Then you can come out and look at her nonchalantly and scoff away to your heart's content.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia

That is different then. I'm so pleased you're OK. How simple minded is she anyway? She knew you were having floor time so why didn't she check the floor properly before kicking you out of the way? You were only coming up to see her and let her know how much you had missed her while she had been in The Strange Land of The Garden. This is no way to treat your devotion to her. How would your Slave like it if a giant kicked her out of the way? That's right, she wouldn't!

Your Slave has just reported you seem to be fine which is good. She may well take you to see the Nasty Vet Man if she is worried about you. I really hope you don't have to have that unwelcome visit but it may be for the best as the Nasty Vet Man will check you over and make sure you aren't damaged in any way.

Next time your Slave visits The Strange Land of Garden and arrives back inside, ignore her completely and don't go to see her. I suggest hiding in a safe place well away from her feet. Hide so well that she has to find you and don't come out when she calls you. Wait for her to start panicking and getting desperate and she will put some treats out to tempt you. Then you can come out and look at her nonchalantly and scoff away to your heart's content.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

Thank you for your concern but I am one tough cookie and my fabulous bouffant fur deflected most of the attack; I barely felt a thing besides annoyance. As stupid as this Slave is, I don't think she would ever believe me to be devoted to her or that I was going to see her... I've made it quite clear to her that if I go to her, it's because I expect there will be snacks, not because I desire her company nor am I 'happy' to see her. I've already made sure to pee somewhere inappropriate and bite her clothing as the first stages of punishment for failing to notice me.

...... I don't like the sound of this 'Nasty Vet Man' so I shan't be going, even if the Slave insists! I can run very fast when I want to.

I like that idea, Miss Bramble. I shall hide myself very well and also train myself to creep about the house even quicker and more silently, then perhaps I will find more opportunities to steal treats away from Slave and damage more of her belongings without getting caught. What fun I will have!

Your optimistic friend,

I am starting to think Gaia may need a name change....
Medusa maybe? 🤔

Or Ares, perhaps. The Greek God of War.

She had another face off with the dustpan this morning and won.

Of course, the dustpan can't actually compete in a dance-off with her so it's entirely unfair but Gaia doesn't sympathise. :roll:
Had visitors yesterday and one of them has, not sure what to call it? It's some sort of impulsive behaviour where she just has to vigorously rub her hands together all the time and she does it for no reason and I'm not even sure she's aware she's doing it half the time.

Anyway, I thought that her doing it in front of the girls, both the sight and sound of it, as it's something they're not used to would scare them.

But no, there's Gaia popcorning so hard it was like she was at a rave. :crazy:

I'm buying her some glowsticks.
I don't know, I think it's a plant stem but not sure what. Could it be nettle?

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Actually I have no idea except I once had Comet & Blitzen having a tug-of-war over a near identical piece of hay, and I never knew what was so interesting about it then either lol.
Actually I have no idea except I once had Comet & Blitzen having a tug-of-war over a near identical piece of hay, and I never knew what was so interesting about it then either lol.

I've seen a few of them over the past few months because I wasn't sure what they were, if they were harmful or if they'd even want to eat in the first place.

But it seems to be a treasure of some sort. :hmm:

Guess we will never know their secret...