COVID-19 Coronavirus

My Mum tested positive a couple of days ago. She’s had to go into hospital today - as her oxygen levels went down to 83%; which is very low even for her. Sadly I can’t be with her but I did speak with her earlier and she seemed to be doing ok x

I'm so sorry to hear that. Best wishes to you and her
Hope everyone who's covid positive is doing well 💖
Is anyone with children in school finding they are constantly having to isolate and get kids tested at the moment? We seem to have a temperature every other week, lillie always struggles with coughs, a new cough for her is always hacking, continuous, usually dry and sometimes she coughs to the point she is vomiting (as she was last night). Had to have lexie tested for a high temp last weekend, then lillie on Thursday. I'm just so glad they were negative. I hate the thought of wasting tests but then I hate the thought of not isolating and testing then it turning out to be positive more 😳🤦‍♀️
Hope everyone who's covid positive is doing well 💖
Is anyone with children in school finding they are constantly having to isolate and get kids tested at the moment? We seem to have a temperature every other week, lillie always struggles with coughs, a new cough for her is always hacking, continuous, usually dry and sometimes she coughs to the point she is vomiting (as she was last night). Had to have lexie tested for a high temp last weekend, then lillie on Thursday. I'm just so glad they were negative. I hate the thought of wasting tests but then I hate the thought of not isolating and testing then it turning out to be positive more 😳🤦‍♀️

We had to deal with that in the beginning of the school year. It was so awful. 😩 I feel for you as kids get sick all the time and now it's just really bad. The neighbor boy was out of school for 2 and a half weeks (not even counting the week of fall break) since his whole family was sick with the virus. He was so happy to be back at school; he said it was so lonely since he had to stay away from both of his parents.

Fingers crossed that the vaccines will be out soon and that they will work.
I know of a couple of teenagers who have had repetitive spells of isolating due to someone in their bubble testing positive. Due to living with more vulnerable people they've spent a lot of time since Sept in their bedrooms.

On the plus side, the ONS have said the growth of infections is "slowing" & I've read somewhere we could have normality this time next year. I think it was from the vaccine creators, something about how the rollout will be next year & across summer. We shall see.
ever since last night I’ve been very very poorly, praying it isn’t COVID. Still have my taste but I have every other symptom, chest is on fire and difficult to breathe. Going to call the doctors office to inform the doctor I saw yesterday just so she’s aware, I don’t want her to be at risk if I do have something :(
ever since last night I’ve been very very poorly, praying it isn’t COVID. Still have my taste but I have every other symptom, chest is on fire and difficult to breathe. Going to call the doctors office to inform the doctor I saw yesterday just so she’s aware, I don’t want her to be at risk if I do have something :(
Hope you feel better soon, id definitely get a test 💖
Hope you feel better soon, id definitely get a test 💖

thank you, I tried to order a home testing kit but it said they’re all out in my area :( do you know if someone could pick one up for me? I don’t want to leave the house and risk spreading something
thank you, I tried to order a home testing kit but it said they’re all out in my area :( do you know if someone could pick one up for me? I don’t want to leave the house and risk spreading something
Oh no! I don't think so theyre usually done at the test centre and they send them off :( could someone drive you?
Oh no! I don't think so theyre usually done at the test centre and they send them off :( could someone drive you?

I called to try and book one and they’re more concerned about my chest, said to call 111 and go down that route. I want to give it a few hours to see how my chest goes because I have heartburn and all kinds of stuff that this could be. Just not sure what to do
I called to try and book one and they’re more concerned about my chest, said to call 111 and go down that route. I want to give it a few hours to see how my chest goes because I have heartburn and all kinds of stuff that this could be. Just not sure what to do
I'd call 111 if your feeling really poorly, they may be able to arrange for you to be seen by someone and have a test at the same time I'm not sure xx
Just had the test done, we messed it up once so had to redo, tons of sneezes! Will know in the next few days
The Health Service Journal has delivered the most positive scoop of the week, revealing NHS England’s draft plan to roll out Covid vaccines to all adults in England from January, and have all over-18s in England who want one vaccinated by April. Each vaccination requires two doses, taken 28 days apart. The NHS expects to deliver 7 million doses to 3.5 million people in December alone, followed by 4-5 million more every single week from January. The moonshot plan is to deliver 88.5 million vaccination doses – to over 44 million people – all by the end of April. The rollout timetable is as follows:

Care home residents and staff, healthcare workers – from the beginning of December;
Ages 80 plus – from mid-December;
Everyone aged 70-80 – from late December;
Everyone aged 65-70 – from early January;
All high and moderate risk under 65s – from early January;
Everyone aged 50-65 – from mid-January; and
Everyone aged 18-50 – from late January; but with the bulk of this group vaccinated during March.
Under the plan, every English over-18 who wants a vaccine will be vaccinated by April.
It’s exciting. I’ve filled in some forms to be part of the vaccinating team. Not sure if I can make it work though.

I’m on the Oxford study so I guess at some point soon I’ll be unblinded and find out what I had in the trial. I’ve got an appointment in a couple of weeks so I guess I’ll get an idea of what is going on.
My Mum tested positive a couple of days ago. She’s had to go into hospital today - as her oxygen levels went down to 83%; which is very low even for her. Sadly I can’t be with her but I did speak with her earlier and she seemed to be doing ok x
How is your Mum doing @smokeysmummy I hope she is well on the way to a full recovery x