Minnou’s piggies

Pea flakes will do that!
It works on both of them now; Minerva finally decided that she likes them almost as much as Gaia does.

Minerva takes her time and chews properly though whereas Gaia wolfs them down one after the other without pause and I can't imagine she even tastes them. :roll:
Oh dear...

I was prepping a homemade soup which requires fennel but I didn't wash my hands after chopping the bulb and went to have a peek at the girls and they were both just lounging around but they looked so cute, I couldn't resist petting them...

Gaia caught a whiff of the fennel and Minerva smelled like it after I'd stroked her. Gaia sniffed Minerva all over and decided she smelled very tasty... and then she began to nibble on Minerva's cheek.

Minerva: 'HEY!'

Gaia: *w*

Due to my actions, Gaia is now a cannibal... :no:
Oh dear...

I was prepping a homemade soup which requires fennel but I didn't wash my hands after chopping the bulb and went to have a peek at the girls and they were both just lounging around but they looked so cute, I couldn't resist petting them...

Gaia caught a whiff of the fennel and Minerva smelled like it after I'd stroked her. Gaia sniffed Minerva all over and decided she smelled very tasty... and then she began to nibble on Minerva's cheek.

Minerva: 'HEY!'

Gaia: *w*

Due to my actions, Gaia is now a cannibal... :no:
Looks like you could join the slaves on the Naughty List Forever. :)):inn:

Congratulations ⭐️. Would you like to pop over & tackle 4 more piggies? 😂
That’s 16paws, eek! (8more than I am used too.)
I'll need character references for each piggy.

Perhaps there is money to be made in this... What would my job title be? 'Official Claw Remover of Ferocious Carnivorous Cavies' ?
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I understand that your Slave has turned one of you into a cannibal. Gaia what were you thinking? OK so you probably realised after the first attempted chomp that Minerva wasn't a piece of fennel and she was your best mate but still...... Is fennel that tasty? I've never had it. Maybe I should petition my Slave to get some.

I put all the blame entirely on your Slave. If she had washed her hands before petting you both then you, Gaia, would never have attempted to eat you Minerva.

We had an Emergency Committee Meeting late last night to discuss this (you see I was aware of what had occurred as @fluffysal quite rightly said I have eyes everywhere) as it is such a serious offence. It was voted unanimously that your Slave should be put on the Naughty List Forever, her name placed on the Wall of Shame AND be the new custodian of the Cup of Disgrace. This is such a serious transgression that the Committee decided that you Slave needs to be awarded all three things at once. She should be hanging her head in shame.

Yours completely disgusted in how your Slave has treated both of you.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
*hands over the Cup of Disgrace*
Congratulations, you are in a very exclusive club.
I don't think "Congratulations" is the correct salutation. Just because you pleased you're not the custodian anymore!

Miss Bramble says that being the Custodians of the Cup of Disgrace is NOT a club nor is it exclusive.
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I understand that your Slave has turned one of you into a cannibal. Gaia what were you thinking? OK so you probably realised after the first attempted chomp that Minerva wasn't a piece of fennel and she was your best mate but still...... Is fennel that tasty? I've never had it. Maybe I should petition my Slave to get some.

I put all the blame entirely on your Slave. If she had washed her hands before petting you both then you, Gaia, would never have attempted to eat you Minerva.

We had an Emergency Committee Meeting late last night to discuss this (you see I was aware of what had occurred as @fluffysal quite rightly said I have eyes everywhere) as it is such a serious offence. It was voted unanimously that your Slave should be put on the Naughty List Forever, her name placed on the Wall of Shame AND be the new custodian of the Cup of Disgrace. This is such a serious transgression that the Committee decided that you Slave needs to be awarded all three things at once. She should be hanging her head in shame.

Yours completely disgusted in how your Slave has treated both of you.

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward



Gaia & Minerva: *celebratory popcorning*


Dear Miss Bramble,

I am so pleased that my Slave is now officially recognised as the worst Slave to have ever existed. May her shame and suffering be long!

As to the fennel... I'd never had it before either. It was the first time I had ever smelled it and it was simply irresistible to me and made Minerva seem utterly delectable so I just couldn't help myself! I'll give the Slave her dues though; after she saw how interested I was in it, after searching the 'internet' on the light-up box thing she has to see if it was safe for us to eat, she gave us both some. I gobbled my piece as eagerly as I would a pea flake. Minerva is usually reluctant to try new things but she ate hers straight away too so I must recommend that you try some one day.

Your beaming friends,

Gaia & Minerva
Yesterday Gaia loved fennel enough to want to eat Minerva because she briefly smelled like the stuff.

Today, I thought I'd treat them both to some more and they both refused to take it AND ran away in terror.

Why are they both so weird?
What is normal?
How do I make them normal?

Yesterday Gaia loved fennel enough to want to eat Minerva because she briefly smelled like the stuff.

Today, I thought I'd treat them both to some more and they both refused to take it AND ran away in terror.

Why are they both so weird?
What is normal?
How do I make them normal?

Yesterday's delicacy is today's poison!
Yesterday's delicacy is today's poison!

They think that about everything apart from grass, pea flakes and apple.

Riots, incitement to riot, destruction of property...

Pfft. The girls are like that too. :roll: But they also don't care if they get caught and will give you an earful if you do catch them and dare scold them.
I caught Comet after he leapt off the sofa, nearly giving myself a heart attack and causing him to complain I spoiled his fun.
You left Comet unattended on a sofa when guinea pigs can't see very well and are inclined to leap off things because they suck at judging distance and height...?

*sees an opportunity to pass on the Cup of Disgrace* :))



Also, Gaia flings herself into my arms daily and complains when, on reflex, I catch her and hold her close to my body. :roll: