Chat Thread.

Ah diddums! Shopping is stressful? Try dealing with a multiple car crash with a 8 mile tailback, multiple injuries and air ambulance hovering overhead waiting for a patch to be cleared so it can land, give me shopping any day! :raz: youngsters these days - no stamina! :lol!:
Sounds like a glass of wine is needed after that! I hate clothes shopping, I've pretty much been wearing the same stuff for 5 years now so I feel your pain x
Ah diddums! Shopping is stressful? Try dealing with a multiple car crash with a 8 mile tailback, multiple injuries and air ambulance hovering overhead waiting for a patch to be cleared so it can land, give me shopping any day! :raz: youngsters these days - no stamina! :lol!:
Busy day then @BossHogg
It was, now on rest days recovering for the next set. ;)
I love haribo, but god do they hurt your jaw.

@Harry&lloyd As for dwarf hamsters, they really hurt when they bite you :(! And do NOT wake them up when there sleeping, ouch! I nearly lost a finger. Guess Thats what I got for not really understanding hamsters.
Anyway, also, don't put two together, at college for some stupid reason they kept two hamsters together, and then they started trying to eat each other... Was horrible.
Thats all the tips I have really.... I had hamsters when I was young.. But ofcourse don't remember much.
Those are great tips thank you, I don't fancy losing any fingers. I'm going to give her a few days to settle in before I even consider handling her. She came with muesli food as that's what she's used to apparantly but I will be switching over to pellet so she doesnt selective feed.
I didn't know you could pellet hamster food but then again I haven't had a hamster since I was about 9 haha.. Hope she settles in well :)
Sounds like a glass of wine is needed after that! I hate clothes shopping, I've pretty much been wearing the same stuff for 5 years now so I feel your pain x
Lol yes! Normally I'm a shopaholic. But today was particularly busy, and hate to wait ages for the fitting rooms and all.
There were some sky salesmen, and were giving out leaflets and as soon as the customer had grip of it they snatched it back! Idiots. Poor woman nearly fell over trying to grasp it!
Ah diddums! Shopping is stressful? Try dealing with a multiple car crash with a 8 mile tailback, multiple injuries and air ambulance hovering overhead waiting for a patch to be cleared so it can land, give me shopping any day! :raz: youngsters these days - no stamina! :lol!:
You wouldn't understand boss. Clothes shopping for women is a very intense job!
Aww she's a robo. What do you need to know?
Are there any foods you would recommend, would megazorb be a suitable bedding (I really don't like woodshavings) and is the chinchilla sand they gave me ok for her? I've never heard of hamsters using it before. Sorry for all the questions.
I rescued two robo's quite a few years ago, I had no experience of hamsters and they quickly turned into 16 robo's. Thankfully i managed to learn the nack of sexing them and they lived very happy lives with me. They are lovely little pets.
I rescued two robo's quite a few years ago, I had no experience of hamsters and they quickly turned into 16 robo's. Thankfully i managed to learn the nack of sexing them and they lived very happy lives with me. They are lovely little pets.
She was all by herself so I don't have a friend for her. I hope she doesn't get too lonely. I've given her a tiny piece of carrot and cucumber to tempt her out the tubes but so she's staying put so far.
Just give her time to settle. They are the cutest of all the hamsters in my opinion.
I don't get home from work until 6 so it's 7 for me in the week. Weekends are different lol, often eat late-ish on Saturday nights.