Eriathwens piggies

I've been able to feel poops in Mabels abdomen all day, shes been very swollen. She's had some emeprid, figured diarrhoea is better than 0 output at all..thankfully she has now started to pass poops again. They're a bit small and mucousy but they're formed and she's still eating. The smell of death also seems to have gone so fingers crossed we can get her through this

Ah dear Mabel …. keep pooping and eating sweetheart -
Fingers crossed she’ll pull thru this ❤️
Shes no better in herself behaviourally this morning but her abdomen is a lot slacker and her poops are looking better. She's still just kind of sat in the corner looking unhappy unless she's out with me. She's still eating well though which is something, she's had emeprid 6 hourly overnight and small syringe feeds 3 hourly but she's more interested in the hay. She won't drink in the cage but if you hold the water bottle in front of her while she's out, she drinks like she hasn't seen water in days.. very strange. Will see how she goes over the next few hours to see if she needs to go in to the vet.

I'm just glad she's still here, I was very worried this time yesterday morning!
Mabels doing well and has perked up enough in the cage to move away from the corner although she's still quiet, she's pooping well and her urine looks more normal.

Forrest has lost more weight so he's back on syringe feeds as well which he's thrilled about, technically he could have it in a bowl, he loves his critical care, but its easier to keep track of how much he eats this way!

Thankyou all, Mabel came running for her pellets earlier so fingers crossed we're getting there. So glad she has a check up tomorrow though.
I had to wake Forrest up for pellets, but he was eager to eat once he realised they were there. Both seem very stable and well though, hoping I can get a full sleep tonight 😅
Todays been absolutely rubbish. I woke up and my jaw felt like it had dislocated again so after a call to 111, headed down to A&E. After arriving at 8:30am I was there until about 1pm after being triaged by a nurse, eventually was sent to xray.. then I was sent to some other place to see a head and throat doctor, eventually.. who didn't make a damn difference to my jaw so, that's fun. And I left at quarter past 5.

Anyway, Mabels 3:45 appointment had to be rescheduled and luckily got one for 6pm which I barely made it to on time.
Nothing could be found wrong with her other than not much in the way of gut sounds..which isn't abnormal for her. So she's booked in for xrays, an ultrasound and more bloods at 1pm Monday. Fingers crossed we can find something.

Thanks, yeah it wasn't fun 😅 luckily with ibuprofen and heat it has gone back into place today and I've been able to eat! I'm still sticking to soft food like suggested, so as not to aggravate it as its still a bit sore.
Mabels doing ok, stable anyway, no worse for missing her morning meds yesterday. Both her and Forrest sat good as gold to be syringe fed last night which was nice as I just wanted to go to bed 🤣 the consensus does seem to be that she isnt absorbing nutrients properly for whatever reason so I've ordered her some of the weird emeraid intensive care stuff, as it's more calorie dense.
So, miss Mabel is home again after an hour or so at the vets for her xrays and ultrasound. Everything looked pretty normal with her ultrasound although she is sulking because she's covered in gel and doesn't like it 🤣
Her xrays showed some bony formations usually seen with vitamin C deficiency, I'd imagine from her old home, and from being unable to properly absorb nutrition at the moment.
She has 2 areas in her spine that aren't normal, one up by her shoulders that looks pushed upwards, and some inflammation around where the nerves are in the lower back, it could be this inflammation is causing her nerve pain as its where the nerves sit, or that the nerves to the gut are not functioning properly.

Shes been put on cisipride and a big whack of paracetamol (0.49ml which she can have 3xs a day!) To get on top of this pain. Shes going to send me a copy of the xray at some point so I can sit and have a closer look. But there's thankfully nothing awful going on inside her, her organs all looked OK.

Madams xrays were emailed over to me a little while ago, you can see the areas of concern, the curved area between her shoulders and the less defined black areas in her lower back showing inflammation around where the nerves are. Hopefully the extra pain relief helps!

She must be so sore bless her, but they're good xrays aren't they! It's probably a bit sad how excited I was to see them 🤣
I forgot to say as well with her ultrasound, while everything looked healthy, her guts aren't moving in a proper rhythm, they're just randomly moving around which is obviously not ideal.
Thankyou! She's a bit bloaty, and the stasis poops are back, but her new critical care is coming today. I got her both types of emeraid to see if she enjoys it more than the oxbow, once she's out of stasis and producing normal poops it doesn't make sense to keep stuffing her full of bulky food when she already eats more than normal herself, so I figured the calorie dense intensive care version might be of more benefit.. shes so full of food and poop already, she just isn't properly absorbing the nutrients in it. If that logic makes any sense 😅😅

I've also started giving her some additional vitamin C, just to see if it makes much difference. Had to shake my head while giving her her morning meds, I dont think I've ever had a single pig on quite this much at once! 🥲

Ugh. Went to put the boys back after their appointment and Forrest smeared diarrhoea all over my bed while mooching around. Poor little sausage is very windy.

Hes booked for bloodwork tomorrow morning to see what's going on. Before I'd even said anything the vet commented how he had lost weight when he got him out. Technically he is only 30g less than his heaviest he's ever been but he just feels so frail. Coupled with how much he's drinking lately I have a feeling his kidneys might be packing up, but fingers crossed not.
