Eriathwens piggies

Wow, that's a fabulous age. Hope that Tilly continues to thrive.xx
Yes bless her she's a little old lady now, having lost a piggy every other month for a long time, I'm due another loss in April so every little thing is making me paranoid at the moment. But she seems content to bimble around.

Some good news (you're some of the few people who will appreciate this lol!) Is that Mabels stasis poops have, for now at least, become normal! She has lost a little more weight but I'm hoping that's because she's more active. The extra vitamin C and large dose of paracetamol must be helping a little. I'm probably going to bring her along to Pandas dental recheck on Wednesday just to make sure we're doing OK, just to be sure.

Look at those good poops!
So had a couple of appointments today, Panda and Mabel went in the morning, Panda had her incisors burred but her molars are still fine which is a relief, I'm going to be taking pictures of her teeth to try to find what her "normal" is, I'm hoping once they reach slightly over grown they might just stay that way and wear down at that point which would remove the need for repeated burring..she screamed the practice down while she was out the back having it done! I thought it was one outside on the shop floor 😳 oops.

Mabels doing ok, lost more weight but her poops are good, she's back on ivermectin treatments as it's likely she's still having issues with mites given her immune system is taking a bit of a hit, her skin is flaky and incredibly itchy.

Kiwi went in this afternoon to have her toe looked at, luckily she didn't do as good of a job as her mother and only ripped the nail off. It'll be ugly looking but there's no infection or damaged bone, and the nail is regrowing from the nail bed, no amputation needed.

So all in all not a bad day for them.
Phew I’m glad to hear Panda’s teeth are done and great her molars are ok 😊 she sounds a dramalama as my granddaughter would say 😂
I’m glad Mabel is ok and her poops are good ! Those pesky mites cause so much trouble !
Thankfully Kiwi is just missing a nail …..those high heels ….❤️❤️❤️
Hopefully you can relax a little 🥰
Mabel was very down yesterday evening, she didn't want to eat, when her veggies and pellets came she just lifted her head to look at me and set it back down again which concerned me, she was just exhausted, she didn't want to eat the fancy hay and had stopped pooping. I restarted her on the emeprid even though the cisipride she's on is the more appropriate drug for her issues according to the vet but.. apparently Mabel hasn't read any of the textbooks 🙃
Today she has been eating well, energetic and running for her veggies and pellets with enthusiasm again. She has stringy stasis poops mixed with soft paste like poops off and on but as long as she stays happy she can poop however she likes.

She has finished her sulfasalazine trial so we will see what happens, if the mucous returns or anything. She may go back on it if she continues to decline. I'm seeing the specialist again next week with Bailey and Pippin so I can always mention it to her.

This is always the most draining part. The emotional ups and downs. I dont think at this point we're going to find a magic cure, this is a case of managing her until she passes, but who knows. For as long as she's enjoying life, we will carry on 😀

Here she is settling down after her syringe feed just now! Waiting patiently for me to hurry up with her meds 😅

Aw thankyou, bless her she has such a strong will to live, shes just telling me what she needs.

I figured as it was nice out today I'd get outside to see what needed doing in the garden and collected them some grass and forage while I was out there, first grass of the year for them!

Aw thankyou, bless her she has such a strong will to live, shes just telling me what she needs.

I figured as it was nice out today I'd get outside to see what needed doing in the garden and collected them some grass and forage while I was out there, first grass of the year for them!

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Oh they are all loving that grass!
Can always rely on Facebook memories to depress you 😅 apparently 2 years ago was day 1 of treating the entire load of piggies with panacur to get on top of any possible E.cuniculi spreading. Reading the names on the little syringe board I made, 10 of those piggies have passed away since, not counting the 2 who passed between the January and March of 2022, so 12 in just over 2 years, as I said the other every other month for 2 years. Almost all of those required syringe feeding around the clock for the last few days, weeks, months (or years in Thistles case)

No wonder I'm absolutely exhausted and quite numb a lot of the time.

It does make me grateful for the 13 I have left from that point though, some of them we fought damn hard for, like Fern.
I'm a bit less mopey today 😅 luckily! I got some fresh air and sunshine.

Mabels guts seem to finally be producing poop at the same volume as she's eating.. normally wouldnt be thrilled about an almost constant bombardment of poo but I'm assuming that means somethings normalising 🤷‍♀️ haven't a clue. Still not really any weight gain but never mind.

Shes sat enjoying a raspberry while I fill her syringes with food. Very suspicious I was going to steal it back from her 🤣

Well it's taken their entire 2.5 years, but Forrest has finally figured out how a bed works 🤣 kind of..its upside down but never mind, he's happy which is all that matters. Although judging by Silvers proud face, he flipped it on top of his brother to trap him 😅
