Minnou’s piggies

George just likes to drink as loudly as possible. He dribbles more of the water than he drinks and spends several minutes doing it each time! We tried a bowl. Boris immediately decided that you have to have both front feet in the water while drinking and George wouldn't touch it!
The goblins have a bowl instead of bottles because Cam kept attacking the bottle spout. He'd grab it between his teeth and pull it, and then it'd spring back into the holder when he let it go. 🤨 I don't know what the bottle ever did to deserve it but I could just see him pinging it back too hard at some point and it breaking (glass bottles), probably when I'm not around to rescue him from broken glass. So they get a bowl instead.
I bet he knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong as well XD Some piggies like to put an entire foot through the line rather than toe the line.
George just likes to drink as loudly as possible. He dribbles more of the water than he drinks and spends several minutes doing it each time! We tried a bowl. Boris immediately decided that you have to have both front feet in the water while drinking and George wouldn't touch it!
I decided we could never have a bowl of water down because Minerva thinks bowls are for running through, hopping over and parking her bum in. :roll:
I bet he knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong as well XD Some piggies like to put an entire foot through the line rather than toe the line.

There's a reason I call him "the delinquent" lol. He never did anything similar when the bottles hung outside the cage, but when they were both hung inside he ignored one and had his antics with the other. The bowl causes its own problems because Cam has a habit of dumping his food in it 🤨
There's a reason I call him "the delinquent" lol. He never did anything similar when the bottles hung outside the cage, but when they were both hung inside he ignored one and had his antics with the other. The bowl causes its own problems because Cam has a habit of dumping his food in it 🤨
"A piece for me, a piece for the water, a piece for me, a piece for the water...etc. " 83
Probably both having a strong Season. Lucky you!
It feels as though they're in season every 3-4 days. :roll: Hope they chill out a bit when everyone starts visiting around Christmas Day. 😖
Hehe .. Rumblestrut death spirals....hehe
The mental images that conjures up!
I also call them intense, horny doughnuts. :roll:
It was nice to see pictures of them
I had to select 'continuous' mode on my phone's camera and just hold the button down forever, hoping to get at least one accidental shot of them both looking my way, then had to sift through thousands of pictures as a result.

That's how difficult it is to get half decent photos of them. :xd:
For Gaia and Minerva...

The cons of today; First ever nail trim (lots of dramatic wailing involved in the loss of the tippity tops of their sharp likkle nails)

The pros of today; Full cage clean in time for Christmas plus lots of fresh hay plus some pellets plus a handwritten apology from the government for the nail-trimming.
Well done for getting the dreaded nail trim done 👍
It didn't go as bad as I thought it would. Minerva kept trying to tuck her front right paw under her chin so I couldn't get it and Gaia kept pulling her paws away.

At least Gaia didn't maul anyone as she did when we tried to trim her hair. A lady guinea-pig's hair is her life I guess... and she'll fight to the death for it. :xd:
A typical day...

Me: *hears loud noises coming from the vicinity of the piggy lair -> goes to investigate -> sees the piggies running riot and popcorning -> thinks to self 'they're being very energetic right now, I'll give them some floor time so they can really sprint'

Me: *puts the whingebags on the floor*

Gaia & Minerva: *casually stroll around, eating radiator pipes and the furniture before hiding under a box for an hour*

Me: *put thems back in the cage*

Gaia (a little) & Minerva (A LOT!): *resume rioting, chasing, popcorning, wall jumping and cartwheeling around the cage - but with 10x the effort*

All my efforts to keep the piggy lair clean and tidy is just a game to Minerva. :roll:

Pile up the hay and she just appears, charges over and runs through it, flattening and/or scattering it all over the place. Sometimes she just takes the whole pile for a ride on back across the cage.

Sometimes I pick the whole pile of hay up and move it on top of one of the dens or hideys, just to get it out the way whilst I sweep up the poops and there's Minerva, jumping up there with it, getting behind the pile and pushing it all back onto the floor.

Every rebellious act delights her.

Gaia usually popcorns a bit at the time, like she approves of the naughty behaviour and is egging Minerva on but she doesn't partake in it herself.
Yet another floor time where they did pretty much anything but what they should have been doing i.e. running around. :roll:

I picked Gaia up to give her a quick pat and put her back in the cage and in the little time it took to do that, Minerva was running around sounding very upset, then turned it up a notch to loud wheeking and then Gaia (who was back in the cage) started wheeking too. Quickly popped Minerva back into the cage with her and they both went quiet, gave each other a nose bump (is this the piggy equivalent of a fistbump?) then both started popcorning and running around the cage like lunatics.

Do guinea-pigs sometimes wheek if they're upset about something? (In this case, being separated) Or do you think the wheeking was because they knew it was time to go back in their cage and they were happy about it?
Feeding time be like... Part XII

*Trying new veggies over the past couple of days*

Me: *Hands each a piece of baby corn*
Minerva: *snatches and gobbles*
Gaia: *gently takes it, drops it on the floor, sniffs at it then walks off*
Minerva: "waste not want not!" *gobbles the second piece*

Me: *Hands each a piece of green bean*
Minerva: *snatches and runs into the den with it**crunching is heard*
Gaia: *gently takes it, runs into the den with it, waddles back out 3 seconds later having obviously not eaten any of it*
Minerva: *returns for seconds*

Me: *Hands each a piece of sugar snap*
Gaia: *gently takes it, eats a little bit, then waddles off*
Minerva: *snatches her piece, eats half, then wheeks for something different*


Me: *Eating an apple in the vicinity of the piggies*
Gaia: "Ahem! I notice you're not sharing any of that..." *gives contemptuous looks* >_>
*Gives apple*
Gaia: "Ta..." *gobbles*