Diet Club

A single pound off has made my day because be it actual loss, water loss or a blip the scales have moved.

This month I am focusing on movement, be it more walking or doing knee raises whilst drying my hair. Extra movement can only be good.
I think of it as how many blocks of butter have I lost. You have lost 2 blocks of butter this week.
Six months in, I'm down two pounds to where I started on 1st Jan. It's a start. I've took a photo today, in my underwear - I'm going to repeat this in September. It gives me a bit of time to see if the extra walking, movement and water is doing anything. Maybe I will notice a difference visually. We'll see.
I was becoming a porker again so I'm back on the Slimming World merry go round. Second weigh in today and I've lost 10lbs in 2 weeks 👍
Well done Boss. I was a 1lb of 1.5 stone on Monday. I'll have put on this week as we have @Viennese Furbabies staying this week and I've had fish and chips, brie and bacon baguette, chinese takeaway, cakes, ice creams and a Meet on Saturday! :oops:

I'm enjoying myself though!
I’ve decided to join slimming world online as I’m too nervous to go to a group especially as I have nobody to go with

I have been struggling with my weight for several years since I lost my job due to poor health in 2018 and my cocktail of tablets all have weight gain as a side effect

Ideally I’d like to lose 3 stone to get back to the weight I was before losing my job

Anyway, I officially joined today although I technically started last Friday and I’m pleased to say that I’ve lost 7lb

Friday will be my weigh day so I’m going to update here to keep me going. I hope that’s ok x
I’ve decided to join slimming world online as I’m too nervous to go to a group especially as I have nobody to go with

I have been struggling with my weight for several years since I lost my job due to poor health in 2018 and my cocktail of tablets all have weight gain as a side effect

Ideally I’d like to lose 3 stone to get back to the weight I was before losing my job

Anyway, I officially joined today although I technically started last Friday and I’m pleased to say that I’ve lost 7lb

Friday will be my weigh day so I’m going to update here to keep me going. I hope that’s ok x

That’s fantastic @Claire W. Keep going. 👍🏻
I’ve decided to join slimming world online as I’m too nervous to go to a group especially as I have nobody to go with

I have been struggling with my weight for several years since I lost my job due to poor health in 2018 and my cocktail of tablets all have weight gain as a side effect

Ideally I’d like to lose 3 stone to get back to the weight I was before losing my job

Anyway, I officially joined today although I technically started last Friday and I’m pleased to say that I’ve lost 7lb

Friday will be my weigh day so I’m going to update here to keep me going. I hope that’s ok x
Welcome to the Slimming World club and well done on your loss. 👍