Minnou’s piggies

I'm glad that it has helped you while you're feeling down/ill?
I have been listening to one piggy chew bars, and another one decide to hump his friends head while I was trying to get them to “hang out “ with me and hand feeding veg!
I have spent the afternoon keeping the peace at work & clearly my evening is going to be spent in peace keeping at home.
The bar chewer is now rumbling at his neighbour!

Just a normal day in guinea pig land 😂
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I have been listening to one piggy chew bars, and another one decide to hump his friends head while I was trying to get them to “hang out “ with me and hand feeding veg!
I have spent the afternoon keeping the peace at work & clearly my evening is going to be spent in peace keeping at home.
The bar chewer is now rumbling at his neighbour!

Just a normal day in guinea pig land 😂
Guinea Pigs seem to be one of the least peaceful creatures on the planet. :hmm:
What a lovely story! Gaia needs to go to the gym 😉
I'll let you be the one to break the news to her. 😅

Her refusal to jump up on things is puzzling... I know she can do it; I have a little platform of sorts that I 'hide' treats on and she was the first to jump up there (months back). She did it 1 time and never again. I also know she can jump quite high because she launches herself at me like a furry torpedo. She just won't jump up on or climb on top of things... She'll stand up on her hind legs with her front paws on top of whatever item she refuses to get on and will look longingly at the food, if there is any, but she won't try for it. She waits for Minerva to get up there and push it within her reach instead. :roll:
She wants everyone to be her slave, even Minerva.
Master Boris says thank you for saying I'm exceptionally handsome...View attachment 244191
Handsome boy... :wub:

Doesn't slave imply that Minerva is doing it against her will? :hmm:

Minerva does it out of the kindness of her heart... and because she likes pushing things... especially piles of dirty hay into areas I've just cleaned.
Are you sitting comfortably children? Then I'll begin.

Today's tale is called 'Gaia Doesn't 'Do' Steps, Not Even A Little One'

It was a wet, dark and miserable afternoon but that was of no concern to Gaia and her friend Minerva, who were busy frolicking about the indoor Kingdom of House, something they did every day.

Today was different, however. Gaia, feeling exceptionally curious and bold, decided to step outside the borders of Kitchen and down a small step into the hitherto unknown Land of the Giant, Rumbling, White Machines. Fortunately for Gaia, these machines would only eat clothes, not Guinea Pigs. Gaia found this land to be exceptionally dull, with nothing to eat, hide in or destroy, so she quickly decided to return to Minerva and their familiar territory.

But, to Gaia's horror, she realised going home would not be so easy! There was a step! Gaia had forgotten that she had jumped down from it moments ago with no effort but now she would have to jump back up... How on Earth would she manage that? Gaia approached the step and carefully inspected it; the step was easily half the height of the other steps she had encountered, the ones which Minerva could leap upon with ease. That she was certain of it. But, that was Minerva... Minerva was excellent at jumping. Gaia? Not so much.

"Well....I guess I'll just die here." Gaia muttered to herself, before starting to cry over the predicament she had put herself in (and was too lazy to find a way out of).

If only there were someone nearby to hear her cries! Then she may be saved!

And there was! Minerva was nearby and she could hear Gaia but, Alas! She had also found a pile of grass from the Kingdom of Outside and had decided that Gaia being missing for a while was perhaps not a bad thing...

Fortunately for Gaia, someone else heard her cries; her loyal Slave. The Slave was not entirely sympathetic to Gaia's plight, however, and stared at her incredulously for some time. Gaia approached the step once more and the Slave offered encouragement and instructed her on how to escape from her situation.

"Just jump up, you nitwit!" Said the Slave.

Gaia couldn't comprehend the Slave's words and wouldn't budge so the Slave thought of another way to encourage her; with food. The Slave disappeared and quickly returned with a large piece of carrot. Laying down on the highground above Gaia's head, the Slave wiggled and waved the carrot to get Gaia's attention, which it did. To Gaia's frustration, the Slave did not simply hand over the carrot as she usually would but instead held it just out of reach above the step. Thinking hard about how she would reach the carrot (just getting home was long forgotten about by this point), Gaia closed in on the step, placed her front paws on it and raised her head up. Stretching as far as she could, she tried repeatedly to grab the snack but the Slave kept pulling it further and further away each time, hoping Gaia would follow it by letting her bum follow the rest of her onto the step. Instead, Gaia gave up.

"I can't do it! It's not fair!" Gaia cried and scuttled away from the step.

"Come back here and jump up; the step is tiny!" Her Slave called after her.

"I'm doomed!" Wailed Gaia.

"Gaia... seriously..." The Slave rolled her eyes.

"Tell Minerva I love her..." Gaia sobbed.

"And tell Miss Bramble, it was an honour just to know her!"

"Tell Master Boris, I thought he was exceptionally handsome" Gaia continued.

"And tell young Mabel and Tibs.. to watch out as I think my Slave is planning on pignapping them."

Just as Gaia had about lost all hope, her Slave stepped down into the Land of the Giant, Rumbling, White Machines to be with her and guided her back towards the step. Somehow, Gaia understood what was to come and she placed her front paws on the step once more and braced herself. The Slave slid one hand under Gaia's bottom and paused, as though waiting for Gaia to do something, like perhaps take the hint and finally jump on top of the step. :roll: When Gaia did nothing, the Slave slowly raised her hand with Gaia on it, until Gaia's bum was level with the bitey end of her.

Gaia then triumphantly strode back into the Land of Kitchen then on to the Land of Backroom, just in time to grab a bite of fresh grass before Minerva had chance to gobble it all.

Take small steps every day and one day you will get there... except Gaia, who needs to be carried everywhere.

The End.
What a lovely adventure Gaia! Only wish we could see photos of your adventure added to this story telling! 😂
What a lovely adventure Gaia! Only wish we could see photos of your adventure added to this story telling! 😂
People want to see Gaia staring glumly at a step? :xd:

She tends to disappear when I whip out my phone. She probably would've fled behind the washing machine and got stuck.

And I don't want to know what Miss Bramble would say or do to me if that had happened. :flag:
Ah, the perils of having beautiful, long hair.

Gaia dropped her bit of apple and when she tucked her head down to get it, got a mouthful of her own fur along with the apple but just carried on chewing and now she has lost some of her beard/chest hair?

That apple was worth it though...
Ah, the perils of having beautiful, long hair.

Gaia dropped her bit of apple and when she tucked her head down to get it, got a mouthful of her own fur along with the apple but just carried on chewing and now she has lost some of her beard/chest hair?

That apple was worth it though...

On the flip side I've had Bann drop his food to his front legs and immediately believe it's permanently disappeared (and that my hands would make an appropriate substitute). Mind you he doesn't have fur for himself to eat, so...
On the flip side I've had Bann drop his food to his front legs and immediately believe it's permanently disappeared (and that my hands would make an appropriate substitute). Mind you he doesn't have fur for himself to eat, so...
Oh yeah, my two are blind.

They often drop things at their feet and can't find them. Sometimes they stand on the thing whilst looking and still can't find the thing. All they know is it is my fault it is gone and that I need to provide a substitute. :roll:
I am also the cause of much jealousy and petty squabbling.

Whenever I pet Minerva, Gaia is ABSOLUTELY convinced that I also gave Minerva a treat and not her. As soon as I withdraw my hand, Gaia runs over and sticks her face in Minerva's mouth and sniffs and then gives me an accusing look.

Gaia: 'You gave her something and not me!'

Me: 'No I didn't, I just gave her a little love.'

Gaia: 'No, it was a snack!'

Me: 'There was no snack.'

Gaia: 'Yes, there was! I saw it!'

Me: 'You walked into a wall yesterday, I doubt you can see anything.'

Gaia: 'I see everything... Miss Bramble taught me...' 👁️👁️

Me: :flag:
The last dozen times or so when I've been petting Minerva, Gaia has consistently rushed over and started sniffing, nuzzling and grooming Minerva's ears and/or cheek - or wherever I've been touching her.

I don't get it so some of the other piggies or Slaves on here might need to help me decide Gaia's reasoning.

Is Gaia grooming Minerva because;

A) She thinks I'm giving Minerva treats / hiding treats behind Minerva's ear or something and is trying to find them.

B) Jealous and rushing over to demonstrate to Minerva that she loves her more than the Slave does.

C) Disgusted that the Slave touched Minerva and is here to help get that nasty human scent off her friend?

D) Something else I haven't thought of.
The last dozen times or so when I've been petting Minerva, Gaia has consistently rushed over and started sniffing, nuzzling and grooming Minerva's ears and/or cheek - or wherever I've been touching her.

I don't get it so some of the other piggies or Slaves on here might need to help me decide Gaia's reasoning.

Is Gaia grooming Minerva because;

A) She thinks I'm giving Minerva treats / hiding treats behind Minerva's ear or something and is trying to find them.

B) Jealous and rushing over to demonstrate to Minerva that she loves her more than the Slave does.

C) Disgusted that the Slave touched Minerva and is here to help get that nasty human scent off her friend?

D) Something else I haven't thought of.
All of the above 🤣
Tigers probably wouldn't yell at you for an hour because they didn't want coriander for breakfast and when you go to give them something else once the hour's up, stay in bed and insist they're too tired and sleepy for peppers and to leave them alone.

Tigers probably wouldn't yell at you for an hour because they didn't want coriander for breakfast and when you go to give them something else once the hour's up, stay in bed and insist they're too tired and sleepy for peppers and to leave them alone.

Mine do not stay in bed if there is a potential snack.

If they don't want it, they still politely take it then drop it on the floor.

Then Minerva increases her charm offensive 100% whilst Gaia either chews the cage bars, glares at you or threatens to fetch Miss Bramble, the RSPCA and the police if another snack isn't provided.
I placed a pile of grass on top of a box with the intention of giving it to them a bit later as they'd already had a large pile of grass an hour beforehand.

Within seconds of me setting the grass down, my little bloodhounds knew where it was, ran straight over and began trying every method they could think of to get it; stand up tall and reach for it, drag and push the box around, try and flip the box... I ended up giving it to them sooner than planned just to reward their (greed) efforts. :xd:
Well done Minerva and Gaia just keep keeping on girls until the slave gives in.
We can smell grass in the next room and we won't give up screaming at our slaves until they give in and we get early dinner.
You sound like our sort of sows.
Love Red, Brillo, Freddie, Timmy, Bertie and Duck.
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Well done Minerva and Gaia just keep keeping on girls until the slave gives in.
We can smell grass in the next room and we won't give up screaming at our slaves until they give in and we get early dinner.
You sound like our sort of sows.
Love Red, Brillo, Freddie, Timmy, Bertie and Duck.

Gaia: 'The Slave is foolish for trying to keep things from us... Though I'll admit that Minerva and I were each the size of a beach ball by the time we'd finished having second dinner... perhaps eating so much wasn't such a great idea...'
Another successful solo-nail trim session with all toenails on both piggies trimmed.

Body check for lice etc.

Ears cleaned.

And another quick hair trim for Gaia because she keeps standing on her own fur and tripping over. :xd: