COVID-19 Coronavirus

Sir Captain Tom Moore has passed away. :(
RIP to such a legend xx
@Emx93 Sadly Mum died on Tuesday. I wish things could have been different for her, she had a lot of health problems, she is at rest now with no more pain. I am okay thank you, keeping busy with piggies!
I am so sorry for your loss. It must be devastating not to be able to get together with family and friends to grieve.
Thank you everyone for your condolences.
We have decided in the current circumstances not to have a funeral. Most of the family would have a long way to travel and my sister and I do not want them to feel they should. We will have a family and friends remembering mum get together when it's safer to do so.
l'm so sorry to hear you're mother past away, big hugs to you, condolences to you and you're family. this virus is terrible, l lost two dear ones within a week, one funeral Thursday and one next Wednesday, after fighting a bad case of this virus, l know how you can suffer with it,its not nice. Take care of your self, x
So apparently people are going crazy for ivermectin as cure for corona! They're buying it off the Internet in Europe and checked amazon, it's sold out and if you put ivermectin in the search it comes up with suggestions for ivermectin for humans etc 😳
So apparently people are going crazy for ivermectin as cure for corona! They're buying it off the Internet in Europe and checked amazon, it's sold out and if you put ivermectin in the search it comes up with suggestions for ivermectin for humans etc 😳
What on earth?! Who came up with such a crazy idea? Coronavirus is a virus, not a parasite :hb:
it was president Trump who suggested to drink bleach ! all sorts of incorrect information flying around regarding covid 19,i would onlytrust gov .uk for ivermection....whatever next.Piggyminder I'm sorry for your loss.:hug:
Interestingly ivermectin does have anti-viral properties as well as anti-parasitic ones. It's not one of those wacky internet things, but is based on fact. Fascinating research if you are interested to look it up.
Yes, I've read it's been used and lowered viral load to speed the recovery. Just wondering how they're going to use it. My imagination doing overtime on people putting spot ons on back of their necks 😂😂😂
Either way, ivermectin isn't as easy to buy anymore, so if you need it plan ahead.
Interestingly ivermectin does have anti-viral properties as well as anti-parasitic ones. It's not one of those wacky internet things, but is based on fact. Fascinating research if you are interested to look it up.
Really? Can you share the links to the research for that please? I would be very interested to know the pharmacological mechanism...
There's some stuff in the BMJ (online) about it ... an Australian researcher seems very keen on the idea, and mentions research being done into it since April. But nothing publicised officially since then makes me think maybe they found reasons not to use it?
There's some stuff in the BMJ (online) about it ... an Australian researcher seems very keen on the idea, and mentions research being done into it since April. But nothing publicised officially since then makes me think maybe they found reasons not to use it?
I'll take a look :) I would be interested to know know how a drug that targets a specific ion channel in the nervous system of worms and insects could affect viruses... as they dont have these receptors or any nervous system or even any cells or cellular machinery- they are RNA in a protein bag...
I'll take a look :) I would be interested to know know how a drug that targets a specific ion channel in the nervous system of worms and insects could affect viruses... as they dont have these receptors or any nervous system or even any cells or cellular machinery- they are RNA in a protein bag...
I'm sure you as a scientist will understand better than most of us, so do let us know what you find out 👍
Even if it is useful though, it's still unwise to buy the stuff to self treat, when it's intended for anomal use or prescription only, maybe in an inappropriate form or needs correct dosage working out ...
Ok this is my scientific verdict based on published peer reviewed scientific literature:
Ivermectin can kill covid and HIV and dengue... in vitro, ie poured on the virus in a lab dish.
It can do this because the lipophiluc hydrophobic chemical structure of ivermectin disrupts the fatty protein bits... a bit like washing up liquid, soap, or hand sanitiser.
At concentrations waaay above what are safe to ingest. Not in people, not is animals... in a glass dish.
Intriguing... and scientifically published... but... it would be cheaper and less neurotoxic to drink and inhale soap, not that I would recommend that either.
No clinical trials either proposed or ongoing, no lab animal studies... its like a "if I pour this chemical on it dies" thing.
Or why is everyone still dying and on ventilators in hospital and staying home and wearing masks and getting vaccines, if we could fix it with a dose of horse wormer...? Just saying... as a pharmacologist :)
Ok this is my scientific verdict based on published peer reviewed scientific literature:
Ivermectin can kill covid and HIV and dengue... in vitro, ie poured on the virus in a lab dish.
It can do this because the lipophiluc hydrophobic chemical structure of ivermectin disrupts the fatty protein bits... a bit like washing up liquid, soap, or hand sanitiser.
At concentrations waaay above what are safe to ingest. Not in people, not is animals... in a glass dish.
Intriguing... and scientifically published... but... it would be cheaper and less neurotoxic to drink and inhale soap, not that I would recommend that either.
No clinical trials either proposed or ongoing, no lab animal studies... its like a "if I pour this chemical on it dies" thing.
Or why is everyone still dying and on ventilators in hospital and staying home and wearing masks and getting vaccines, if we could fix it with a dose of horse wormer...? Just saying... as a pharmacologist :)
Admittedly I may be more convincing without the typos can someone fix that? My glasses are downstairs and I dont want to wake hippo lol :)
Thanks for the summary, I thought something like that would be the case. I'll keep my Ivermectin Spot On for the piggies ;).
Ivermectin is very effective in humans too, once we treated my boss's wife with the dose of ivermectin dog wormer needed for a 60kg great dane after she picked up mange mites from a stray dog lol... hilarious, she was too posh to admit the embarassing skin infestation to a doctor so we treated her in the lab at the vet college... but a dose of 2mg per kg body weight is the maximum recommended safe dose generally, xeno450 for piggies has 450ug ivermectin which is 0.45mg to err on the side of caution with small furries :)
Ivermectin is very effective in humans too, once we treated my boss's wife with the dose of ivermectin dog wormer needed for a 60kg great dane after she picked up mange mites from a stray dog lol... hilarious, she was too posh to admit the embarassing skin infestation to a doctor so we treated her in the lab at the vet college... but a dose of 2mg per kg body weight is the maximum recommended safe dose generally, xeno450 for piggies has 450ug ivermectin which is 0.45mg to err on the side of caution with small furries :)
So ivermectin for intestinal worms- yes, lymphatic filariasis- yes, dog heartworm- yes, scabies and mange mites -yes, ticks and fleas and hay mites- yes, headlice and pubic lice- possibly... covid not so much...
I see some veterinary parasitologists I actually know personally have jumped on this idea to publish review papers on the use of ivermectin for all sorts of things we do use it for because why not if it gets a bit of extra funding into the under-funded area of parasitology research off the back of some dubious disinformation... but they are all very cautious about even suggesting testing it for covid :)
Ivermectin is very effective in humans too, once we treated my boss's wife with the dose of ivermectin dog wormer needed for a 60kg great dane after she picked up mange mites from a stray dog lol... hilarious, she was too posh to admit the embarassing skin infestation to a doctor so we treated her in the lab at the vet college... but a dose of 2mg per kg body weight is the maximum recommended safe dose generally, xeno450 for piggies has 450ug ivermectin which is 0.45mg to err on the side of caution with small furries :)
Lol, poor lady, how embarrassing. Did you give it as a spot on then, or some other method?