COVID-19 Coronavirus

My daughter's school said they had too many kids classed as key worker's children the first time around. I also knew some people who had one adult at home, but still sent their child to school so they have 'quiet house'... I think some missed the point of only sending them in when absolutely necessary.
We seemed to have gained quite a few this time round, a couple of families are stretching it but what can we do, we can't deny the children access to learning or argue the parents jobs! I know for a fact one family in today has one parent working from home, my children could go in but my husband is working from home, so although it's not ideal as he is on calls etc we will have to make it work.
My husband is classed as a key worker and I also discovered today that I’m classed a key worker as well. I could do with having the Friday study day as before but I don’t think I should send them in. Hopefully we can get into some kind of routine with their and my online training!
I don't think it's a lockdown 3.0 as they said. I mean, my partner works in a trade and still have to go to work as cannot work from home and wouldn't get furlough grant. So don't see how they're calling it a tough lockdown... So many people I know are classed as key workers, then the rest can't work from home and only small numbers are working from home 🤷‍♀️ so nothing changed for many of them, I fail to see how this will help if it's so bad as they say.

That's exactly the same rules as the first lockdown which is why. My mum's furloughed again as she's in retail and she's also vulnerable so has been told to shield but she has had her vaccine so not sure whether she still has to shield or not
That's exactly the same rules as the first lockdown which is why. My mum's furloughed again as she's in retail and she's also vulnerable so has been told to shield but she has had her vaccine so not sure whether she still has to shield or not
My partner was off when we closed down in March, until we were told me might or might not return to work.

Hope everyone is safe and well. Seems like it's really picking up the pace. It was scary listening to them yesterday, when their said 1m people is currently infected and when they mentioned next autumn.
Thankyou, I'm so upset we've not seen family or friends since March even when the restrictions relaxed, we've worn our masks and followed every rule aand yet here we are 😭
Thankyou, I'm so upset we've not seen family or friends since March even when the restrictions relaxed, we've worn our masks and followed every rule aand yet here we are 😭

it does feel incredibly unfair and punishing to us that do everything that we can to follow the rules and still end up with the crap end of it :( much love x
Thankyou Sam hass been pretty bad, luna has a horrendous cough, lillie and lexie have mild coughs and I have tight chest, medium cough, aches, dizziness etc so I have rang the helpline and ordered home tests for all of us since we all have symptoms, I can't for the life of me figure out where we got it unless from Sam's work xx
Thankyou Sam hass been pretty bad, luna has a horrendous cough, lillie and lexie have mild coughs and I have tight chest, medium cough, aches, dizziness etc so I have rang the helpline and ordered home tests for all of us since we all have symptoms, I can't for the life of me figure out where we got it unless from Sam's work xx
Please do remember to rest, all of you. Paracetamol as well.
Thankyou, I'm so upset we've not seen family or friends since March even when the restrictions relaxed, we've worn our masks and followed every rule aand yet here we are 😭
Its un fair isn't it, l have been the same ,when month's without holding family. I think its spreading in the air big time now. Kie,Faith and lsaac now have it.
Sam has tested positive for covid 😭 we now all have symptoms except lexie xx
Sorry to hear that .I'm positive too.Hope you all recover quickly. This new variant is spreading like wildfire. My friend who I work with and the maintenance man have got it too xx
So sorry to everyone else who is positive, Sam says he feels slightly better than yesterday but don't want to jinx it, lexies coughing and headache now too 🤦‍♀️ I really can't believe it, going to miss my grandads funeral Friday :(
So sorry to everyone else who is positive, Sam says he feels slightly better than yesterday but don't want to jinx it, lexies coughing and headache now too 🤦‍♀️ I really can't believe it, going to miss my grandads funeral Friday :(
I'm so sorry you will have to miss your grandads funeral. I believe in the afterlife and I know your grandad will be looking down on you and understand why you can't be there xx
I'm so sorry you will have to miss your grandads funeral. I believe in the afterlife and I know your grandad will be looking down on you and understand why you can't be there xx
I hope so my mum seems mad with me, claiming if I test negative I can still attend since I'm next of kin, but there's no way I'm risking spreading it I'm sure my grandad would want me to stay at home too 💖 xx
My 94 year old Gran has been in hospital since a week before Christmas with an infection. She was tested for covid when she went in, negative. The infection has now been treated and she's on the mend, and then today she's tested positive.. So now in isolation in hospital, along with several others on her ward who have also tested positive. Thankfully she has no symptoms at the moment, fingers crossed it won't get worse 🤞 obviously can't have visitors in hospital so it must have come from another patient or member of staff
I'm so worried the symptoms will get worse, those of you who are positive currently/have had it could you share your symptom timeline please? they seem to come in waves for Sam and I've noticed the same, so far his worst symptom was the headache which keeps coming back but was most severe Monday evening (and appeared before the cough) through Tuesday, apparently it was like no headache he's ever experienced like intense pressure in his temples, Tuesday morning and once today he's had periods where he's felt a tightness/pressure in his chest, his cough is mild so far and that alone probably wouldn't have triggered concern if it hadn't coexisted with the symptoms his dad had when he had covid. He also has some back pain and cramps in muscles/achy everywhere today. He had pretty bad diahhrea yesterday too. 🤦‍♀️
The rest of us are awaiting home tests and could have a standard cold however Sam does share a bed with me and most nights the kids get in with us at some point or another so chances are we have been exposed.
I was walking the girls home from school Monday and started feeling very achy and almost like I had cramp permenantly in my arms/legs and felt exhausted. Started with a headache that night but nowhere near what Sam looked like, he got in from work and honestly I looked at him and just knew he had covid 😫 started with a cough last night and when I woke up my chest felt tight, it's been on and off through the day but again I'd say cough is mild it's more brain fog I think that ive got and the tightness could easily be anxiety. I've got a mildly sore throat but it's more dry, I'm constantly drinking because my throat feels dry. I feel a bit spaced out and dizzy and tired but no severe symptoms I'm much more worried about Sam. Oh and I had a slightly higher than normal temp last night which is probably when I felt the worst but it certainly wasn't a high fever. I get headache from the light, noise or looking at my phone too long 🤦‍♀️ one minute I feel fine and dancing around with the kids, the next i feel like I need to lay down 🤷‍♀️ may just have a cold but these are my symptoms so far.
Lexie has a mild cough, recurring headaches and on and off tummy ache. Thinking back she had a headache and diahhrea (no vomiting) a couple of days before Christmas, no cough temp or change in taste then though so we never got her tested or even considered she could have covid but I am now very much wondering if this started with her since sams first symptoms were headache and diahhrea.
Lillie literally just has a new continuous cough.
Luna has a rather bad cough but this is where it gets tricky as she's had a cough since her birthday in November but she had a covid test on her birthday on doctors advice which was negative. The cough has stayed the same hacking cough since until yesterday when it seemed to get worse. Today she's coughed more than usual and has bright green snot and sounds chesty. If she tests negative this time I will be contacting the gp I think since her cough is worse and she's had it for so long.
If we are all or most of us are positive I have no clue where its from as the only place we went as a family of 5 over Christmas was a walk in the woods andd didn't come into contact with anyone there 🤷‍♀️ other than mcdonalds drive through new years eve for lillies birthday (only time we risked mcdonalds in 2020 watch it be from there!) or we did have a brief pop into tesco boxing day but we socially distanced inside and alll including the children wore masks! 😷
I'm happy we seem to have caught Sam's symptoms early so we could isolate and not spread it but I'm so so scared it'll get worse. I've been more worried that he or the kids would get it than anything else. Even more disheartenly we all felt fine monday morning and the girls went to school as normal. If they test positive they were within the 48hours asymptomatic transmission and since the government insisted on opening the schools that day we could've unknowingly put 60+ families at risk. The headteacher is shielded and was in lexies classroom on Monday, the guilt would be unimaginable 😷
My Sister and family all started with aching and a bad head. On the second day they got the cough.

They have all been ill for over a week but symptoms haven't got any worse. They are all absolutely exhausted and feeling faint at times.
My Sister and family all started with aching and a bad head. On the second day they got the cough.

They have all been ill for over a week but symptoms haven't got any worse. They are all absolutely exhausted and feeling faint at times.
Thankyou for sharing I'm sorry they are all poorly hope they feel better very soon, my father in law had it in October and still suffers exhaustion now. :(
Hi. All people I knew had just mild symptoms. Usually cold like and very few had cough. They all bounced back after a week.
Hope you're better soon x
Thankyou, got a text saying our tests are out for delivery. Does anyone know if our cat can still go out? She's loosing her mind inside lol and I can't find anything official either way 😂
Thankyou, got a text saying our tests are out for delivery. Does anyone know if our cat can still go out? She's loosing her mind inside lol and I can't find anything official either way 😂
Yes, the guidance is, if you can keep the cat in, that is adviseable. However, if the cat is distressed about remaining in, then you should allow the cat access to outdoors.
Yes, the guidance is, if you can keep the cat in, that is adviseable. However, if the cat is distressed about remaining in, then you should allow the cat access to outdoors.
Thankyou so much, she's pacing around meowing at me because she hates litter trays 🙈 I think she'll be fine to come back in after she's had a wee lol 😂 so keep her in as much as possible but she can nip out to toilet?