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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

I’m so relieved that I’ve got him an appointment but now I’m worried it will still cost £2,000! 😬
I’m so relieved that I’ve got him an appointment but now I’m worried it will still cost £2,000! 😬
No, no it won’t cost anything like that, they are so experienced they don’t tend to use scans and elaborate technology for teeth that ramos up the costs , they can usually tell what’s wrong just by looking and feeling around the mouth.
I’ve been wondering about the cost too although Edward has only cost me around £150 so far for 3 consultations (I didn’t pay for one of them and one was for his penis) and meds but the sub cut fluids yesterday were quite expensive. Think he’s having them again today too. How’s Pepper doing? x
He’s eating well. He’s hiding in his box more than usual. He’s put on 5g lol. So all in all I’m happy with him. Just the big lump under his chin and his face is dirty. Not sure if that is from dribbling (it’s not wet) or he’s just not bothering to clean himself because it hurts. I got dog loxicom yesterday for him. 0.4ml a day so that’s good.

Thanks for asking ❤️
I’ve been wondering about the cost too although Edward has only cost me around £150 so far for 3 consultations (I didn’t pay for one of them and one was for his penis) and meds but the sub cut fluids yesterday were quite expensive. Think he’s having them again today too. How’s Pepper doing? x

I’ve paid about £300 already for two consultations, dental surgery and two lots of pain meds and ABs from my local vets. Fingers crossed Cat and Rabbit can sort him out. Good luck for Edward too. ❤️
I’ve paid about £300 already for two consultations, dental surgery and two lots of pain meds and ABs from my local vets. Fingers crossed Cat and Rabbit can sort him out. Good luck for Edward too. ❤️
It’s never cheap is it 🙄 but I’m sure Simon or Kim will get him better x
I’ve paid about £300 already for two consultations, dental surgery and two lots of pain meds and ABs from my local vets. Fingers crossed Cat and Rabbit can sort him out. Good luck for Edward too. ❤️

It’s so expensive isn’t it? I paid £75 yesterday for consultation, sub cut fluids and 3 days worth of emeprid and I expect todays visit will be a similar price. I hope that Cat and Rabbit can help both Pepper and Edward x
So sorry you and Pepper are having such a bad time atm @weepweeps, you’re doing the absolute best for him! Kim and Simon will hopefully get him feeling so much better and rid of that nasty thing!
It was £425 roughly for Luigi’s abscess op and meds recently (metacam and Zithromax), obviously it could be a bit different for Pepper with how long it takes etc and as his was a lymph node abscess, not his tooth root. But you definitely won’t be paying as much there as at the other place!
I wouldn’t trust anyone else with my babies and their ops, Simon has done some strange and risky ops with my gang and all went so well so he’s in the very best hands :hug: x
Thinking of you Pepper, hope it all goes well!
He’s having his op at 1.30. We can collect him at 4.30. 😬. Hope he’s ok. They said his teeth look healthy so he won’t need his incisor removed. They are planning to lance it and stitch it open. Then it’s up to me to clean it out and keep it open. I hope he’s a good patient for me. She said he’s in very good condition and he was a very good boy for the examination.

I can also up his pain killers to 0.5ml twice a day (he’s 1.2kg) and she’s starting him on zitho? AB.

The worries are:

1. He stops eating on the ABs


2. it keeps coming back.

We will take each day as it comes.
Bless him. I hope his op goes well and that he’ll keep eating for you whilst taking the Zithromax. It’s great that his teeth are in good condition

That’s one thing that I’m worried about with Edward, that if he does have an abscess that it’ll keep coming back but I’m trying not to worry
Aw bet it’s been a long day for you all, hope Pepper is ok after his operation and you are on your way back h9me now X