Minnou’s piggies

Dear Gaia and Minerva

I would love to be able to show you that pepper is safe to eat, but I believe you live too far away for me to travel to see you. You will just have to trust my judgement on this one and also that of The One and Only Thea (Shop Steward Retired). We are important piggies and we both love pepper.

Your friend who adores pepper

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I would love to be able to show you that pepper is safe to eat, but I believe you live too far away for me to travel to see you. You will just have to trust my judgement on this one and also that of The One and Only Thea (Shop Steward Retired). We are important piggies and we both love pepper.

Your friend who adores pepper

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward

Dear Gaia and Minerva,
We would love to come over and show you how lovely pepper is to eat but The Mummy Slave said we would need to visit the plum fairy first!
Yours with kisses,
Dignified Sir George and Mischievous Master Boris x

Gaia: "Well.... if this many distinguished piggies seem to like peppers I guess we could think about thinking of trying them the next time the Slave offers us some...."
These two noodles are impossible; impossibly cute and impossible to deal with. :roll:

Yesterday, I said I would try filling the plastic tunnel with grass to encourage them to use it. So I did. Before letting them at it, I decided I wanted to clean their cage and set-up their floortime playground with the pair of them out the way, so I built a little wall to keep them out

They both waddled off into the kitchen together and then to the hallway and then proceeded to complain about where they'd put themselves. By this point, everything was ready for them so I went to rescue them/herd them back to their room. Then I decided to see if they would follow me there if I had food. I grabbed a carrot and started eating it. The crunch got their attention and Gaia appeared in the doorway but she wouldn't follow me for it so I put it back in the fridge. When I walked over to them, they scampered further down the hall. When I retreated back to the middle of the kitchen, Gaia returned to the doorway and just stood then so I started calling her name and giving her encouragement and she actually came to me. 😱🥰

Gaia sat at my feet for a bit and then I guided her towards their room and she scurried back in.

Unfortunately, Minerva hadn't followed her and didn't know where she was, so she just sat in the hallway crying whilst Gaia completely ignored her calls. 😣

So then I had to rescue Minerva! I stepped into the hall and she panicked and hid behind the hoover but when I got down to her level and she realised it was me, she hurried over and waited for me to pick her up. 🥰 So, Min-min was safely delivered to their room.

It then didn't take them long to realise there was grass somewhere... 🧐 The pair of them walked around the tunnel many times and even sat at the entrance of it where they would surely get a good whiff of the grass! But neither of them could figure it out!

They both came to me and sat at my feet; Minerva with a hopeful look on her face, Gaia with a more menacing one...
Gaia: "Now look, Slave, just hand over the grass and things won't get ugly...."

But I decided it was time they learned to forage so I didn't just hand the grass over to them or show them where it was. Gaia realised where it was eventually and after she entered one end of the tunnel, Minerva entered the opposite end and they both sat in it, stuffed their faces and then never approached it again once the food was gone. :roll:
Came downstairs this morning to find them both sleeping out in the open.

Gaia was on top of a large pile of their feeding hay and Minerva was an inch from Gaia's side with no hay, just sleeping on the floor.

You could've shared a little with her, Gaia... 😞
Just tried the new clippers I bought to keep Gaia's butt somewhat elegant... 'somewhat' is being extremely generous now. 😭

She hated every minute of it. Kept trying to leap into my arms for safety. Teeth chattered at the clippers. Bit the comb.

Now her hair is all different lengths and she looks like some blind mice ran over her with their little lawnmowers.

But her hair is shorter round the back end and underbelly now. Managed to take off some thick matted hair that was hiding in her inner thighs. And hopefully she should at least feel better even if she looks worse. 🤣

She was also far more forgiving than I imagined she would be. Never heard her so delighted by the sight of a pile of grass, which was her reward for her suffering.
You'll get better at it as you both get used to it. Do you have someone to hold her while you clip away?
We've found those to be lacking...

We used thick, leather welding gloves last time. 🤣
My gardening gloves are leather. Got them from In Excess years ago. They come in very handy when cutting down the bramble patch behind the old concrete coal bunker which we need to somehow remove as we want to put the shed there and a greenhouse where the shed is now.
*hears items clattering across the floor*

*hears tins rollings around*

*hears a dustpan being attacked*

*hears wallpaper being ripped off the wall*

*hears the furious pitter-patter of tiny paws*

Me: "You know, I'd almost forgotten you two were out, you're so quiet...." :roll:
*Is hounded for food so gives them their veggies early*

*Places it in the middle of their cage, near their food bowl*

Minerva: *standing with her front paws on the food bowl, stretching her neck out as far as possible trying to reach the food and failing*

Minerva: 'I can't reach my food!' ;____;

Gaia: *casually walks around the bowl and starts eating*

Minerva: *still furiously stretching her neck, trying to reach the food*

Minerva: 'It's no good! I still can't reach it! I'm going to starve!' ;______;

Me: *sighs**picks up a pile of veg and places it right under Minerva's nose*

Minerva: 🥲
Not quite fully trained yet!

They haven't found a way to stop me giving them cuddles and kisses. :wub:
If they had mite you wouldn't want to touch them for 6-8 weeks. I'm leaving my 3 well alone while they have to be treated. I have been touching them for grooming, health checks etc but only with my piggy apron and gloves on. That Ivermectin is not going anywhere near my skin. I do realise this is a bit of an extreme way for them to train their Slave not to give them kisses and cuddles though.
If they had mite you wouldn't want to touch them for 6-8 weeks. I'm leaving my 3 well alone while they have to be treated. I have been touching them for grooming, health checks etc but only with my piggy apron and gloves on. That Ivermectin is not going anywhere near my skin. I do realise this is a bit of an extreme way for them to train their Slave not to give them kisses and cuddles though.
How do they get these mites?

(I think I'd still cuddle and kiss them despite the mites and then do a furious amount of spitting and gargling with soapy water after...)
How do they get these mites?

(I think I'd still cuddle and kiss them despite the mites and then do a furious amount of spitting and gargling with soapy water after...)
Mine have lice atm and I think they came in with the hay but I'm not entirely sure as I have been getting hay from the same place for at least a year and this is the only time they have got lice.

You wouldn't cuddle and kiss them ivermectin isn't pleasant.
Mine have lice atm and I think they came in with the hay but I'm not entirely sure as I have been getting hay from the same place for at least a year and this is the only time they have got lice.

You wouldn't cuddle and kiss them ivermectin isn't pleasant.
Can you imagine me checking Her Majesty, Gaia for lice? 😬

She'll have a melt down. I'm going to need a whip and a chair.
Minerva, Queen of Rumblestrut, was at it again.

I feel that she doesn't really do it in the right place though... Her displays seem to get more dynamic when Gaia turns her back on her and can't see what she is doing, so the amount of effort she throws into her fancy displays is wasted. Plus, she got too close to Gaia's butt today and Gaia bucked and nearly kicked her nose in. Not that anything deters Minerva. :roll:
Sounds like fun, fun, fun at your place!
Always! Fun and carnage.

When Minerva is in rumblestrut-mode, they both seem to get more exercise.

Usually I have to entice them with food to get them to move. Today, I plonked myself on the kitchen floor and shook the pea flake tin. That got them both running.