COVID-19 Coronavirus

Thankyou so much, she's pacing around meowing at me because she hates litter trays 🙈 I think she'll be fine to come back in after she's had a wee lol 😂 so keep her in as much as possible but she can nip out to toilet?
Definitely let her out. It would be detrimental to her health to keep her in, which could cause more problems, if she needed veterinary treatment.
I hope you’re all feeling better soon xx
Definitely let her out. It would be detrimental to her health to keep her in, which could cause more problems, if she needed veterinary treatment.
I hope you’re all feeling better soon xx
Thankyou I've let her out 💖 she looked at me unsure at first then darted out lol 😂 she doesn't tend to approach strangers anyway and I've washed my hands before feeding her or touching her to be safe 🙈 xx
Test kits done and posted 🤞
Interestingly when my friends husband was positive, she had symptoms and tested negative andd then tested positive 2 days later when her symptoms got worse 🤷‍♀️
Test kits done and posted 🤞
Interestingly when my friends husband was positive, she had symptoms and tested negative andd then tested positive 2 days later when her symptoms got worse 🤷‍♀️

Hope you get the results quickly and you all feel better soon. This is what scares me, we can follow all the rules & be so careful but still catch it.

I'm limiting my media intake again for the sake of my sanity. Just caught the end of todays press briefing though. Question asked about how early years settings are open as normal yet schools have been closed. Neither of them could answer it, there was a lot of "erm, erh, erm" and "schools are safe but have to look at other things... early years setting provide care for people who need to work..." We are open as usual for ALL children, not just key worker or vulnerable children!

Then we still have the anti vaccine brigade "its not safe" "it won't work" etc. I think they need to do some research on vaccines/ antibodies & the human body. Personally, I would rather put my trust in the scientists that have studied for years to gaim qualifications & then spent years developing vaccines, than people that get their "facts" from facebook.
I've seen article claiming they want to add kids who cannot access online learning at home to the list of those who can attend school. Apparently, government still didn't provide help with tec/data to all pupils who needed it. Head teachers from deprived areas are saying that'll mean their school capacity will be basically business as usual as most of their pupils are from low income families who are struggling.
We had to buy new laptop for our daughter as her was slowing down (you know how the tec works these days! 3yrs old is too old 😂) and I was worried it might not cope with the Teams meetings 9-3 and all the PowerPoints and websites... And it was a mission! Argos didn't have single laptop on offer (I still want my discount 😂) and closest one from curry's was an hour away! I live 15minutes away from big shopping centre!
Hope you get the results quickly and you all feel better soon. This is what scares me, we can follow all the rules & be so careful but still catch it.

I'm limiting my media intake again for the sake of my sanity. Just caught the end of todays press briefing though. Question asked about how early years settings are open as normal yet schools have been closed. Neither of them could answer it, there was a lot of "erm, erh, erm" and "schools are safe but have to look at other things... early years setting provide care for people who need to work..." We are open as usual for ALL children, not just key worker or vulnerable children!

Then we still have the anti vaccine brigade "its not safe" "it won't work" etc. I think they need to do some research on vaccines/ antibodies & the human body. Personally, I would rather put my trust in the scientists that have studied for years to gaim qualifications & then spent years developing vaccines, than people that get their "facts" from facebook.
I've had to unfriend/hide several people on my social media because of the silly conspiracies etc. I mean, I love good conspiracy and don't believe everything politicians are saying. But, I will not put my child's health in danger just because Janet from FB said corona doesn't exist...

Yeah, they left too much opened. If it's lockdown, let's do a proper one... Most of my family and friends are at work as usual...
Lexie, Lillie and luna have tested negative despite having coughs 🎉 now how to distance them from sam when they are forever climbing in bed with him 🤦‍♀️
Lexie, Lillie and luna have tested negative despite having coughs 🎉 now how to distance them from sam when they are forever climbing in bed with him 🤦‍♀️
Good news that they've tested negative, but it's going to be pretty much impossible to distance them from their dad. Has your result not come back yet? xx
I’m glad they’re negative. Hopefully yours will be too.
Lexie, Lillie and luna have tested negative despite having coughs 🎉 now how to distance them from sam when they are forever climbing in bed with him 🤦‍♀️
Aww bless you... must be so hard.. wishing you all a speedy recovery xx
I'm so worried about the second week for Sam! I've heard that's when it's going to get bad if it gets bad, I feel like up till now his first 3 days were the worst but ive heard the immune system overreaction that causes the more serious problems is most likely to happen the second week and I just can't stop worrying! I've ordered a pulse oximeter that should be here Monday to try and help us monitor him better and ease my anxiety somewhat but I'm in full on anxious mode! Isn't helping that the children will not stay away from him so it's really hard to distance as I'm having to constantly pull a child off him, so worried we are all going to get it 😫 xx
Test kits done and posted 🤞
Interestingly when my friends husband was positive, she had symptoms and tested negative andd then tested positive 2 days later when her symptoms got worse 🤷‍♀️

My Bro In Law was the same. 2 Negative tests and then a Positive.
I'm so worried about the second week for Sam! I've heard that's when it's going to get bad if it gets bad, I feel like up till now his first 3 days were the worst but ive heard the immune system overreaction that causes the more serious problems is most likely to happen the second week and I just can't stop worrying! I've ordered a pulse oximeter that should be here Monday to try and help us monitor him better and ease my anxiety somewhat but I'm in full on anxious mode! Isn't helping that the children will not stay away from him so it's really hard to distance as I'm having to constantly pull a child off him, so worried we are all going to get it 😫 xx

Do you have a baby gate? If you do, you could put one up in your bedroom doorway. I'm worried that for me it will be the same situation with my three littles when we get the virus, cause I've realized it's not if, but when we get it.
Do you have a baby gate? If you do, you could put one up in your bedroom doorway. I'm worried that for me it will be the same situation with my three littles when we get the virus, cause I've realized it's not if, but when we get it.
We have a baby gate but they are able to open it, it's a social distancing nightmare ii have come to accept its when not if for the rest of us too, I just hope hes OK, as long as Sam and the girls are OK that is all that matters to me right now. I've had some 75mg asprin delivered for him but I willl ask the doctors tomorrow if he is OK to take it I've heard it helps stop the blood becoming sticky like covid can do, he's currently got a headache and feeling fatigued, it's very on and off still xx
We have a baby gate but they are able to open it, it's a social distancing nightmare ii have come to accept its when not if for the rest of us too, I just hope hes OK, as long as Sam and the girls are OK that is all that matters to me right now. I've had some 75mg asprin delivered for him but I willl ask the doctors tomorrow if he is OK to take it I've heard it helps stop the blood becoming sticky like covid can do, he's currently got a headache and feeling fatigued, it's very on and off still xx

Oh, that's too bad! I have the door baby gates and the pressure gates (no one has been able to figure out how to get those ones down yet). Hoping your husband feels better soon and that you all are able to stay healthy!
Oh, that's too bad! I have the door baby gates and the pressure gates (no one has been able to figure out how to get those ones down yet). Hoping your husband feels better soon and that you all are able to stay healthy!
Thankyou he's just gone back to bed as his headaches gone back to beeing as bad as it was on day one xx
So happy to hear that, Sam feels very weak and achy today, more so than he has done :( got our pulse oximeter and his oxygen is OK at around 95%-96%, mine is great at 98% but I can't for the life of me get my pulse below 120 🙄 I really need to stop stressing I think 😂 had to do email advice from the vet today for Effie who has diahhrea, luckily I had already got the stuff she needed on hand so don't have to wait for delivery! 😁
One thing I have noticed during this isolation, is the support that I never realised we had! So many people have picked stuff up from the shop for us, we've had so many offers of help and even the domino's delivery driver the other night saw the note I'd put on the order saying we were covid positive so please just place on doorstep and we'd wait till they were back in the car, stopped and asked if we were OK from his car and if we needed anything as he was willing to go to the shop for us 💗 how lovely is that! Lillies teacher dropped her home learning pack off for her and another y3 parent I've hardly ever spoken to picked up lexies for me and dropped it off 💗 feeling overwhelmed with support that's for sure!
I hope you are all feeling better @Emx93 . Whilst we've not been in isolation it has been the kindness of strangers that has impressed me the most during the lockdowns and restored my faith in human nature.
I hope you are all feeling better @Emx93 . Whilst we've not been in isolation it has been the kindness of strangers that has impressed me the most during the lockdowns and restored my faith in human nature.
I agree! I am not sure if i am starting with early symptoms but will get a test if I get any worse, I think since we haven't been able to properly distance during him having covid ill be on covid watch for 10 days after his 10 days end! I have to say the media has terrified me in this time but I'm so thankful for the kindness shown, from our friends and family too strangers to the people who message just to check we're OK 💗 xx