Minnou’s piggies

The worst part is he wasn't unattended. At one point I sat on the floor in front of him, with my dad on one seat and Comet on the other, and the first thing he did was attempt to clamber up onto the arm of the sofa because of the blueberries.

He was a handful, lol.
The worst part is he wasn't unattended. At one point I sat on the floor in front of him, with my dad on one seat and Comet on the other, and the first thing he did was attempt to clamber up onto the arm of the sofa because of the blueberries.

He was a handful, lol.
Given that they're small and delicate and prey animals, you expect them to be afraid of their own shadow and way too nervous to even contemplate moving an inch across the sofa... in reality they're all adrenaline junkies who have seen too many Mission Impossible films.
The girls have been overindulged by guests over the weekend and now they're paying the price. :no:

Minerva especially. Gaia has guts made of steel apparently.

I noticed Minerva looking sorry for herself and also looking and feeling a little bloated and she wasn't as interested in food - not joining Gaia in begging, eating less -and also pooping less.

Hoping it would be a mild case of bloat if anything, I first tried giving her some gripe water and then 15 minutes later, I sat her on my lap on top of some hair clippers (which vibrate an insane amount) and massaged her stomach for a full hour. I'm sure I could feel her either burping or farting on me and by the time we were done, the bloat seemed to have almost entirely disappeared and she was instantly back to her lively self. 2 sessions of intense lap jiggling and massages and 2 doses of gripe water and Minerva's bloat had entirely disappeared, she was soft and squishy again, pooping like it was her job and back to gobbling food.

But for their own good, I've put them on a strict hay-only diet for 48 hours as a precaution.

They are not happy about this.

Floor time saw both invading the kitchen multiple times to ask 'to speak with the manager.'

Poor Gaia was so desperate to have anything that, when I was on the floor trying to retrieve something from under the sideboard, she was rushed over and started climbing up my arm and making intense puppy dog eyes at me. :soz:

But it didn't feel right to give one something and not the other so we're all having to tough it out.
I've been there with the 48hr hay diets because at least one of the goblins has issues with lettuce, salad leaves and things like broccoli. It's 48hrs of being tortured by indignant screaming and constant reproachful glares.

I hate to tell you, but it doesn’t get better. You have my utmost sympathy.
The girls have been overindulged by guests over the weekend and now they're paying the price. :no:

Minerva especially. Gaia has guts made of steel apparently.

I noticed Minerva looking sorry for herself and also looking and feeling a little bloated and she wasn't as interested in food - not joining Gaia in begging, eating less -and also pooping less.

Hoping it would be a mild case of bloat if anything, I first tried giving her some gripe water and then 15 minutes later, I sat her on my lap on top of some hair clippers (which vibrate an insane amount) and massaged her stomach for a full hour. I'm sure I could feel her either burping or farting on me and by the time we were done, the bloat seemed to have almost entirely disappeared and she was instantly back to her lively self. 2 sessions of intense lap jiggling and massages and 2 doses of gripe water and Minerva's bloat had entirely disappeared, she was soft and squishy again, pooping like it was her job and back to gobbling food.

But for their own good, I've put them on a strict hay-only diet for 48 hours as a precaution.

They are not happy about this.

Floor time saw both invading the kitchen multiple times to ask 'to speak with the manager.'

Poor Gaia was so desperate to have anything that, when I was on the floor trying to retrieve something from under the sideboard, she was rushed over and started climbing up my arm and making intense puppy dog eyes at me. :soz:

But it didn't feel right to give one something and not the other so we're all having to tough it out.
Be strong. It’s for their own good. Even if they won’t thank you for it.
I've been there with the 48hr hay diets because at least one of the goblins has issues with lettuce, salad leaves and things like broccoli. It's 48hrs of being tortured by indignant screaming and constant reproachful glares.

I hate to tell you, but it doesn’t get better. You have my utmost sympathy.
Yes, they both look so sad. 😢 They obviously feel like they're being punished in some way and don't understand what they've done wrong. Now even Minerva is wheeking for food; something she never does because she just relies on Gaia to put all the work in. Gaia is having tantrums; complaining nonstop and mauling the cage.

Be strong. It’s for their own good. Even if they won’t thank you for it.
I know. 😢 I have a feeling that when I start giving them everything again, whatever it is, they're going to quickly gobble it all up and risk becoming bloated again so I'll be reintroducing it in small amounts spread over a few hours. They're not going to like the tiny portions either. 😖
I did all the syringe training with just water. Master Boris needed no training..... he loves a syringe. When Sir George has been on medication it has to be done out of the cage so it doesn't get stolen!
I did all the syringe training with just water. Master Boris needed no training..... he loves a syringe. When Sir George has been on medication it has to be done out of the cage so it doesn't get stolen!
Master Boris needs to explain what is so great about having plain 'ol water squirted into your mouth.

Does he take the syringe and run off with it in his mouth? Proudly showing off his 'kill' to the humping toys?
48hr hay-only diet ended and I've been reintroducing grass and pellets in small amounts, spaced over a few hours.

They fell on top of everything like a pack of ravenous wolves.... 🫣

They're not equipped to deal with hardship...
Are you sitting comfortably children? Then I'll begin.

Today's tale is called 'Gaia Doesn't 'Do' Steps, Not Even A Little One'

It was a wet, dark and miserable afternoon but that was of no concern to Gaia and her friend Minerva, who were busy frolicking about the indoor Kingdom of House, something they did every day.

Today was different, however. Gaia, feeling exceptionally curious and bold, decided to step outside the borders of Kitchen and down a small step into the hitherto unknown Land of the Giant, Rumbling, White Machines. Fortunately for Gaia, these machines would only eat clothes, not Guinea Pigs. Gaia found this land to be exceptionally dull, with nothing to eat, hide in or destroy, so she quickly decided to return to Minerva and their familiar territory.

But, to Gaia's horror, she realised going home would not be so easy! There was a step! Gaia had forgotten that she had jumped down from it moments ago with no effort but now she would have to jump back up... How on Earth would she manage that? Gaia approached the step and carefully inspected it; the step was easily half the height of the other steps she had encountered, the ones which Minerva could leap upon with ease. That she was certain of it. But, that was Minerva... Minerva was excellent at jumping. Gaia? Not so much.

"Well....I guess I'll just die here." Gaia muttered to herself, before starting to cry over the predicament she had put herself in (and was too lazy to find a way out of).

If only there were someone nearby to hear her cries! Then she may be saved!

And there was! Minerva was nearby and she could hear Gaia but, Alas! She had also found a pile of grass from the Kingdom of Outside and had decided that Gaia being missing for a while was perhaps not a bad thing...

Fortunately for Gaia, someone else heard her cries; her loyal Slave. The Slave was not entirely sympathetic to Gaia's plight, however, and stared at her incredulously for some time. Gaia approached the step once more and the Slave offered encouragement and instructed her on how to escape from her situation.

"Just jump up, you nitwit!" Said the Slave.

Gaia couldn't comprehend the Slave's words and wouldn't budge so the Slave thought of another way to encourage her; with food. The Slave disappeared and quickly returned with a large piece of carrot. Laying down on the highground above Gaia's head, the Slave wiggled and waved the carrot to get Gaia's attention, which it did. To Gaia's frustration, the Slave did not simply hand over the carrot as she usually would but instead held it just out of reach above the step. Thinking hard about how she would reach the carrot (just getting home was long forgotten about by this point), Gaia closed in on the step, placed her front paws on it and raised her head up. Stretching as far as she could, she tried repeatedly to grab the snack but the Slave kept pulling it further and further away each time, hoping Gaia would follow it by letting her bum follow the rest of her onto the step. Instead, Gaia gave up.

"I can't do it! It's not fair!" Gaia cried and scuttled away from the step.

"Come back here and jump up; the step is tiny!" Her Slave called after her.

"I'm doomed!" Wailed Gaia.

"Gaia... seriously..." The Slave rolled her eyes.

"Tell Minerva I love her..." Gaia sobbed.

"And tell Miss Bramble, it was an honour just to know her!"

"Tell Master Boris, I thought he was exceptionally handsome" Gaia continued.

"And tell young Mabel and Tibs.. to watch out as I think my Slave is planning on pignapping them."

Just as Gaia had about lost all hope, her Slave stepped down into the Land of the Giant, Rumbling, White Machines to be with her and guided her back towards the step. Somehow, Gaia understood what was to come and she placed her front paws on the step once more and braced herself. The Slave slid one hand under Gaia's bottom and paused, as though waiting for Gaia to do something, like perhaps take the hint and finally jump on top of the step. :roll: When Gaia did nothing, the Slave slowly raised her hand with Gaia on it, until Gaia's bum was level with the bitey end of her.

Gaia then triumphantly strode back into the Land of Kitchen then on to the Land of Backroom, just in time to grab a bite of fresh grass before Minerva had chance to gobble it all.

Take small steps every day and one day you will get there... except Gaia, who needs to be carried everywhere.

The End.