Diet Club

There's a dress I want to wear to Son No 3's graduation in July and I need to lose 3st 4 to be able to fit into it. I'm THAT serious about it, I've even given up cakey, biscuits and wine! :yikes: 🍷
Good luck with your weight loss. It’s good you’ve got a reason. I’m sorry you can’t have cakey, biscuits or wine. 😟
Another half a pound off this morning taking my total to 101/2lbs in 4 weeks. I'm happy with that. May maintain this week as I have friends coming to stay on Friday night. I'll be in charge of the food so it'll be no/low syn but the wine will be flowing! I don't want my friends to know I'm losing weight or else it'll be "You can't eat this, you can't drink that" I've heard it all before! I know what I can and can't eat/drink. I hate being told what to do.
Another 1lb off this morning. My total is now 11 and a half lbs. I was pleasantly surprised at this as I had a load of oh so naughty (but nice) snacks on Friday night and copious amounts of wine as we had friends staying for the night and I don't want them to know I'm losing weight until it becomes obvious. The food I cooked was either low or no syn so that was OK. I know it may go on next week, so I'll be extra careful with what goes in my gob this week.

I'm looking forward to the day when I put my last pound coin in this which will (hopefully) be before 16 July.

Well done @Betsy, you are clearly on a roll, it's important to still have some things we enjoy and not deny ourselves.
I have been in touch with a different PT as the one I originally contacted cancelled through illness and I haven't heard anything more so I could wait or I could stop procrastinating and try another, waiting for appt confirmation. 🤞
Appt confirmed! We are to have a chat to see what my goals are and see how he works then we are going to do a short taster session! :yikes:
So my new Christmas trainers will finally get used, I just need to find work out clothes that still fit?
I'm very nervous, I feel so unfit and fat and therefore self conscious but equally know I am the only person who can do something about it.
Your PT is used to people feeling like that he will take you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Just back from first proper session with the PT, we had a chat last week and a gentle session, he seemed nice and I decided I try 6 weeks, once a week with him and then committing myself to doing 2 sessions at home by myself as well as eating well 🤐.
I think I will feel it tomorrow, although it didn't seem high impact or overly heavy weights I certainly know I've done something!
Not sure how but I've lost another 1 and 3 quarter pounds this week meaning a total loss of 12.5lbs since I started this weight loss journey at the end of January. I went out 3 times this week for meals that weren't SW friendly and had wine too. Well I'm not complaining. Back on it again this week....
Maintained. Not a gain but still... I think I'm going to get a portion plate. At this point I think anything is worth trying!

Been looking at the photos from last year where I am not happy with how I look and realised I'm the same weight now as I was at my lowest last year... in said photos.
It all takes time, my PT keeps telling me it's a marathon not a sprint! If you want the weight to stay off it has to be done at a sensible manageable pace. I'd take the maintain as a positive!
I've done 3 sessions and my weight has stayed the same, initially I was disappointed but when we looked further into it my water % has increased, it was well below what it should be but I've made changes so that is a good thing and my muscle mass has increased slightly. So overall positive.
I guess what I'm trying to say is keep going 😀
Well done! I am day 3 of a hideous stomach bug, can't face eating and barely keeping water in. Not the best way to lose weight but guessing it will have helped a bit! I'm frustrated as I was due a session with my PT tomorrow but I'm in no fit state to go, showering was exhausting this morning and I feel rubbish.
Well done! I am day 3 of a hideous stomach bug, can't face eating and barely keeping water in. Not the best way to lose weight but guessing it will have helped a bit! I'm frustrated as I was due a session with my PT tomorrow but I'm in no fit state to go, showering was exhausting this morning and I feel rubbish.
Hope you feel better soon.
Well done! I am day 3 of a hideous stomach bug, can't face eating and barely keeping water in. Not the best way to lose weight but guessing it will have helped a bit! I'm frustrated as I was due a session with my PT tomorrow but I'm in no fit state to go, showering was exhausting this morning and I feel rubbish.

I hope you are soon on the mend.