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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

I’m in shock. The exotic vet just called. It’s £180 for them to see Pepper. Then the estimate for CT scan and operation is £1,500-£2,000. He’s booked in for the consultation on Tuesday morning. I can’t afford that much. I only earn £40 a week! Of course I have a vet fund but what if it comes back? Which is a possibility. I don't know what to do.
Don’t go there, ask for a referral to Simon or Kim Maddock. They don’t do all these x-rays and stuff, they are hands on and very experienced. They’ll assess Peppers problem there and then and will not be talking about figures like that. The most I’ve ever paid for an mammary tumour and that was £350 with meds and all op costs. Simon and Kim deal with lots of mouth abscesses and have brilliant results.

Good luck x
Thanks. I’m not sure how much time I have. It looks like it’s getting bigger and bigger. Are Cat and Rabbit even taking on new patients at the moment? I just don’t know what to do for the best.
Thanks. I’m not sure how much time I have. It looks like it’s getting bigger and bigger. Are Cat and Rabbit even taking on new patients at the moment? I just don’t know what to do for the best.
You will need a referral from your vet and you’ll be offered an appointment xx
Is this them?


I’m just phoning my vets to see if they will refer to them. 🤞
When my girl looked like she had trouble swallowing (and no, sadly we never found out exactly what why) she was kept going solely on syringe food for about 6 weeks so take a few deep breaths and if he's looking OK, good coat, bright eyes, hungry for food, pooping, you can get through this. It can take a terrific long time to do the syringing though so you do just have to be very patient while they eat a very little at a time. Thinking of you both 💕
When my girl looked like she had trouble swallowing (and no, sadly we never found out exactly what why) she was kept going solely on syringe food for about 6 weeks so take a few deep breaths and if he's looking OK, good coat, bright eyes, hungry for food, pooping, you can get through this. It can take a terrific long time to do the syringing though so you do just have to be very patient while they eat a very little at a time. Thinking of you both 💕
Syringe feeding is a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. I like many have spent many, many days and nights syringe feeding and it truly makes all the difference. If Pepper looks healthy and is doing all normal piggie things then that’s a great sign he is coping well x
I did syringe feed him at first when he lost a lot of weight. But he’s eating and maintaining his weight. Not putting any on but that’s okay for now. I’m weighing him every morning. He lost 20g yesterday so if he loses today I’ll step in with a bit of CC. Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice.
Spoke to my vet. He’s off on Monday so is going to get another vet to try and refer Pepper to Cat and Rabbit. I’m feeling so unsure what the best thing would be. Should I just take Pepper on Tuesday to the exotic vets here and try to reduce the bill as much as possible. Or go to Cat and Rabbit. They may not even have an appointment for ages. Arrrgh. ☹️
Spoke to my vet. He’s off on Monday so is going to get another vet to try and refer Pepper to Cat and Rabbit. I’m feeling so unsure what the best thing would be. Should I just take Pepper on Tuesday to the exotic vets here and try to reduce the bill as much as possible. Or go to Cat and Rabbit. They may not even have an appointment for ages. Arrrgh. ☹️
It’s a difficult one, but I would go to the Cat and Rabbit knowing how good they are from personal experience. Make sure you keep on this vets toes to ring for a referral on Monday morning (that could be the sticking point) you are the customer here so be quite firm and insistent

Good luck whatever you decide on x
I trust Simon completely with all my pets and he's a fantastic surgeon, as well as being so experienced with anything piggy related. I would get a referral and take whatever appointment you are offered, even if it isn't immediate. They release emergency appointments every day, at 8 am, so once you've got your piggy registered, you could always call for an emergency appointment and bring the appointment forward xx
Sending poor Pepper lots of healing vibes! xx💓

I wondered if it might be an idea to ask your vet to prescribe some Zithromax for Pepper, to try to slow down the growth of the abscess at least, while you are waiting for a referral and appointment at C&R?
Sending poor Pepper lots of healing vibes! xx💓

I wondered if it might be an idea to ask your vet to prescribe some Zithromax for Pepper, to try to slow down the growth of the abscess at least, while you are waiting for a referral and appointment at C&R?

That sounds like a good idea. I’ll definitely ask them when they call me back in the morning. Thanks
I saw my dad yesterday. I told him about Pepper needing an operation and how much I was quoted. He said “well how much is a new one” I said maybe £20. He said “just get another one then”!

I’ve been told the same thing about Edward 😞 Thankfully not by family members or close friends. Their reply was ‘why are you bothering when he’s nearly 7) x
I saw my dad yesterday. I told him about Pepper needing an operation and how much I was quoted. He said “well how much is a new one” I said maybe £20. He said “just get another one then”!
Oh no! He just doesn’t understand, it’s not his pet. I got that kind of reaction from many people about my Ted and so have many forum members. They nit to take it to heart, we love our little furries and they are just as valid as dogs or cats :hug:
Good luck for today, keep on that vet and remind yourself you are the customer and you are paying and don’t be messed about by them. get that referral as soon as you can, it will be worth it even if you have to wait for a few days.
Hope Pepper is doing Alright
Pepper is priceless to you, I hope you can get him in at the cat and rabbit soon! 💕
Good luck for today, keep on that vet and remind yourself you are the customer and you are paying and don’t be messed about by them. get that referral as soon as you can, it will be worth it even if you have to wait for a few days.
Hope Pepper is doing Alright

He’s eating ok and put on 15g this morning. Could the puss in the lump be the weight gain though. 🤷🏻‍♀️
The first time I had to break the news to hubs about a piggie operation he said straight away, "He's family, what else are we going to do!" I was really grateful to him for thinking about our poor boy like that, esp as we'd not had him for very long. I don't smoke, gad about, or want a fancy car, and nearly everything I own is second hand so he thinks overall I'm still pretty cheap to run even with the guinea pig habit!