COVID-19 Coronavirus

I’ve gotten kits from school as I had to test a day before going in. Picked up another so I’m okay. I don’t know if my husband will be given one though.
I would rather be testing my 2 teenagers at home as currently my son doesn't want to take part at school..
I was stunned that my extremely difficult, anxious, need to know and plan everything teen went happily. Especially as it turns out that he was really worried because of the gagging he hears from me! He’s now looking forward to the next one on Thursday because he’s decided that it’s preferable to his engineering live lessons 😂. Hope he does ok xx
I am glad the home testing works for you! It must be so much more comfortable. It seems like school already covered the how and why as I wanted to talk to my daughter about it and she said they already told them. They had this YouTube video showing the process.
I always say, if you're not feeling like you're going to throw up and aren't crying, you're not doing it right!
My daughter is a bit nervous about being tested - a few tests in school and then I’ve to do her tests myself at home. I am also to test myself at home twice a week through my employment at school.
I can’t even brush my teeth without gagging, so I am dreading it without letting my daughter know I’m dreading it!
My daughter is a bit nervous about being tested - a few tests in school and then I’ve to do her tests myself at home. I am also to test myself at home twice a week through my employment at school.
I can’t even brush my teeth without gagging, so I am dreading it without letting my daughter know I’m dreading it!
My little one is the same. Very strong gag reflex and she also has one nostril which bleeds when she's ill. So no idea how that goes! But school said they'll not force anyone, even if they have consent form.
I've found it's best if I take break between swabbing my throat. Just to breathe and swallow 😂
I've helped process tests at university for the last couple of months and I felt so awful on Friday when someone had a really bad time swabbing (to the point where I thought I was going to have to get the spilled body fluids kit :blink: ). They put swab in reagent tube, I pulled the rack back and the swab caught on something and flipped out of the tube :mal:. They almost cried when I apologetically asked them to do it again.

Home LFT kits are a much better idea and would be so much cheaper as you aren't having to pay for people to process them.

Funnily enough, as a whole I have noticed gag reflexes have gotten better, but the uncontrollable sneezing while doing the nasal swab has not!
I've helped process tests at university for the last couple of months and I felt so awful on Friday when someone had a really bad time swabbing (to the point where I thought I was going to have to get the spilled body fluids kit :blink: ). They put swab in reagent tube, I pulled the rack back and the swab caught on something and flipped out of the tube :mal:. They almost cried when I apologetically asked them to do it again.

Home LFT kits are a much better idea and would be so much cheaper as you aren't having to pay for people to process them.

Funnily enough, as a whole I have noticed gag reflexes have gotten better, but the uncontrollable sneezing while doing the nasal swab has not!
I would be crying if I had to do it again...... lol
I'm sure this is probably TMI, but when I had my first swabby thingy the chap had to stop me because I stuck it too far up my nose. With respect to the gag reflex on the second part of the test - you might think ill of me, but it didn't really register.

I did have COVID, I felt fine at the time of the test, and for several days afterwards. A friend of mine sent a board game to keep me occupied. Of course I immediately bought a thermometer and an oxymeter - an aunt sent me some vitamin D. At first I had really congested sinuses, but that was normal, I smoked. I felt a bit dodgy a few days later, but just put it down to other reasons.

I had a lateral flow test when they were first available, felt fine - called everyone that needed to know and arranged a place to isolate, felt fine for days, had to have a PCR test a couple of days later (was ordered by a judge), still came back positive. Was in mid 20s, fit, didn't have any other symptomns other than the initial congestion, felt fine, no high temperature or drop in blood O2 - felt absoulutely knackered afterwards though for a couple of months, couldn't even climb stairs without getting out of breath.

For reference: before COVID ran 5k every morning, lifting weights every other day.
Sorry for bringing this thread back but didn't want to clog up the rant thread or feel like having my own.

After everything we've done, how careful we've been & barely not going anywhere for the last 18 months - covid got us anyway. Not just me but Mum too 😢 we are waiting on the result of the PCR results we did yesterday for confirmation but I got her to do a lateral flow yesterday when she was getting worse.

Had an ambulance out as she deterioated a little last night & needs lots of fluid & rest. Like me (I have a bit of a stuffy nose - this is affecting my smell & I sneezed a lot for 1/2 days) she's not had any of the three symptoms you look for. Just felt a bit off it.

I feel awful, like it's my fault & I've brought it home & despite all our carefulness/ cleaning / avoiding her, gave it to her anyway. I was in isolation due to contact with a positive case but we had popped out to town together before I knew I needed to be isolated. I suppose we'll never know where we got it from. We have both been double jabbed so hope this works in our favour but mum definitely come off worse than me.

I just needed to vent.
What a scary night you've had, really wishing you and your Mum a speedy recovery.
You've followed the rules and followed current guidance. What more can anyone do.
Perhaps your Mum caught it from somewhere else but the boost she got from meeting up with you, is helping her fight it off.
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So sorry you and your mum are both unwell.
A virus can get you without you knowing how so don’t beat yourself up.
Hopefully being vaccinated will mean a mild dose and you both recover quickly.
Look after yourselves.
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Sorry for bringing this thread back but didn't want to clog up the rant thread or feel like having my own.

After everything we've done, how careful we've been & barely not going anywhere for the last 18 months - covid got us anyway. Not just me but Mum too 😢 we are waiting on the result of the PCR results we did yesterday for confirmation but I got her to do a lateral flow yesterday when she was getting worse.

Had an ambulance out as she deterioated a little last night & needs lots of fluid & rest. Like me (I have a bit of a stuffy nose - this is affecting my smell & I sneezed a lot for 1/2 days) she's not had any of the three symptoms you look for. Just felt a bit off it.

I feel awful, like it's my fault & I've brought it home & despite all our carefulness/ cleaning / avoiding her, gave it to her anyway. I was in isolation due to contact with a positive case but we had popped out to town together before I knew I needed to be isolated. I suppose we'll never know where we got it from. We have both been double jabbed so hope this works in our favour but mum definitely come off worse than me.

I just needed to vent.
So sorry you've both caught covid, sending you both well wishes and hope the vaccine helps 💖
My 5yo class closed today as a staff member tested positive on their lateral flow so 10 days of home learning ahead 😔🤦‍♀️ their last week of school and would've been first sports day tomorrow 😔
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Thanks you lot. It's been a stressful day. I've had to put all my thoughts & feelings in a box in my head & lock it to try & get through. She's spent another day in bed, resting, with me bringing bits of food, reminding her to drink & checking her at extremely regular intervals. I think it's how much her body is hurting her that gets to her most. I'm hoping in a day or so this will ease. I've been googling & know I shouldn't but body aches seem last fot the first part of it, so I really am hoping that this is as worse as it gets.

We are still waiting for the PCR result. I've had an email to remind me to complete them if not done already so I hope they are not lost or they will probably be unusable!

@Emx93 - obviously my work bubble closed as 2 of us positive. I'm so sad to miss the last week of term with them as we have had a rough year with covid closures & staff bubbles/changes. I also have to miss the leavers party, not being able to say bye to my kids & give one last hug - some of who have been mine for 2 years does hurt.
Sorry for bringing this thread back but didn't want to clog up the rant thread or feel like having my own.

After everything we've done, how careful we've been & barely not going anywhere for the last 18 months - covid got us anyway. Not just me but Mum too 😢 we are waiting on the result of the PCR results we did yesterday for confirmation but I got her to do a lateral flow yesterday when she was getting worse.

Had an ambulance out as she deterioated a little last night & needs lots of fluid & rest. Like me (I have a bit of a stuffy nose - this is affecting my smell & I sneezed a lot for 1/2 days) she's not had any of the three symptoms you look for. Just felt a bit off it.

I feel awful, like it's my fault & I've brought it home & despite all our carefulness/ cleaning / avoiding her, gave it to her anyway. I was in isolation due to contact with a positive case but we had popped out to town together before I knew I needed to be isolated. I suppose we'll never know where we got it from. We have both been double jabbed so hope this works in our favour but mum definitely come off worse than me.

I just needed to vent.


I am so sorry. Unfortunately, you can still get it and get it very unpleasantly - and if you are unlucky, you can still end up in hospital. The double jab is just one (if big) protection measure together with distancing, mask wearing, hand washing etc.. None of them are perfect. :(
Having stayed out of circulation for the same time as you as much as possible and having found it very hard at times, I totally feel for you. The Delta variant is so much more transmittable, so staying out of harm's way is even tougher.

Anyway, I am keeping my fingers very firmly crossed that your mother can stay out of hospital and recovery fully.
So sorry for you losing out on the much deserved fun bit at the end of such a tough time!

PS: Here is the 'Swiss Cheese Model' explained (it is a model that is well known in other areas like the aviation industry, for example) - how a combination of measures can be much more effective than each single measure on its own. Unfortunately, the government is now making all measures voluntary. Euro 2020 has very much helped to speed things up. :(
Covid-19: Vaccines alone will not stop Covid spreading - here's why - BBC News
@Wiebke I enjoyed the visual of that, thank you.

I feel responsible because either I've brought it home from work or we've caught it whilst out together. We are still following all the routines we implemented in February 2020 as everything kicked off - everything entering the house gets wiped down, only 3 of us in & out, touch points cleaned daily, hand washing, masks, distancing in the house & out of it with others etc. She never even left the house for 12 weeks last year. We've not taken part in eat out to help or even eaten in anywhere for 18 months. Our first meal out in months was a takeaway McDonald's we ate on a bench in the town centre!

I feel guilty because she is suffering so bad with it whereas I've just breezed through. I feel guilty saying I've felt poorlier with colds & viral tonsilitus (which is guaranteed to knock me off my feet at least once a year). I know obviously she has her medical condition & I'm a healthyish 30 year old but I wish I could take some of this for her or do more for her.

It annoys me there is people out there pretending covid doesn't exist etc. They've been in people's houses, been at parties, are not clean, don't distance, don't attempt to wear masks or follow guidance and they've not even had a sniffle this year (I know someone, it's not a passing generalisation).

I'm aware I'm rambling, sorry.
@Wiebke I enjoyed the visual of that, thank you.

I feel responsible because either I've brought it home from work or we've caught it whilst out together. We are still following all the routines we implemented in February 2020 as everything kicked off - everything entering the house gets wiped down, only 3 of us in & out, touch points cleaned daily, hand washing, masks, distancing in the house & out of it with others etc. She never even left the house for 12 weeks last year. We've not taken part in eat out to help or even eaten in anywhere for 18 months. Our first meal out in months was a takeaway McDonald's we ate on a bench in the town centre!

I feel guilty because she is suffering so bad with it whereas I've just breezed through. I feel guilty saying I've felt poorlier with colds & viral tonsilitus (which is guaranteed to knock me off my feet at least once a year). I know obviously she has her medical condition & I'm a healthyish 30 year old but I wish I could take some of this for her or do more for her.

It annoys me there is people out there pretending covid doesn't exist etc. They've been in people's houses, been at parties, are not clean, don't distance, don't attempt to wear masks or follow guidance and they've not even had a sniffle this year (I know someone, it's not a passing generalisation).

I'm aware I'm rambling, sorry.

Please take a deep breath and stop feeling guilty. How and where you have picked it up is irrelevant and NOT your fault! Since you have developed symptoms at the same time, it is most likely that you have picked them up at the from the same person. It is just bad luck that you were hit by a load of virus from an acute spreader and not your fault in any way. None of us can stay home all the time without going bonkers.

It is always so much harder when you are standing by helpless when some person or pet you love is suffering. The age difference makes unfortunately for greater risk of a worse ride but the vaccine will hopefully prevent your mother from developing an over-reaction and they will ultimately save her life.
Instead of ripping yourself up over your mum and what you cannot change, calm down and concentrate on sending her green healing energy and lots of love. What works when we worry about our piggies does also work for our family and friends. ;)

All the best that she will be soon over the worst of it.
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Ah no.. I hope you and your mum aren't too poorly with it and wishing you a speedy recovery x
I’m sorry to hear you’ve both caught it despite being so careful. It’s difficult but please don’t blame yourself at all. I know the feeling after my two knocked out two year groups in one fell swoop. In the end I figured they likely got it from school.

Wishing you both all the best and I hope your mum has a better day today. Is she taking paracetamol regularly? Hugs.
You are not alone - not long ago I knew no one who had had coronavirus, now suddenly thanks to the delta variant and general malaise amongst many people about being careful any longer, people who have not left their homes in months except for essential trips are coming down with it.

A friend caught it despite only having been outside and socially distanced - she should have been safe but obviously wasn't. I also now know people who are ill despite vaccinations, it is getting very hard indeed to stay safe unless you can afford your own private island! (where football is banned!)
It's been a very long week but we made it through! Mum is a little better, she definitely got hit hard by it so hopefully we've turned a corner now...

We all tested positive, even my brother who only a few days ago was telling me he was immune to it & had already had Covid in November 2019! 90% of the people he has been mingling with over the last two weeks (for football/getting drunk) have also tested positive. I would put money on us catching it from him for a list of reasons that I won't go into - things have seriously got to change now in terms of his cleanliness.

I have had to block the number for test & trace. I was getting around 12 calls a day, different people wanting the exact same information that I had already given online. One man said a lot of "ums... er" as he rang to tell me I had to isolate - I think I shocked him when I told him I was already in isolation and had been for a number of days! Maybe they were trying to catch me out but was really annoying, especially as I was trying to rest/keep busy/run the house & look after Mum.