Diet Club

I'm only half a pound heavier than when I weighed myself a month ago. I don't feel as bloated, so being back on my good eating/drinking this week must have helped. I probably did put a little on whilst being off work and out and about but I didn't weigh so who knows. Still a way to go!
Last I weighed I was down to around 71.5kg. My work trousers (size 14) are a little bit looser. I didn’t think I’d lost enough to go down a size. So when I bought some nice flattering jeans from Tesco, I went for size 14. Cue me having to pull them up as we made our way through the airport and on the plane 🤣 I will have to buy another pair as they’re the only decent one I have. The others are well worn and at risk of developing holes in unmentionable places!
I’m hoping I’ve not put weight on over the summer…
I couldn't make my group last week due to work commitments, but I think I've gained. Need to get my act together. 👍
How's everyone going on here? I seem to have dropped off the thread in 2021, soared up to just over 13 stone but got 2 stone off and am now 11stone 2 pound. About one more stone to go and i will be there. Slimming World has been helping🙂
That's good going @BossHogg :clap:

Can we get this thread up and running again for support over Christmas? Obvs we will all gain won't we?! But hopefully we won't lose our heads completely and be ready to roll on again in the New Year!
I don't see why not, I'm hoping to stay on plan as much as I can, I haven't done too bad for time off this year. I'm off from 18th Dec to 12th Jan with just 3 nights 25, 26, 27. 👍
I am out for an Indian with my SW group on Monday after weigh I'm:))

Away Christmas week 22nd to 29th but don't want to fall off the wagon completely . . .
I'm still at a bit of a standstill.
My broken toe put paid to the beginning of some of my exercise in October and then the dark nights have put paid to my 20min walk to the bus station after work.

I'm still trying but find the dark days/nights don't do anything for my eating habits/mood.
It's not easy is it, @Sar ? Especially at this time of year. I'm afraid i can't offer any tips to get your head in gear. I sat for over a year at SW doing nothing. In the end my health was suffering so much with my eating, i got on board. I was getting a lot of palpitations and gastric reflux. All stopped since i got 2 stone off.

Happily, after my Indian last night, i am lighter this morning that yesterday morning! Hard to believe but i didnt eat much at all yesterday (2 oatcakes) pre indian so maybe overall i didnt really overdo it
It's not easy is it, @Sar ? Especially at this time of year. I'm afraid i can't offer any tips to get your head in gear. I sat for over a year at SW doing nothing. In the end my health was suffering so much with my eating, i got on board. I was getting a lot of palpitations and gastric reflux. All stopped since i got 2 stone off.

Happily, after my Indian last night, i am lighter this morning that yesterday morning! Hard to believe but i didnt eat much at all yesterday (2 oatcakes) pre indian so maybe overall i didnt really overdo it

It definitely isn't. I think portion size and exercise is something I need to look at. The way I see it now is that with so little time left of this year I'm going to try to be sensible. Yes I will eat veg, drink water, try make better choices but its also Christmas - chocolate and wine will be a feature!

January 2024 however, time to reset.
chocolate and wine will be a feature!


For next year (or even your Christmas stocking!) I can highly recommend a book called "how not to die" by Michael Gregor. It really turned me around with its info on what processed foods do to your body. And what a diet of decent unprocessed food does to your body.

In the Summer i managed to go cold turkey on the sugar to get kick started. But i didn't really hold back on quantity at all. I just started nibbling nuts, adding flaxseed to my food (good for high cholesterol) drinking beeetroot juice (lowers blood pressure)

I was so focused on fitting in the good stuff it was actually easy to do for a good while. Of course, motivation has slipped but i haven't totally lost it and i have taken 2 stone off simply by home cooking.

Earlier this year, i was in a very negative mind set. I was almost resigned to dropping dead from a heart attack. My heart felt bad, my ankles swollen, bp and cholesterol high. I just felt very defeatest and like i had wrecked by body and would await the inevitable.

When i saw in the book you can very quickly reverse damage (book starts with an inspirational tale of the author's elderly mother) i felt hopeful.

I'm in my 50s, and yo yo dieted since my 20s. It's only this past year or two i really feel my health impacted. I'm well but my heart sure was giving me some signals it was struggling earlier this year.

I'll still be eating well inc chocs over Christmas but hope I don't lose the head completely. It can be so hard to get back on track once your mind (or my mind anyway) goes into "sod it" mode!
Happy New Year everyone!

Weighed in at SW yesterday and "only" put 5 pound on. Considering the amount of Christmas nibbles, i take that at a win!

I live in Scotland but we had a massive rented house in Norfolk over Christmas week so the whole family could be together. My son and his girlfriend live down there with their new baby (my first grandchild)

So a jolly good time was had by all!

How's everyone doing?
I'm 5lb less than I was on this date in 2023.

A small win I suppose as I've kept a small amount off all year. Would have been more but cold days, trips away and Christmas happened. Oh well, I had fun!

I have been looking through photos from adventures of last year and I don't like how I look in some of them. I'm glad I'm in them as its all about memories but that's part of my motivation - to not look as big in photos I will take on this years adventures.

My big thing is going to be introducing consistent exercise into my life this year.
I gained a pound over Christmas, I'm still 3 stone lighter than this time last year, I'm going to push on and attempt to get to target. My weight loss has stayed static since my wife was in hospital in October.
Just lost 5.5lb last week (1st week on Plan). Got 2st 2.5lb to go. Son No 3 Graduates in July so I need to lose it by then. Just had a lovely lunch: Air fried Crab Sticks. Not a fan of crab sticks usually but air fried they are yum! Cut them into 3 or 4 pieces, spray with fry light and air fry for 20 mins turning at 10 mins. Serve with a salad. Syn free and filling.:)
2nd week on plan 0.75lb weight loss. That's 6.25lbs in 2 weeks. Not bad going. I wasn't expected a large weight loss this week as I lost so much last week. I'm hoping for at least 1/2 a stone gone by next Monday.
Oh dear, what have I done??
I got a new pair of running trainers for Christmas as I said I was going to get back to it, well they are still in the box! I keep looking at a couple of local personal trainers near me but haven't been brave enough to call, my friend keeps suggesting we go to the gym together but I know if I just go on my own with no direction I won't put in as much effort as I should, so I've just emailed one of the PT and asked for an initial consultation 🫣
Currently feeling a bit apprehensive but know I'm never going to loose any weight if I don't do anything about it.
Not really sure why I'm posting but if I put it out there I have to be a bit accountable!
Well done Spaghetti & Noodles - it’s so hard to take that first step but a PT will really help - it’s their motivation and support that will encourage you and help you. They will know exactly what to start with etc - I’d take a waist measurement and a weight so you can see your progress - It’s good you have posted and we will all love to be part of your journey ….we’re with you and will support and encourage you too 🥰
I haven't really got anywhere with my weight loss this year. I feek like a potato with arms and legs (and flabby onea at that).

I have been using my twisty plate 3x week during Feb (I know we're only 15 days in) and plan on starting small exercise sessions at home in March. Small steps and all that.
Well done Spaghetti & Noodles - it’s so hard to take that first step but a PT will really help - it’s their motivation and support that will encourage you and help you. They will know exactly what to start with etc - I’d take a waist measurement and a weight so you can see your progress - It’s good you have posted and we will all love to be part of your journey ….we’re with you and will support and encourage you too 🥰
Appt booked for an initial meet next week :eek:
Hopefully we'll get on and she'll point me in the direction I need to go?!
I haven't really got anywhere with my weight loss this year. I feek like a potato with arms and legs (and flabby onea at that).

I have been using my twisty plate 3x week during Feb (I know we're only 15 days in) and plan on starting small exercise sessions at home in March. Small steps and all that.
We all have to start somewhere and small steps are better than no steps! X