Eriathwens piggies

I was due a full night's sleep..apparently the pigs took that personally 😅

So I was woken up between 5 and 5:30 by the piggies screaming. Pearl and Pippin both have ovarian cysts, Pip is at the vet tomorrow and I was going to book Pearl in while I was there.. Panda is also due a new suprelorin implant which I was also going to arrange as Oliver has been pestering her again.. however they felt they needed to remind me of all this, just in case 🙃 apparently everything came to a head just now and I rush in to find Oliver and Pippin have Panda cornered and pinned up against the side of the cage while she screams the place down. And Pearl nearby screaming because, being blind, she isnt entirely sure what's going on but it sounds scary.

So I scooped Panda up, much to Olivers annoyance, and she's incredibly shaken but thankfully uninjured, as is everyone else. She spent a few minutes shaking and biting my arms while I held her and checked her over but eventually she calmed down a little bit.

I've got her in a carrier for now because putting anything else together would make too much noise and I don't quite have the energy. I'm back in bed and things have hopefully settled for a bit so I can get some more sleep. Looks like tomorrow is going to be a busy day 🫠

OK, the herd have settle back down for now.. hopefully! Pippin had her urine tested and it's full of blood 😔 she's booked for xrays on Tuesday and if there's stones, she will have surgery for those. If she handles the aneasthetic well and it doesn't take too long it's possible they'll whip her ovaries out at the same time but the stones are the priority at the moment.
Panda will be going in with her in the morning as we have reserved her a new implant and she will be having that put in as well.

Pearl has been booked to be spayed on the 15th.

Tilly has an appointment on the 11th to check her abscesses.

So.. thats the main current issues booked in to be sorted, one crisis at a time. Bailey will go for her appointment when I can squeeze her in.

Such a long day 😅
Gosh. I’d lose track of who was having what done. I hope they are all soon on the mend. ❤️‍🩹
It's been nice out today, I've not had time to get everyone onto the lawn as I was cleaning out but I took Tilly out to feel the grass on her feet, seeing as she is getting on a bit and slowing down.. 5 years she's had me believing she could only go in circles, little cow took off! Luckily she's completely blind and went straight into the side of the veggie beds 😅 so no harm done. Once she realised the grass was everywhere, she settled down to start munching. I havent seen her this active in a long, long time. So hopefully there's plenty of warm dry weather so she can spend lots of time enjoying herself.

I'm actually in bed before 2am, madness 🤣
Tilly did make me laugh earlier, I gave them all their veggies and she was sitting really lovely with Lily, they looked like little yin and yang piggies side by side eating some greens. I leaned down to take a photo, of course Lily stepped backwards and Tilly, assuming Lily was trying to steal her dinner, grabbed the greens and charged forward, leaving Lily looking rather confused and empty handed 🤣 so rather than a lovely picture of the pair of them, I got a nice blurry argument over a leaf.

One of Tillys lumps has become very fungally looking, initially it was a small wound when my vet looked at it but it quickly looked like possible ringworm. However it's looking incredibly angry and not very nice currently, I keep meaning to take pictures so I can compare them but by the time I remember, I'm gloved up and covered in ointment 🤦‍♀️ I am starting to worry it may be something nasty like cutaneous lymphoma, we know she has some sort of cancer somewhere due to the fluid build ups she gets off and on, so it would make sense, but it absolutely sucks if that's the case. She has an appointment Thursday to recheck her "abscesses" so we can get the specialists opinion, fingers crossed its just fungal.

Always something 😂 I've been syringe feeding Mabel and every time she chews, she flaps her right ear. After some swearing while trying to find some tweezers, I manage to pull whatever the hell this is out of her ear canal! Of course I accidentally nicked the fleshy part of her ear just in front so she's bleeding, but I bet she feels a lot better.

It must have been, poor sausage. I've finally finished the batch of hay bales that everyone's been shoving bits down ears and up nostrils.. I'm going myself this time to pick out bales tomorrow, to try to get ones with less seeds and weird bits in. Fingers crossed it helps!
No bladder stones were found on Pippins xray so no surgery for her! She's got some antibiotics to see if that helps her bladder and some cystophan. Once we get her comfortable we can think about her ovarian cysts.
And Pandas implant went fine, a bit upset about the local aneasthetic but other than that she behaved herself 🙂

So all in all, it could've been a worse day!

I hope you’ll feel better soon - it’s been a very busy for you …..and not much sleep the last few days
I’m not surprised, you have been so busy with these poorly piggies and we all know how they take its toll. Get your feet up and have a chill out, you deserve it x
Thankyou all, turns out I have something called "period flu" so..thats wonderful. And explains a lot. But at least I'm not actually sick sick, just feeling rough, although I'm actually feeling a lot better compared to yesterday!

Since the heating gone, I broke out the smuggle safe pads for the boys (the piggy room has a kennel heater currently, so they're all good but my bedroom was getting cold) turns out, Forrest absolutely loves them 🤣

They are lovely little boys, although we've been wrestling for a couple of days to get all their nails trimmed 🤣 they have a massive aversion to being held still!

We had a good day at the vet! Tillys weird fungally lump is looking great, all the scabbing has mostly gone and she was able to pick off the last of it. She's fine otherwise just weirdly shaped which isn't unusual, just her fluidy belly and lack of muscle mass. I do have her on panacur at the moment as her back legs were a bit off the other day. The vet said it's likely given her age she has some spondylosis going on in her spine which may or may not be causing the wobbliness in the legs, but given the panacur has resolved the issue before it doesn't hurt to treat just in case.

Mabel is now on cisipride and emeprid for the rest of her life, but she has gained a little weight and is now holding herself more like a guinea pig according to the vet! She's happy in herself and pretty bouncy so we will just continue doing what we're doing for as long as she remains stable and go from there.. its likely that her issue is the nerves to the gut not working properly, rather than pain, so now we've sorted whatever issue was causing diarrhoea when given motility medication, she can have those to keep things moving properly.
