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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

Pepper is following Percy’s bottom around. I think he’s trying to eat Percy's poops? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Thanks
Pepper is following Percy’s bottom around. I think he’s trying to eat Percy's poops? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Thanks
It's a normal thing, for a piggy who is ill or whose gut flora has been affected by antibiotics. Are you giving him probiotics as well as his medicines?
They are funny in their preferences! Rusty would only have Burgess Dual Care, I didn't mind as it was the cheapest. Peanut would only have Science Recovery.
Hope Pepper gets well soon.
Pepper has been nibbling Percy’s testicles. He has a couple of scratches on them. I’m assuming it’s when he’s been trying to get to Percy’s poops. Poor Percy. There’s probably not much I can do to stop this is there?
Pepper has been nibbling Percy’s testicles. He has a couple of scratches on them. I’m assuming it’s when he’s been trying to get to Percy’s poops. Poor Percy. There’s probably not much I can do to stop this is there?
It sounds like he’s after some fresh poop, hope he’s coping with the heat x
They are in our coolest room so I think they are ok with the heat at the moment. My sister in law is in Cornwall at the moment and said it’s not too hot there. How are you coping with the heat?
Yes. Then hopefully he’ll leave Percy alone. Thanks.
They are in our coolest room so I think they are ok with the heat at the moment. My sister in law is in Cornwall at the moment and said it’s not too hot there. How are you coping with the heat?
We are house sitting house rabbit and hens in East Sussex for daughter while she and hubby are in the Maldives. It was 37.5 earlier this afternoon but I think it’s going to cool down tonight. Cornwall sounds delightful right now. We went swimming off our boat on Friday the sea was so lovely.
All the menagerie are coping well, piggies surrounded by ice packs etc, rabbit on tiled floor, the hens are in the shade so hopefully we will all be fine 😉
My husband got this for Pepper today to encourage eating his syringe food. As suggested by Debbie at TEAS. It’s got carrots peas and rice flour in it. Is that ok?
I just wanted to post some pictures on here so if anyone is going through a similar thing it may help them.


Get everything you need close at hand at the start.

The syringe I was using had cooled boiled water in it with NO needle.

The other picture is of a cotton bud with a cotton hanky over the end to really get into the hole. Pepper actually enjoyed me cleaning it out. The vet did say try and pick off any scabs that form and you need to keep the wound open for as long as possible.
So glad to hear Pepper is doing ok (sorry not been well again), hope you are too :hug:
Luigi lost over 150g in all with his op and weight loss, up and down and all over the place a bit for a good 6 weeks, he’s stable now but 1260g ish compared to 1400g that he was! That bony bum isn’t returning! So try not to worry too much, sounds like he’s definitely still got a bit of energy chasing poops and is doing great, especially with all this heat!
My RB Jess did the nose up bums searching for poop a lot whenever she was ill, poo soup works wonders! :)
My lot all love the Emeraid Sustain (have got through blooming loads of that and others recently with my old and poorly gang!), the only thing they’ll all eat a bowl of themselves in the cage to make life easier for me! Hope you can find Pepper’s favourite and get him scoffing :)
Sending you all huge hugs x
So glad to hear Pepper is doing ok (sorry not been well again), hope you are too :hug:
Luigi lost over 150g in all with his op and weight loss, up and down and all over the place a bit for a good 6 weeks, he’s stable now but 1260g ish compared to 1400g that he was! That bony bum isn’t returning! So try not to worry too much, sounds like he’s definitely still got a bit of energy chasing poops and is doing great, especially with all this heat!
My RB Jess did the nose up bums searching for poop a lot whenever she was ill, poo soup works wonders! :)
My lot all love the Emeraid Sustain (have got through blooming loads of that and others recently with my old and poorly gang!), the only thing they’ll all eat a bowl of themselves in the cage to make life easier for me! Hope you can find Pepper’s favourite and get him scoffing :)
Sending you all huge hugs x

Hope you are ok and have a period of no seizures. I’m glad Luigi is doing ok. Pepper is not eating too much on his own. I’m just hoping that once the antibiotics finish he will get munching. We go away in about two weeks but I have a piggy sitter who I trust to do everything Pepper needs. I just want him back to his normal chunky self.
I’ve been syringe feeding Pepper for two and a half weeks and I must admit it’s getting tough. I go away in two weeks and I’m leaving him with someone who I trust will do all that he needs. We gave him 115ml of syringe feeds yesterday and he’s put on 20g! I was hoping for more. I can’t wait for the ABs to finish so hopefully his appetite comes back 🤞
Has the abscess healed? When do you see Simon again? xx

I flushed it three times a day for two weeks and now it’s healed but he’s still got lots of stitches there. It’s looking good and doesn’t feel like it’s filling up again. I saw Simon 5 days after the operation and he cleaned it out. He just said to “see how it goes” and we didn’t make another appointment. I called them on Friday and asked when I could stop the ABs and the receptionist said to finish the course. I’m just hoping his appetite comes back when they are finished. 🤞
Fingers crossed that Pepper's abscess doesn't come back and his appetite comes back. Edward is up and down but I'm not sure if that's the infected tooth or the zithromax :( He's next at the vets on Thursday but I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I'm hoping I can get wifi to find out how he is othewise it's going to be a long wait x
Fingers crossed that Pepper's abscess doesn't come back and his appetite comes back. Edward is up and down but I'm not sure if that's the infected tooth or the zithromax :( He's next at the vets on Thursday but I'm going on holiday tomorrow so I'm hoping I can get wifi to find out how he is othewise it's going to be a long wait x

I hope Edward is ok too. He’s with the best person to look after him. Have a wonderful holiday. 😘
Hope you are ok and have a period of no seizures. I’m glad Luigi is doing ok. Pepper is not eating too much on his own. I’m just hoping that once the antibiotics finish he will get munching. We go away in about two weeks but I have a piggy sitter who I trust to do everything Pepper needs. I just want him back to his normal chunky self.
Thanks, I’m ok, plodding on and coping with them atm but I’m due a full week of sleep to catch up I think! 🥱 Got vets with Jasper in a hour now too! :doh:
So sorry Pepper’s not eating himself, Luigi was obviously the same and it does get on top of you for so long full time :( Really hope once he’s finished the yucky meds he gets his appetite back poor chap, and that you get a rest and can enjoy your holiday. It’s horrible when they’re not themselves and off food, especially pigs that love their grub so much like our boys! 20g is a great little gain when he’s not eating though, hopefully he’ll help you out gaining a bit more soon 🤞 Massive hugs from us all to you and Pepper x