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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

So pleased Pepper’s a bit brighter today, hope he’s stuffing his gorgeous little face and not causing too much trouble the cheeky little piglet! :hug:
Just read through your thread, so glad Pepper is feeling better, you're doing a great job!
Kim and Simon really are amazing! ☺️
Does anyone know how long the course of Zithromax would be for? He started it last Friday evening. Thanks.
When Zebedee 🌈 had Zithromax, the bottle/course used to last 10 days and he always needed to complete at least one. However that was for URIs. Dose and course length may well be different for abscesses. I would tend to think that you need to keep giving it until the abscess is gone, because as long as there is pus in it, there is infection which will keep growing.
Good luck for tomorrow, I hope your journey goes well and Pepper is on the mend too x
I don’t know about the AB, it very much depends on the abscess (size/position etc) and how well it’s all healing, that often means not too fast as it has to heal from the inside out
All heading in the right direction. More antibiotics for another 3 weeks then another check up if needed. Simon managed to squeeze out more gunk so I’m pleased we came back. It’s a long way just for a 15 minute appointment but well worth it. 😃
Simon said the abscess was 4cm. That’s massive on a piggy neck.
So on the positive side Peppers abscess site is looking really good. Cleaning it is going ok too. But I’m really struggling with the fact the antibiotics have stopped his appetite. He’s losing about 15g day so I’ve started syringe feeding. He’s really struggling when I’m doing his meds and feed. I know I have to do it to keep him going until the antibiotics are finished but he’s going to hate me by the end of it and I’m stressed already. I only managed to get 8ml in yesterday. I will try more today. ☹️
Also he was eating amazingly well with the 4cm abscess there. So it must be the ABs 😣
Thank you @FurryFriends TEAS).

They are just such a worry. I agree the ABs have done an amazing job with the abscess. Pepper was 1420g in May. He’s now 1130g 😕
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Really not going well with the syringe feeding. So I’ve enlisted the help of my husband. Hopefully Pepper will stop losing weight and start to gain a little. 🤞

Abscess is looking good. He loves me cleaning it out with a cotton bud with a hanky over the end of it. I stick it right in the hole and twist it about. He will lay there for ages while I do that. But as soon as I try to feed him he turns into a little devil.
Try mushing up nuggets and syringe feeding those instead. I find animals go off the foods they were eating when they were poorly and prefer different tastes as they recover. I use three different types of nuggets, critical care, science recovery, Emeraid and baby foods.

Is he eating for himself? Are you just topping up because of weight loss? If they’re eating reasonably well I don’t top up, even if they’re losing a bit of weight xx
Thanks. I wasn’t topping him up as, like you said, I wanted him to eat on his own. But since Wednesday he’s been losing about 20g a day so I didn’t want to just leave him to deteriorate too much. He’s eating some hay and grass. Hardly any veg, no nuggets. Now I’ve got my husband helping to hold him we have managed to get 10ml in today so far in two sittings and are aiming for another 10ml this after and then before bed.