COVID-19 Coronavirus

Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
Oh gosh I’m so sorry to read this, sending love :(
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
Oh no! I’m sorry for you, sending you big hugs and all my love and best wishes at such a sad time for you x
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x

I’m so sorry. Sending love and hugs to you x
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x

So sorry for your loss. Be kind to yourself x

What does everyone think of their tier? Watched the briefing yesterday, lost track half way through.

The question "will you have the vaccine?" Seems to have replaced questions about holidays!
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
So sorry. It's a shock, doubled by the current circumstances preventing people from grieving as a big family.
Haven't watched the conference, but can't believe London isn't a solid 3... My area had 80% increase in testing, which meant higher number of infected found. We were one of the lowest in the area and now one of the highest. It does make sense, we've shielded so many vulnerable since March in our low risk area it's now spreading fast.

What worries me more is how high the rates are and schools were given guidelines on who needs to self isolate.

"Only students that, based on their class seating plans and interactions at break, lunch and on public transport are asked to self-isolate if they have sat within a 2 metre distance for 15 minutes or more, or within 1 metre for 1 minute or more. This Public Health guidance means that there are times when we do not need to isolate a whole Year
group bubble."

Only time will tell how this works out. But I guess they're backing this based on the fact school asked whole bubbles to isolate several times, but never had a secondary case...
I just hope they're not relying on my 11yrs old to tell them who she's been around during breaks etc 🙄
We were in 2 but will be in 3 once lockdown has ended. Where we live isn't one of the high case areas, but we're in the same county as those other areas. So 🤷‍♀️
Tier 3 - can have a tattoo, hair cut and takeaway, can't visiti a family member who has not been out the house or spoken to another person since August, when the only thing you've done since July is socially distanced essential shopping. :hb:
Tier 3 - can have a tattoo, hair cut and takeaway, can't visiti a family member who has not been out the house or spoken to another person since August, when the only thing you've done since July is socially distanced essential shopping. :hb:
It does seem ridiculous doesn't it?
Tier 3 here too.

Looks like I will be going to work/back & food shopping once a week for the forseeable.
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
I'm so sorry to hear your news :(
:td: I had a call from my son's deputy head at 6pm ... my son is a "close contact" of someone at school who has tested positive, so he has to self isolate until Dec 9th. :td:

He is starting his mock GCSEs on Monday, he is going to have to do them remotely. Luckily the school has some new whizzo software to help (tried & tested on the self isolating A level students!), and I have a spare laptop so don't need to bother the school for one. Have to hope that he co-operates and works properly at home, he doesn't really like home-work. 😷😷
I had a subsequent email from the school about the self-isolating, which was sent to parents of all the students involved. Apparently there are 41 Contacts of the student in question, that's out of a year group of 300 -wow! The school now has 80 pupils at home in isolation..
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
Christ, I am so very sorry. Please be gentle and kind to yourself x x
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x


I am so sorry for your loss. It's horrible to lose a parent so close to Christmas (as I know myself) but this year makes it all so much worse. :(
Be kind to yourself and do whatever feels right for you right now and in the coming weeks.
Sorry I’ve been off site for a few days. Unfortunately my Mum passed away on Sunday 22nd at Leighton Hospital. I’m absolutely devastated but I’m glad she didn’t suffer. Thank you for asking x
So so sorry for your loss 💖 sending hugs xx
I have just been told to self isolate.
Now just trying to get my head around getting my primary aged child to school in the morning all while not leaving the house 😂
Were you in contact with a positive person? Good luck working out the logistics!
Were you in contact with a positive person? Good luck working out the logistics!

Yes, a child at the preschool I work at tested positive this morning so all of us staff and the vast majority of the children now have to isolate.
Good luck, I believe the children can isolate with you if you can't get them there, I'd be in the same situation if either me or one of kids had to isolate 🤦‍♀️ I'd be OK for drop off but couldn't do pick up, I once asked my oldest teacher and she said they could finish early 💖
Well, turns out it’s all change this morning! Our contact time was just outside of the 48 hours as confirmed by the proper authorities so we now don’t have isolate. Got to get my mind back into going to work for the rest of the term now!
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Haha this really isn't funny but it's making me laugh. I had to order another covid test kit, went to do it today, and dropped the vial of liquid you're supposed to put your swab into. Had to ring up and be like "Yeah I screwed that up, I need another one." Only for the system to decide that I'd had a test ordered too recently so I can't have another one, and it took 25 minutes for it to make that decision. I felt bad for the bloke on the other end of the phone, it's not his fault, and he was very unimpressed with the decision.

Ah, well, 8 days of lockdown (I think it's counting from 10 rather than 14) to go. Oops.
My (primary) children will be taught online from Monday. Their school is in an area where schools are closing. Nothing from the eldest’s school yet (secondary). He goes back a week later than years 11 and 13. No news on my placement yet. I don’t know if the school I’m at is in an area where they’ll be closed. Hoping for good health for everyone.