COVID-19 Coronavirus

Are all universities going online or just those in high risk areas @Marvel_piggie_squad
I didn’t pay enough attention as I was preparing to go out!
So far only some areas will close schools. My council was moved to 4 and schools are staying opened.
My daughter is secondary school, so it's Microsoft Teams for her, but I am doubtful about them going back. Their bubble is huge... Feel sorry for the teachers and principal.
I'm done. All classes cancelled now and we were finally able to start swimming in January 😭. Walk with brother's family cancelled, looks like I won't be seeing my niece or nephew anytime soon. So fed up of spending my maternity leave stuck at home
I'm done. All classes cancelled now and we were finally able to start swimming in January 😭. Walk with brother's family cancelled, looks like I won't be seeing my niece or nephew anytime soon. So fed up of spending my maternity leave stuck at home
Hugs! What a crap year it’s been for you! It should’ve been such a special and precious time xx
Did something change with the tier levels for the UK? I haven't seen anything mentioned in our news about what is going on in the UK right now other than the new variant of the virus.
Did something change with the tier levels for the UK? I haven't seen anything mentioned in our news about what is going on in the UK right now other than the new variant of the virus.
Yes, announcements were this afternoon. Changes to tiers for some areas and changes for schools/colleges 😔
How terrible! Our school has a virtual day on the 4th and then back to in person on the 5th. I do suspect they may shut down some schools since the infection rate has increased. I hope that they get the vaccine out to more people quickly!

Anybody else interested in smashing a coronavirus pinata with me?
I’m so sorry @Lady Kelly hugs.
Looks like the placement school will be closed as well. Will wait for message.
Well in a shimmer of good news, swimming is cancelled but baby sign is continuing. Apparently baby groups that offer support to parent or baby can continue in all tiers so it comes down to whether the venue's allow it. Just waiting to hear from our story class as to whether that can go ahead or not.
Well in a shimmer of good news, swimming is cancelled but baby sign is continuing. Apparently baby groups that offer support to parent or baby can continue in all tiers so it comes down to whether the venue's allow it. Just waiting to hear from our story class as to whether that can go ahead or not.
Fingers crossed for you @Lady Kelly
I loved it when my kids were babies, but can't imagine doing it without the support/friendship of other Mums.
We also did baby signing, and it was one of the best things I ever did with the kids.
They are 13 and 15 now, and we still have family signs that we use when we want to convey something private.
Plus the girls have their own private sign language (which drives me insane).
Well in a shimmer of good news, swimming is cancelled but baby sign is continuing. Apparently baby groups that offer support to parent or baby can continue in all tiers so it comes down to whether the venue's allow it. Just waiting to hear from our story class as to whether that can go ahead or not.
Fingers crossed it will go ahead.
Hugs to everyone affected by the changes 🤗💖

Somehow south yorkshire is staying in tier 3, for how long I have no idea, not sure at all how we escaped it 🤦‍♀️
Hugs to everyone affected by the changes 🤗💖

Somehow south yorkshire is staying in tier 3, for how long I have no idea, not sure at all how we escaped it 🤦‍♀️

I'm not sure how we did it either! Doncaster & Rotherham have reduced the numbers of infection. In Barnsley, the number has gone up & I missed Sheffields so not sure how they are faring. It was on a grid on the TV & I just caught it as it changed. I'm pleased for selfish reasons as nothing should change with work & my driving lessons can continue so will be some normality. I've ony had two shopping trips for Christmas presents/ eye appointments & only go to town when I desperately need to so nothing will change that way for me.

I have a feeling there will be a full national lockdown of sorts, maybe January/February time anyway to combat the rise in infections that will probably happen due to Christmas/ New Year mingling.

All I see is this black tunnel stretching all the way through 2021.
Boris to address the nation at 8pm, what do you think willl happen? I'm hoping the close the schools and lock down for a couple of weeks, I think non essential retail should definitely shut with everyone hitting the sales it seems shops will be a breeding ground, hoping for a couple of weeks home schooling too 💖
Boris to address the nation at 8pm, what do you think willl happen? I'm hoping the close the schools and lock down for a couple of weeks, I think non essential retail should definitely shut with everyone hitting the sales it seems shops will be a breeding ground, hoping for a couple of weeks home schooling too 💖

I think this is what it will be. I’m torn between the need for my children - and my youngest is not happy about the prospect of schools being closed again - to have their education (although I am more than happy to help them with remote learning) and desperately wanting them at home but being a keyworker myself (child support assistant in a preschool) and not knowing whether to do my job (although we may not have any keyworker children wanting to come in - we didn’t last time) and have my children in keyworker supervision or to stay off unpaid like I did last time.....I know my husband will want me and the children to stay at home....although I’m not looking forward to telling my boss that!
We await the announcement!
My children are adults now and I do understand parents wanting their children to get their education. The schools etc being open is a big worry for me though as my son and son-in-law are both teachers and my daughter is IT support in a college with pupils with learning difficulties, many of whom don't understand masks or social distancing. Last time the schools were closed my son was worn out trying to support his pupils with home tuition, be available for keyworker children's supervision and supervise his own children at home, whilst my daughter in-law was working all hours in the NHS.
In deed we await the announcement!
I think this is what it will be. I’m torn between the need for my children - and my youngest is not happy about the prospect of schools being closed again - to have their education (although I am more than happy to help them with remote learning) and desperately wanting them at home but being a keyworker myself (child support assistant in a preschool) and not knowing whether to do my job (although we may not have any keyworker children wanting to come in - we didn’t last time) and have my children in keyworker supervision or to stay off unpaid like I did last time.....I know my husband will want me and the children to stay at home....although I’m not looking forward to telling my boss that!
We await the announcement!
Don't get me wrong, luna was due to start her 15h as she's now 3 this week, childminder has cancelled and with no toddler groups in the area since March she hasn't seen another child other than her sisters since March, I feel she's slightly behind developmentally and I am so worried about that as I haven't been able to find anywhere else that has places for her, but at the same time I'm thinking she'll catch up and at least she interacts with her sisters every day and an online class weekly. I'm dreading the stress of home schooling 3 who willl all need my full attention but I'm also diabetic and while not the highest risk, still at risk, not to mention I had terrible pregnancies and I'm terrified of the kids or Sam getting it, I'm looking at it as we will try our best and plenty of time to catch up! Xx
I know its easy to say what should have been done with the benefit of hindsight, but if the November lockdown had been kept in place until maybe 19th December and schools had finished a week early so everyone had a week's quarantine before Christmas, we could all have had our 5 days of Christmas as intended and would be starting the year in a better place!
Logically it needs to be global house arrest now for a month or 6 weeks until the vaccination programmes start to have some effect...
I know its easy to say what should have been done with the benefit of hindsight, but if the November lockdown had been kept in place until maybe 19th December and schools had finished a week early so everyone had a week's quarantine before Christmas, we could all have had our 5 days of Christmas as intended and would be starting the year in a better place!
Logically it needs to be global house arrest now for a month or 6 weeks until the vaccination programmes start to have some effect...
I agree 😑 I don't think January sales should've happened either tbh or they should've been restricted to online, seen so many people posting saying they are going sale shopping 🤦‍♀️
I know that a total lockdown will cause a lot of problems for so many people, but this is a very, very nasty virus.
If we don’t get on top of it the consequences can be truly awful.
I’m not a Boris fan but I really wouldn’t want to be in government at the moment trying to balance education, health care, the economy and employment.
They can’t win whatever.
However - I feel we should have gone straight into full lockdown immediately after Christmas and stay locked down until the end of January to give the vaccine a chance and put the brakes on the spread of the virus.
I honestly just wish they’d stick with something instead of always yo yoing with it. I don’t think Boris is doing a bad job I appreciate he’s trying to put things in place but things are never enforced either, it’s more like “stay at home only if you feel like it though”
Lockdown should have meant lockdown in the beginning instead of all the messing about. Boris has tried to please all of the people all of the time, that is just impossible. All this government has achieved is to cause confusion, we need firm decisive leadership to make some decisions and stick to them.
In the beginning a friend told me he would take the virus seriously when they closed the Channel Tunnel and stopped all movement of people in and out of the Country. I think all the half hearted measures have been the cause of a lot of people not sticking to the rules and spreading the virus.
Lockdown should have meant lockdown in the beginning instead of all the messing about. Boris has tried to please all of the people all of the time, that is just impossible. All this government has achieved is to cause confusion, we need firm decisive leadership to make some decisions and stick to them.
In the beginning a friend told me he would take the virus seriously when they closed the Channel Tunnel and stopped all movement of people in and out of the Country. I think all the half hearted measures have been the cause of a lot of people not sticking to the rules and spreading the virus.

I agree 100%. I know everybody here is sensible and follows the rules but so many people don’t because they don’t enforce it. I for one want strict measures in place, it shouldn’t be optional and it should never have been optional.
I agree 100%. I know everybody here is sensible and follows the rules but so many people don’t because they don’t enforce it. I for one want strict measures in place, it shouldn’t be optional and it should never have been optional.
There's a get out clause for every scenario and I know people who regularly use them. They "know their rights"!
There's a get out clause for every scenario and I know people who regularly use them. They "know their rights"!

These are the people with the “if I just go and do this once I should be ok” mindset. For example it was my mum and her bingo, I asked her if one night of bingo was worth her diabetic self risking infecting others or getting it herself and she said something like i only go once a week. She doesn’t factor in the taxi she uses to get there, the glasses and tables she touches, exchanging money when buying things.
We’ve been locked down again.
Schools are to close this time.
Let’s hope that people behave and we get this virus under control.
Yes but early years to remain open, lillie is early years foundation two, technically a primary but also early years no clue if she's expected to go tomorrow, she's 5 so compulsory school age 😱 I'm so confused 🤦‍♀️