Minnou’s piggies

When my Rainbow boy Cutie Pie Dennis was asleep he had "the lights are on by nobody's home" look about him.
Some piggies are really good at death napping. Lexi was excellent at it.

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Lexi looks alive to me in that photo, so, if you think Lexi looked dead at that moment, just imagine Minerva looking even deader, in a more deathly pose, with dead eyes. :xd:
Cam did it with his head in a pile of hay once. He did not appreciate me noticing.
Did he look like his head was missing? :xd:
If food coma was an image, that was him. They don't sleep in the open often and there he was, pile of hay, and that dead, dead look.
Minerva doesn't sleep in the open often either and when she does, it's always in the hay, which she completely flattens; she doesn't know how to cover herself.

I can't fully transition to fabric bedding because Minerva likes her hay bed even though she's what I call the 'allergy pig' - when I first brought them home, their bedding was wood shavings and hay but Minerva used to cough and sneeze all the time until I switched to fleece liners and bath mats.
I use a mix of fleece and paper (wood shavings, Megazorb, Back2Nature) bedding, the cage is too big for one or the other, but then I just sort of toss the hay in wherever the water bowl isn't. I can't stop Cam putting hay into the bowl before eating it, but I see no reason to give him wet hay directly.

(he's a menace)

Jake kept getting eye infections with wood shavings though, when I had him I was using wood pellet cat litter. Basically Back2Nature but for cats. Never had an eye issue with him again after the switch.
I use a mix of fleece and paper (wood shavings, Megazorb, Back2Nature) bedding, the cage is too big for one or the other, but then I just sort of toss the hay in wherever the water bowl isn't. I can't stop Cam putting hay into the bowl before eating it, but I see no reason to give him wet hay directly.

(he's a menace)

Jake kept getting eye infections with wood shavings though, when I had him I was using wood pellet cat litter. Basically Back2Nature but for cats. Never had an eye issue with him again after the switch.
Cam deliberately dips his hay in the water before eating it? Like dunking a biscuit into a cup of tea? :xd:
Hay, lettuce, pepper, pellets. 🤷‍♂️
Jake as well? :xd:

He prefers a wet diet and obviously lettuce, which is 99.9% water, isn't wet enough. :xd: Has he been free from issues with his bladder?
Cam has a dodgy tummy that gets set off by a number of foods, so they don't get lettuce very often.

Jake's trick was actually water bottle destruction. Jack's too, actually, and I had them both at separate times and both of them did the exact same thing, whatever way they drank they rattled the (plastic) bottles so badly the spout would detach from the cap. I got some weird looks from P@H because I was forever buying new bottles.

Cam, meanwhile, isn't allowed a bottle because he started pulling the bottle away from the grid and letting it crash back. I switched to bottles after having nightmares about the bottle breaking from such abuse.

There's a lesson for me in this somewhere 🤨
Gaia went into hiding during floortime.

Couldn't be bothered turning the room upside down searching for her so I grabbed the pea flakes and made a great show (noise mostly) of opening them.

Gaia appeared between my feet within 0.5 seconds, mouth open ready for me to insert food.
Funny how they appear so quickly out of nowhere when there's food around!

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The only time Whitney would come near me is when she knows I have grass for them or when I tap the small metal bowl where I put her favourite plum tomatoes. 🤣🤣 Otherwise, she runs away from me as soon as she hears my voice in the morning, coz she knows I usually weigh them in the morning. 😂😂
Funny how they appear so quickly out of nowhere when there's food around!

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Amazing, it is.

I already knew where Minerva was and she just poked her head around the corner to have a look but she doesn't really care that much for pea flakes. I did offer her one and she took it. She only accepts them now and again. If she doesn't really want it, she'll just drop it on the floor and then Gaia will shoulder her across the room while she rushes in for the dropped pea flake. :xd:
The only time Whitney would come near me is when she knows I have grass for them or when I tap the small metal bowl where I put her favourite plum tomatoes. 🤣🤣 Otherwise, she runs away from me as soon as she hears my voice in the morning, coz she knows I usually weigh them in the morning. 😂😂
Mine don't liked being weighed either. They look at me and the scales like I'm sending them to the guillotine when in reality they are merely being inconvenienced for a few seconds and nothing bad ever happens!

Gaia: "Oh no... The Slave will know how much I snack and may restrict my access to pea flakes!"😱
Amazing, it is.

I already knew where Minerva was and she just poked her head around the corner to have a look but she doesn't really care that much for pea flakes. I did offer her one and she took it. She only accepts them now and again. If she doesn't really want it, she'll just drop it on the floor and then Gaia will shoulder her across the room while she rushes in for the dropped pea flake. :xd:
Aw sweet, Minerva not Gaia....
When Sir George has had enough he does the same. It's like they take it to be polite ❤️
Aw sweet, Minerva not Gaia....
When Sir George has had enough he does the same. It's like they take it to be polite ❤️
It's trying to guess what they do want. :roll:

They sit and make sad begging faces 🥺 at me until I bring them something but a lot of the time I bring them the wrong thing.

*Gives Minerva a green bean* / *Minerva takes it and runs off with her prize*

*Gives Gaia a green bean* / *Gaia takes it then drops it on the floor*
*Gives Gaia some lettuce* / *Gaia takes it then drops it on the floor*
*Gives Gaia some parsley* / *Gaia takes it then drops it on the floor*
--- A large pile of veg and herbs later...---
*Gives Gaia some apple* / *Gaia snatches it, runs off and gobbles it* Gaia: "Ah.... sugar... <3 *

Gaia has a massive sweet tooth though. I few weeks ago, I gave them some watermelon and Gaia went straight for the red part and Minerva went straight for the rind. Minerva just chooses to eat more healthily than Gaia. I have to be tough with Gaia and tell her if she doesn't eat what she is given, then she goes without but I feel so cruel doing it. :xd:
Gaia sounds like Diva Thea at veg time. If she isn't hand fed a piece of pepper first at veggie time, she doesn't eat any other veg. I dare not run out of peppers.
My two still won't touch peppers. ;___;

Bought them one of those plastic extendable tunnels today. Wasn't as long as I'd hoped. So far Minerva has sniffed it and Gaia seems oblivious to its prescence. A worthwhile purchase. :roll:
Put a couple of peaflakes in it and Gaia will be in there!
Tomorrow I think I'll stuff it full of grass and see what happens.

She's already blackmailed some pea flakes out of me today.

They've gotten to used to either myself or visitors popping into the room whilst they're having floor time and leaving them a little snack. Now they expect something every time someone exits the room.

They always bolt and hide whenever anyone enters the room.
Then upon my/my visitor's exit, they immediately scurry into the middle of the room and, if no snacks have been left, complain for a bit. Then they make their way to the doorway to complain some more until someone gives them something.
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I hear that you refuse to eat pepper. Why?!? Pepper is absolutely wonderful stuff! Thea completely refuses to eat any of her veggies if she isn't hand fed a piece of pepper first. Misty and I love it too. It's very safe to eat and is extra yummy. I'm not fussed what colour the pepper is either, it can be green, yellow, red or sky blue pink with purple spots! Pepper is yum! You need to start eating it.

Your pepper loving friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Gaia and Minerva

I hear that you refuse to eat pepper. Why?!? Pepper is absolutely wonderful stuff! Thea completely refuses to eat any of her veggies if she isn't hand fed a piece of pepper first. Misty and I love it too. It's very safe to eat and is extra yummy. I'm not fussed what colour the pepper is either, it can be green, yellow, red or sky blue pink with purple spots! Pepper is yum! You need to start eating it.

Your pepper loving friend

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Miss Bramble,

I'm sorry but we don't believe you! It looks strange and the smell is not of this world! Suspicious! Bad! Terrifying! Minerva and I are too afraid to approach it let alone scoff it! The Slave ate some in front of us, which was very deceitful of her; we believed the crunching noise was her eating apple or carrot and that is the only reason we came to have a look. The Slave is silly and we don't trust her judgement on this pepper stuff. I would have to see a very important piggy eat it in front of me in order to believe it is safe.

Your anxious friends,

Gaia & Minerva