Diet Club

My aim is to get back to park run, even if I walk the first couple of times, well done on your journey🥰
I've never done one but always wanted to. Do it, each time will be a progress!

I used to do exercise dvds and the person that did them has a youtube channel, with videos ranging from 5minutes and covering a huge range of areas. I'm thinking even 15 minutes a week (to start) would be beneficial, work different muscles etc.
I've never done one but always wanted to. Do it, each time will be a progress!

I used to do exercise dvds and the person that did them has a youtube channel, with videos ranging from 5minutes and covering a huge range of areas. I'm thinking even 15 minutes a week (to start) would be beneficial, work different muscles etc.
I think that sounds like a great plan, start with something achievable and work up from there x
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Another 1lb off inching closer to my official 3 stone award. 👍
Maintained my last weight. At least its not a gain. Legs ache a little from the walking I've done this week so hoping its a good sign for my muscles.
Maintained my last weight. At least its not a gain. Legs ache a little from the walking I've done this week so hoping its a good sign for my muscles.
Drink lots of water to help your muscles repair themselves quicker.
Not yet, a long way to go yet. 😁
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Small steps.

I think I lost some weight (though suspect I may have put on a little slightly). My work trousers are definitely looser and so are some other items. Someone who I hadn’t seen in a while also commented. I need to keep going. Also need to try and squeeze in exercise…
I've dropped a size already in uniform trousers, however it won't be long before I'm in the next size down again. Luckily I had a smaller size to use straight away. My annual allowance renews in August so I can order some more. 👍
Drink lots of water to help your muscles repair themselves quicker.

Thanks for the tip - I didn't know this!

I'm desperate to drop another pound to make it half a stone lost so I can measure myself again and see where I've lost from.
While your muscles are repairing you'll weigh a pound or so more as its water retention that helps them to heal. Weigh yourself when your muscles stop aching.
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Haven't weighed for weeks. Feel like I haven't made any progress and not had the time to add extra exercise into my life.

When I weigh next week (it being half way through the year) would I have more success weighing in kg or pounds? Instead of stones? I get either of the measurements will show same weight loss (eventually) but if was to weigh in one of the other measures would I see smaller steps? To spur me on?
Forgot about this, another 4lbs off, 3lbs to go to 3 and a half stone loss at slimming world, 4 1/2 stone complete loss.
Am now a stone heavier than I was at the beginning of the year. And I was so chuffed at beginning of year because I was a stone lighter than I started last year.

Almost got into my next size jeans and then spoilt it and can't even pull them up properly now.

Weight myself this morning 11stone 11 pounds, want to be 9 stone again. My colhestrol (can't spell, so sorry) is a little high.

My problem is I know I can do it but am being very lazy.

I am also one of these people who just can't have a little of something so I have to do if it moves I will eat it or not eat any bad foods at all.... does that make sense? If I don't eat cakes, sweets, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cheese (because once I start eating it I can't stop) I am fine if I never touch those food stuffs but once I eat a little my will power has gone.

I have a treadmill in my back room which I am going to re start using every day for walking, I could walk really fast a 5k in an hour but will kill me now if I even tried.

MY work jeans are mega tight on me, and were just right when I brought them 3 months ago, and they are elestic waist. I return back to work on the 7th September

This comes across as very muddly, but I hope it makes some sort of sense to someone
The last time I was your weight, I was 16! 🤣🤣🤣 It seems such a long time ago. I was 56 last month! 😭😭😭
Had a small gain, I normally do on nights as my body clock is all over the place.