COVID-19 Coronavirus

Did something change with the tier levels for the UK? I haven't seen anything mentioned in our news about what is going on in the UK right now other than the new variant of the virus.
Yes but early years to remain open, lillie is early years foundation two, technically a primary but also early years no clue if she's expected to go tomorrow, she's 5 so compulsory school age 😱 I'm so confused 🤦‍♀️
I would have said not, if she's at school then it's remote learning, if it's a nursery then I guess it's at their choice if open.
I work in eyfs, a reception/yr1 class and or headteacher had just emailed to say we are going to remote learning from tomorrow, although I am going into school as we don't know which children we will have coming in.
I would have said not, if she's at school then it's remote learning, if it's a nursery then I guess it's at their choice if open.
I work in eyfs, a reception/yr1 class and or headteacher had just emailed to say we are going to remote learning from tomorrow, although I am going into school as we don't know which children we will have coming in.
Thankyou yes she's in reception, stay safe out there 💖
I’m sure the details will become clear.
My heart goes out to you with children or who work in education.
It seems as if you don’t know whether you’re coming or going at the moment.
I'm wondering why on earth i took my children to school today so they could catch all the Christmas germs 🤦‍♀️
Thankyou yes she's in reception, stay safe out there 💖
That is my understanding of it, our head is emailing parents tonight so they are informed, we will just have to see what the day brings 🤷🏼‍♀️.
I am not looking forward to homeschool again, I was just discussing with my husband, my son struggles to self manage/motivate so we will have lost the best part of a years worth of schooling for him, he is due to be choosing his options for his GCSEs in the coming months, how we do that when I feel he's getting so far behind I don't know what to do.
I’m sure the details will become clear.
My heart goes out to you with children or who work in education.
It seems as if you don’t know whether you’re coming or going at the moment.

Both my children home - a secondary and a primary child.
Me - work in early years so are still open. Chat with my boss just now and I'm thankfully now able to stay off work unpaid to be with my children.
Hubby is self employed and is our main income provider (my income is pretty much only spending money) so we need to protect him and enable him to be able to continue to work. He is currently building a new house by himself in the middle of a field so is at no risk so is in the perfect position really
This strain of the virus is 70 per cent more transmitable than any other strain of covid 19,the hospitals in kent are at overload ,please everyone stay safe,but i have seen first hand this virus in icu.take the lockdown seriously for your own heaith.
Hugs and thankyou for all that you do 💖

Now confirmed from the head both children home
I kind of prepared myself mentally from December for another lockdown. Disappointed that I can’t return to school and the kids can’t either. Wishing everyone the best in the lockdown. I know it’s tougher for some but I hope you can pull through with the help of your piggies, bubbles and this forum.

@Spaghetti & Noodles my son is choosing his this year as well. I guess they have to choose something they enjoy and are good at...And I think my nephew may have been due to sit his GCSEs this year. Someone else I know was revising for mocks next week.
I kind of prepared myself mentally from December for another lockdown. Disappointed that I can’t return to school and the kids can’t either. Wishing everyone the best in the lockdown. I know it’s tougher for some but I hope you can pull through with the help of your piggies, bubbles and this forum.

@Spaghetti & Noodles my son is choosing his this year as well. I guess they have to choose something they enjoy and are good at...And I think my nephew may have been due to sit his GCSEs this year. Someone else I know was revising for mocks next week.
I just can't quite get my head round it tonight. I'll see what happens at school tomorrow and take it a day at a time. My children go back on weds so we'll have to see how that goes. Sleep well all x
I just can't quite get my head round it tonight. I'll see what happens at school tomorrow and take it a day at a time. My children go back on weds so we'll have to see how that goes. Sleep well all x
Tomorrow is another day. Sleep well.
Sleep well everyone, I'm now panicking because daddy pigs come home from work ill (something I don't think he's ever done) I'm praying it's a migraine and not covid related but he can't see straight essentially from a really bad headache, it's how his dad's covid started but trying to reassure myself it's probably just a headache 😫 xx
My daughter, 16, due to take mocks next week... now cancelled... and quite possibly no summer exams.....

i remember saying last year when summer exams were cancelled that it will all be sorted by the time she does her GCSE this summer....
My daughter, 16, due to take mocks next week... now cancelled... and quite possibly no summer exams.....

i remember saying last year when summer exams were cancelled that it will all be sorted by the time she does her GCSE this summer....
So sorry my little brother is in the same position 😫 xx
Sleep well everyone, I'm now panicking because daddy pigs come home from work ill (something I don't think he's ever done) I'm praying it's a migraine and not covid related but he can't see straight essentially from a really bad headache, it's how his dad's covid started but trying to reassure myself it's probably just a headache 😫 xx
Hope he is ok xx
So sorry my little brother is in the same position 😫 xx
Luckily she is happier to be home, very stressed about the virus itself and catching it, passing it onto her grandparents who have health issues... her predicted grades by her teachers were good so thats one thing to be positive about ..
@artcasper and @Emx93 so sorry! Hope this year won’t be a mess like it was last year. My nephew luckily sat his mocks end last year. And a secondary teacher who’s cohort were to sit them when they returned. Wishing all the best for gcse and A level cohorts.
Hope he is ok xx
Thankyou 💖 I'm so worried about him I know it's probably just a migraine but ivee never seen him look so ill, it's my Grandads funeral Friday I really hope he wakes up feeling better and not worse and doesn't develop specific covid symptoms, we've followed every rule from the start 😫
I think I've finished my angry crying now.

Always knew a national lockdown would arrive sooner or later. Why we've had the last few days of going backwards & forwards over "schools are safe" "tougher restrictions will be needed" "yadda yadda yadda etc" I don't know. 4pm Sunday Doncaster LA announced a boroughwide closure of primary schools for today for "covid planning". Today, Boris announces all schools to move to remote learning with immediate start. Maybe our schools had the right idea as children haven't been able to mix today. Oh but not early years! We just wipe snot & play (apparently) so for us its business as usual. The decision is out of managers hands because Government state we are to remain open... so we plod on, for our children. We will wipe tears, snot, bottoms & cuddle children that still like to lick us on occasion. We will of course do this for minumum wage & no doubt a bunch of budget cuts at some stage.

My driving lessons will now be cancelled, again. Mum still has to go to the hospital using taxi/bus for her treatment. My brother still things covid "is not that bad" but then he's a selfish idiot & always has been.
I think I've finished my angry crying now.

Always knew a national lockdown would arrive sooner or later. Why we've had the last few days of going backwards & forwards over "schools are safe" "tougher restrictions will be needed" "yadda yadda yadda etc" I don't know. 4pm Sunday Doncaster LA announced a boroughwide closure of primary schools for today for "covid planning". Today, Boris announces all schools to move to remote learning with immediate start. Maybe our schools had the right idea as children haven't been able to mix today. Oh but not early years! We just wipe snot & play (apparently) so for us its business as usual. The decision is out of managers hands because Government state we are to remain open... so we plod on, for our children. We will wipe tears, snot, bottoms & cuddle children that still like to lick us on occasion. We will of course do this for minumum wage & no doubt a bunch of budget cuts at some stage.

My driving lessons will now be cancelled, again. Mum still has to go to the hospital using taxi/bus for her treatment. My brother still things covid "is not that bad" but then he's a selfish idiot & always has been.
Oh dear! Hugs for everyone! :hug: Did he say when the lockdown would end? I watched it on CNN and I didn't hear when it was going to be lifted....
Hopefully things will improve quickly.
Well Sam developed a continuous cough overnight so he has a test booked for 1pm and we are starting lockdown in isolation 🤦‍♀️ really hoping the results come back negative and before my grandads funeral on Friday 😭
I don't think it's a lockdown 3.0 as they said. I mean, my partner works in a trade and still have to go to work as cannot work from home and wouldn't get furlough grant. So don't see how they're calling it a tough lockdown... So many people I know are classed as key workers, then the rest can't work from home and only small numbers are working from home 🤷‍♀️ so nothing changed for many of them, I fail to see how this will help if it's so bad as they say.
We survived our first day back, only 5 children today but more to come going forward, although it makes me cross that people are stretching the "key worker" need children in school.
My daughter's school said they had too many kids classed as key worker's children the first time around. I also knew some people who had one adult at home, but still sent their child to school so they have 'quiet house'... I think some missed the point of only sending them in when absolutely necessary.