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Dental? Pepper is off to the vets tomorrow

I hope it is easily sorted and he feels better soon
Its normal for them to have food in their mouths though.
He’s home. He’s very active. I thought he’d be really sleepy. He’s eaten hay and had a wee wee and some poops. I’ve syringe fed him loads. I lost count but he was literally not letting the syringe go. He doesn’t like the ABs. It’s Baytril @furryfriends (TEAS) . 0.5 ml once a day. Also 0.23ml of cat loxicom once a day (but I’ve been giving 0.25ml twice a day? I did ask the vet for dog loxicom today and she said the cat one is fine. 🙄
Hope Pepoer starts feeling better soon and the AB do the trick.
Sorry didn't see this thread before. Not on the forum much lately. Hope Pepper is feeling better soon. Sounds like you're taking very good care of him.
Sorry didn't see this thread before. Not on the forum much lately. Hope Pepper is feeling better soon. Sounds like you're taking very good care of him.

He is a very good patient. Hope you are ok. ❤️
So yesterday and this morning Pepper has been refusing the syringe feed. Is this a sign hes feeling better and wants to eat on his own? I got 5ml in this morning. He is definitely eating hay but not enough as he’s lost 10g this morning. He can eat coriander and green beans if they are no longer than 1cm, grass, cucumber has to be cut really small. But once it’s in he can eat it fine. Thanks
I’ve been away for a couple of days and last night I noticed a hard, marble sized lump under Peppers chin. It’s his tooth root abscess. He didn’t have a lump before. So I’ll be calling the vets this morning. ☹️

Obviously the antibiotics haven’t worked.
Poor little Pepper, I hope you can get it dealt with very quickly, I should think they will drain it. Zithromax AB is the one Simon Maddock at the C&R Clinic uses which seems to work well on AB’s
So Pepper is being referred as an emergency to a nearby exotic vet.

I was given 4 options:

1. Give 8 weeks of antibiotics. This may or may not work.

2. Lance it. It will come back.

3. Operate to remove the whole abscess. But it’s in a very delicate area (his throat). The vet was very honest and said he’s never done it and wouldn’t know what was “normal” or not.

4. Refer to a specialist. Who knows his piggies.

Obviously I went for option 4.

He said Pepper was the best behaved piggy he had ever handled. 😍

I’ll keep you all updated.

He is worried that is might get so big quickly then Pepper won’t be able to swallow or even breath 😢
Aww poor guy! I’m glad your vet was honest with you and has referred you to an exotic vet so you can get the best care! 💕
I’d choose option 4 if you can get to the Cat and Rabbit Clinic and see Simon or Kim Maddock, 🤞for Pepper x
I went to Drove Vets in Swindon. It’s on our list of recommended vets. They really are good usually. But this is risky. So they have referred us to Great Western Exotics. Hopefully they will have it sorted out with no problem. 🤞
I’d choose option 4 if you can get to the Cat and Rabbit Clinic and see Simon or Kim Maddock, 🤞for Pepper x
I’d definitely recommend getting a referral to Simon! He’s so experienced in these type of issues and has worked wonders with so many piggies, who have been written off by other vets.
Drove Vets are excellent so if they’re making a referral it will only be to an outstanding vet.
We used Drove when we lived in Marlborough and were very happy.
I’m in shock. The exotic vet just called. It’s £180 for them to see Pepper. Then the estimate for CT scan and operation is £1,500-£2,000. He’s booked in for the consultation on Tuesday morning. I can’t afford that much. I only earn £40 a week! Of course I have a vet fund but what if it comes back? Which is a possibility. I don't know what to do.