Chat Thread.

Ruby Roo my daughter's dog who died back in July will live on, her ashes have been incorporated into rings for my daughter, granddaughter and MrsHogg. My daughter and her husband have decided the house is too quiet without a mad staffie in their lives so say welcome to the latest addition, this is Rosie, she joins the family in 2 weeks.
Ruby Roo my daughter's dog who died back in July will live on, her ashes have been incorporated into rings for my daughter, granddaughter and MrsHogg. My daughter and her husband have decided the house is too quiet without a mad staffie in their lives so say welcome to the latest addition, this is Rosie, she joins the family in 2 weeks.
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Helloooooo Rosie. You is luvlee!
Are you feeling better now @BossHogg? Or are you still in the grips of Covid?

Your Great Grandaughter's Cardigan is coming on. Body complete, nearly finished first sleeve, 2nd sleeve to do, sew up then neck, border and buttons et Voila! It'll be done before I go on my cruise on 5 October. When is baby due?
Ruby Roo my daughter's dog who died back in July will live on, her ashes have been incorporated into rings for my daughter, granddaughter and MrsHogg. My daughter and her husband have decided the house is too quiet without a mad staffie in their lives so say welcome to the latest addition, this is Rosie, she joins the family in 2 weeks.
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Oh my goodness. What a beauty. Can’t wait for baby and puppy spam.