Chat Thread.

my day was okay, although did have a migraine earlier, but luckily took meds early and it has gone after a few hours- so relived. I also managed to paint some of the rabbit hutch today - so been a semi productive day :) My mum also treated us to a take away- so had a nice Chinese for dinner..yum.
Oh no about your ankle...bless you. Hope your okay?

Aww thats good that your meds worked though! even if it was after a few hours! mmmm Chinese! I really fancy a Chinese! YUM!
Ankle is okay now... still hurting but its not as swollen..its a bit bruised though :(! went around tesco with one shoe on today hahaha.

It was looong, but okay! I'm happy now I've found the biscuits and am now sat with a dribbling cat on my lap ha :)

hahaha I had a dribbly cat a minuet ago! But I pushed her off! she was like a tap! couldn't be dealing with it!
I was at the chicken buying the 'free range, proper diet, outside space chicken' and some woman comes up to me in a dirty tracksuit, hair stuck to her head! She goes 'I can't work this chicken out what's the different' So I said "well that stuff *points at £2 chicken breasts* is really bad for welfare, this stuff here *points at more expensive chicken* is better but not great welfare and this stuff here *points at stuff in basket and my hand* is the best for welfare they are able to express natural abilities and live a happy life before being killed" She then says... and brace yourself! "Hahaha who cares about welfare I'm only going to eat it! I don't want to keep it as a pet -giggles-" I could have punched her. I told her that if she was a decent human being she would care about the welfare of animals. She then just laughed and said "nobody has time for that I can't afford a posh chicken".. And picked up the £2 crappy chicken.
I'm afraid you'll never be able to reason to some people.
Oh dear, sounds like a horrible trip Some people are unbelievable aren't they?
I have a crazy piggie in the cage next to me - hes pop corning and doing laps- its so cute. Sweep has now lay down on his tunnel again- hes such a funny/cute fluffball
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I apologies for my fat finger & thumbs... I'm having a bad typing day evidently!
Glad your migraine went in the end, you've now made me fancy Chinese! Yummmm! I have digestives, also chocolate buttons... Just need a cuppa now but don't think I'll be moving any time soon though, this is my view now,

Haha - aw sorry...yummmy choccy buttons!. :P Awwwwww your cats so cute, what's his/her name? I love cats! :D So cute :love:
Thankyou :) Aww I don't think I could be without a cat in the house now! They are amazing & such clever little things :) she's jumped off me now to look out the window, think she's spotted the neighbours cat and wants to stare him out...
Thankyou :) Aww I don't think I could be without a cat in the house now! They are amazing & such clever little things :) she's jumped off me now to look out the window, think she's spotted the neighbours cat and wants to stare him out...
Yeh i would have another cat in a heartbeat, but i think my mum is still heartbroken after loosing our 2 last cats of cancer a year ago. They are amazing pets.
Haha cats are so nosey arnt they? Daisy used to sit and people watch on the window and make bird noises to the birds outside haha...she was so funny :P
haha Tippy sits at the window and watches the birds! He likes it because theres a radiator below the window so he can sit and be all toastie!
I have four cats :)
You should see my phone album... its like... cat cat cat cat cat food cat cat meme food hot chocolate cat cat cat cat selfie cat cat cat food. You get the point hahaha.
haha mine sounds similar... just with piggies thrown in there too! My sister went through my phone the other day and asked if I really needed 100 photos of Wispa sleeping... personally I don't see the problem hahaha
Here is a sleepy Tippy: Good god... I dont know why its so huge!


Here is a hiding Tinkerbell:


And here is a dribble Bella cat, Yes they are my OH's Boxers.... dont judge me.... oh and they were new too hahaha not used boxers... ew...

Sweet jesus mother of god... I've just notice how dirty my bedside table is... ergh! I'm gunna have to clean that right now!