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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

Just on the way home now. It’s been a long day. Left home at 8.30. He didn’t have the op until 3.30. He seems ok. Very quiet but eating a little. That’s to be expected. I haven’t seen the wound yet. It’s an open wound I have to clean out twice a day. I’ll get a picture as soon as possible.

They got out over 20ml of gunk from it.

Thank you for your thoughts and good wishes.

Any advice and tips on cleaning it out will be greatly appreciated. I won’t do it this evening. I’ll start tomorrow morning.
Poor you, it is such a long day isnt it waiting around worrying. So glad it’s gone well though and that nasty gunk out! Bet he’ll be feeling much better soon!
If it’s been stitched open and in a similar place then these are a couple of pics from my Luigi’s thread how I had him to flush his out :) On his back pushed up against a cushion etc. How Debbie at TEAS does it and so much easier than how I tried to while he fought me! (Thanks again Deb!)
I used a 10ml syringe and needle (guess they gave them to you like they did with me?) and just fired the saline in to flush out right inside the hole 🙂 I also used cotton wool pads to clean inside, just gave it a good old clean around! Can get a bit messy so I got through lots of towels doing his 4 times a day! Feel free to pm if you need any help :hug:
Hope you all have a safe journey home and you both have a good night x
Poor you, it is such a long day isnt it waiting around worrying. So glad it’s gone well though and that nasty gunk out! Bet he’ll be feeling much better soon!
If it’s been stitched open and in a similar place then these are a couple of pics from my Luigi’s thread how I had him to flush his out :) On his back pushed up against a cushion etc. How Debbie at TEAS does it and so much easier than how I tried to while he fought me! (Thanks again Deb!)
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View attachment 206876
I used a 10ml syringe and needle (guess they gave them to you like they did with me?) and just fired the saline in to flush out right inside the hole 🙂 I also used cotton wool pads to clean inside, just gave it a good old clean around! Can get a bit messy so I got through lots of towels doing his 4 times a day! Feel free to pm if you need any help :hug:
Hope you all have a safe journey home and you both have a good night x

Thank you so much. I’m sure I’ll need some help to start with.
They said to clean it out once or twice a day but maybe I should do it more?
No probs @weepweeps! I’ll keep an eye on my phone and try and get back to you ASAP :) You might be able to get a hand holding Pepper, it was just with me being on my lonesome the cushion trick was great!
They told me to clean Gigi’s 3 times a day but I went for 4 just because of my paranoia after Pedro the chinchillas nightmare burst abscess!
I love this forum and the lovely people on it too :)
He seems ok. Not too keen on eating his veggies this morning. Ate some though. I’ve given him his two meds and 4ml of syringe food just in case. He has lost a little weight but he didn’t eat much yesterday.

I’ve cleaned the wound. But I’m not sure if I’ve done it right. I used three 12ml syringes with warm water in them and a needle attached and basically squirted the water at the hole from an inch away. Then wiped him clean with a cotton pad. No puss came out but a little blood. Is there anything else I need to do? I thought I would have to use a syringe with NO needle and put it in the hole?

Is there an abscess cleaning video on here?
He seems ok. Not too keen on eating his veggies this morning. Ate some though. I’ve given him his two meds and 4ml of syringe food just in case. He has lost a little weight but he didn’t eat much yesterday.

I’ve cleaned the wound. But I’m not sure if I’ve done it right. I used three 12ml syringes with warm water in them and a needle attached and basically squirted the water at the hole from an inch away. Then wiped him clean with a cotton pad. No puss came out but a little blood. Is there anything else I need to do? I thought I would have to use a syringe with NO needle and put it in the hole?

Is there an abscess cleaning video on here?
Bless him, glad he’s ok. I’d keep topping him up with syringe food today then as he’s off his food.

Sounds good! Are you using salt water (saline)? It’s much better to use a needle as you can fire the water in and clean the gunk out much better. If you can hold the wound open a little too, to make sure you try and get as much as possible out :)

Not sure there is a video, I’ve just gone by advice by lovely forum members to clean Pedro and Gigi’s really.
Hope he has a good day x

Oh and you can stick a wet cotton pad in the actual wound and give it a scrub around as Debbie had suggested to me, it’s gets right in and gets the stubborn stuff out a bit too! :)
I have no advise apart from to keep topping him up with syringe feed if he’s off his food, bless him.

We had to use a syringe and needle with Eliza’s infected eye socket. The vet gave us a bag of saline to use but salt water will do x
Aah poor Pepper, that is big :( Sure it feels much better than full of grotty abscess though bless him. Sending him lots of love from me and Gigi!
It looks like my living room all the time @weepweeps, pigs and their stuff everywhere! :))
So I’m trying not to worry as the vet did say that Pepper may not be himself today but ..... he’s not eating too much. I’ve given him some grass. He’d eat it if I held it to his mouth but if I didn’t he would just sniff it and not eat it. He has hay all around him but I haven’t seen him actually eat any. He seems bright in himself. Hiding in his box all day unless I’ve got him out for meds or flushing/ cuddle. I’ll weigh him again in the morning to gauge what he has eaten. Just need some reassurance ❤️
I call the day after a medical procedure/op 'hangover day' because the operation cocktail has worn off (it contains a large dose of analgesics as well), and the operated area is very sore while the healing process has not kicked in yet.

Claire had the same problem with her Edward on Monday.
He’s been a right pain this morning. So he must be feeling better. He didn’t want his meds or syringe feed. Then I had to take the needle off the flushing syringe as he was running all over the place. I thought I would stab him. He’s only lost 5g so I’m happy he’s eating enough hay. Thanks for thinking of him.
He’s been a right pain this morning. So he must be feeling better. He didn’t want his meds or syringe feed. Then I had to take the needle off the flushing syringe as he was running all over the place. I thought I would stab him. He’s only lost 5g so I’m happy he’s eating enough hay. Thanks for thinking of him.
pepper sounds sounds a lot brighter, if a little naughty 👿 Good to hear he is on the mend x