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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

Is he not eating at all, or just reduced appetite? x
He ate 1 piece of coriander, 2 very small cucumber matchsticks, and three thin pieces of pepper this morning then wasn’t interested in any more. We got 111ml feed into him yesterday and he lost 10g this morning! So I don’t think he’s eating much on his own. But he is eating some hay for himself.
Thanks, I’m ok, plodding on and coping with them atm but I’m due a full week of sleep to catch up I think! 🥱 Got vets with Jasper in a hour now too! :doh:
So sorry Pepper’s not eating himself, Luigi was obviously the same and it does get on top of you for so long full time :( Really hope once he’s finished the yucky meds he gets his appetite back poor chap, and that you get a rest and can enjoy your holiday. It’s horrible when they’re not themselves and off food, especially pigs that love their grub so much like our boys! 20g is a great little gain when he’s not eating though, hopefully he’ll help you out gaining a bit more soon 🤞 Massive hugs from us all to you and Pepper x
Good luck Jasper 🤞.
He ate 1 piece of coriander, 2 very small cucumber matchsticks, and three thin pieces of pepper this morning then wasn’t interested in any more. We got 111ml feed into him yesterday and he lost 10g this morning! So I don’t think he’s eating much on his own. But he is eating some hay for himself.
When they’re not eating much, I give about 10 mls of syringe food and then a pile of salad leaves, grass, veggies etc. they seem to eat so much better after a small syringe feed xx
Think I’ve over done the grass in my attempt to get Pepper to eat more. Both boys now have very soft poops. 🤦🏻‍♀️

No veg and more pro c. Also giving Percy pain meds as he’s now squeaking while weeing.
Pepper has had his last dose of Zithromax this evening. Hooooray.

Can’t wait to see an improvement with his eating in the next few days. Does anyone know how quickly their appetite returns after 3.5 weeks of support feeding five times a day?

Hopefully he hasn’t forgot how to eat for himself. He was always a fatty. He definitely needs more meat on his bones.
I will say my Pepper is still getting tipped up from his antibiotics several weeks ago we are very slowly seeing the weight go back on but it’s a very slow process 😞

Oh gosh I didn’t realise it might take that long. I’m sorry your Pepper is still needing a helping hand. How much and when are you topping up?

We’ve been feeding about 20ml every 2 hours (and he wasn’t putting on any weight really). So from tomorrow we were going to drop to 15ml and see what his weight does.
We are doing a teaspoon each day, I don’t have to syringe him so I’m not sure how much it is exactly, I am having to rotate CC, emeraid & burgees duel care as he seems to go off them after a day or two! Emeraid seems to be the current fave though!
Pepper lost 35 overnight. He’s off his meds now and we gave 55ml of syringe feed yesterday. 🤦🏻‍♀️😢

So today we are upping the feeding back up to about 80ml to see what happens tomorrow. This is so hard.

He can eat. He’s just not eating enough. Even when we were getting over 100ml of feed in to him he hasn’t really put any weight on since his operation. He’s now 1095g when he used to be 1420g he looks tiny ☹️. He’s eating hay as I type this. Any advice welcome.
Edwards still needing to be syringe fed too but he’s thankfully maintaining his weight. He’s also finished his antibiotics now. I’m sorry that Pepper is losing, it’s such a worry isn’t it 😞
He just isn’t putting anything on. Even on days when we got 115ml in to him. He quite likes the feed. We just can’t keep up doing 5 feeds a day. Hes off to my friends on Saturday for 10 days. There’s no way she will be able to get 100ml a day into him. I dread to think how much he will lose next week. I’m at a loss.
I would just top up morning and evening and leave him to his own devices. I think by giving too much syringe feed you take the edge off their appetite. When I need to get weight on piggies I feed porridge oats and high calorie foods such as carrots and corn on the cob. It takes a long time to go back on but it will!
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For anyone following this thread Pepper just started eating more and more. He’s not putting on much weight but his poops are a good size and he’s looking very happy. Hooray. It’s only taken 8 weeks. No meds and no syringe feeding now.

Anyone else in this position just keep going. At times I thought he would never recover but he’s doing ok. 😃

That’s the good news. The bad news is ..... Percy’s turn 😢
Glad to hear peeper is feeling better, that’s one worth off your mind Atleast 💕
Glad pepper is doing better - well done. What a stressful time for you.