Minnou’s piggies

On a separate note, whilst waiting for them to pee, I decided to (try) give long-haired Gaia her first trim around her butt and lady bits and thighs because I don't want her getting tangled/matted and she mauled the person holding her. Can't wait to start trimming their nails. :roll:
Have a look at my guide to hair trimming if you haven't already.

An Illustrated Guide to Hair Cutting
I'm noticing more and more how attached Gaia seems to be getting to Minerva.

When I picked Minerva up out of the cage earlier, Gaia ran over and stood up on her hind legs and just looked sort of abandoned and worried where her friend was going. Just to be clear, Gaia doesn't like to be picked up but she doesn't like to be left behind either.

Yesterday, when floor time was over and I picked up Minerva first, I sat on the floor for a bit with her on my lap and Gaia started running around crying, looking for her. When she realised she was on me, she came over and put her paws on me but didn't feel like climbing up so she did laps around me, crying instead. :xd:

When I first got them I was worried they wouldn't get along and now I'm worried what will happen if they're ever apart. 😭
Having this in your face...


Minerva is not a lap pig. If you try to put her on your lap, she immediately runs so far up your chest, she is almost in your mouth.


There she will stay, often only moving to present her butt to your face whilst she precariously rests on the slope of your chest and eats her own poop.

She doe not appreciate you not appreciating this.

Went to check on the piggies and saw Minerva lying down in the entrance to the den. She was laid perfectly still, eyes just staring with a dead fish look. Got no reaction from her when I bent down to have a good look at her. No reaction when I spoke. No reaction when I opened the cage. Panicking, I went to touch her and she sat up, started muttering and strutted off somewhere I couldn't see her.

I thought she was dead, I was only checking that she wasn't. 😭
Cam's doing his favourite death (nap) stares:

WhatsApp Image 2023-12-12 at 15.47.46_e9a14bbd.webp

They get so indignant when you try to make sure they're still alive, too. Like oh I'm sorry I just wanted to make sure you weren't dead, I didn't realise that would cause you so much hardship because you had to blink once!

Guinea pigs. They're the most ungrateful little potato goblins.
Chelsea was the queen of death naps around here. Even though I knew she was just sleeping, my heart stopped every time.
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This death-napping seems like the best opportunity to get photos... :hmm:

Bet you my two are almost never caught death-napping for that reason; they're averse to me getting cute snaps of them 😭
So you're all telling me these furry land sharks all sleep with their eyes open? D:

And Minerva looked exactly like Merab's Naomi but more dead in the eyes. XD
I stand corrected. Both my boys usually sleep with eyes closed but Boris just got me with an open eyed death nap! I stared at him in horror until I saw an ear twitch!
Either Minerva got out of bed on the wrong side this morning or I did something to tick her her off because she was stood there all full of fight and angrily chattering away at me 😭

I showed the little madam who is boss by picking her up and cuddling her and she stopped after that. >:c

Can't decide what she was actually mad about... Perhaps it was because I'd taken too long to hand over the grass I'd just picked for them... Perhaps it was because I smelled a bit doggy after petting a German Shepherd while I was out walking... :hmm:
Does anyone else have a piggy who is fascinated by their water bottle?

Every day I catch Minerva stretching as far as she can, practically climbing the walls to have a good look at their water bottle, sometimes crying at the thing.

NB: There is nothing wrong with the water bottle; they drink out of it just fine, Minerva just has to see all of it? 😅
The goblins have a bowl instead of bottles because Cam kept attacking the bottle spout. He'd grab it between his teeth and pull it, and then it'd spring back into the holder when he let it go. 🤨 I don't know what the bottle ever did to deserve it but I could just see him pinging it back too hard at some point and it breaking (glass bottles), probably when I'm not around to rescue him from broken glass. So they get a bowl instead.