Chat Thread.

I'm reading with interest everything you are saying about thyroid problems. I have to have blood tests of my thyroid levels, soon. I was very very anaemic last year, and got to the stage where I would drive to work and just put my head on the steering wheel in the car park, not even having the energy to walk across the car park to my office. Things are much better now I am on high dose iron pills but I don't know how much more tired I am than normal people of my age with a job and small children and animals. I'm quite used to feeling like a zombie. Anaemia, heavy periods and low bone density (both of which I have) can be a symptom of thyroid problems but I don't know if its under or over active.

It sounds under.. Especially if your very tired etc. I think low iron can actually also contribute to a thyroid problem. I use to be anaemic when I was younger but my thyroid is hereditary so I'm not sure it was the anaemia that caused it.
Do you feel like if you don't sleep your going to pass our anyway?
It sounds like you have a thyroid problem! You should probably get it check! It takes awhile for then to put you on the correct dose too. If you were over you'd be over stimulated.. Instead of tired all the time. :)
I fainted twice last summer (once was on top of the guinea pig's cage :( and once was at work). I am having blood tests next week. I could sleep anywhere to be honest - I could happily curl up under my desk at work and go to sleep most days!
I fainted twice last summer (once was on top of the guinea pig's cage :( and once was at work). I am having blood tests next week. I could sleep anywhere to be honest - I could happily curl up under my desk at work and go to sleep most days!
Good luck with the blood tests. I hate needles.
Uggh I have another Migraine :-( managed to paint some of the hutch before I gave up and came inside. Am now in my pjs and light off watching tv. Hate migraines..:( ...its also started raining...hope my paint has mostly dried (all be it I painted the inside the hutch not the outside). So hopefully its okay... X
I fainted twice last summer (once was on top of the guinea pig's cage :( and once was at work). I am having blood tests next week. I could sleep anywhere to be honest - I could happily curl up under my desk at work and go to sleep most days!
Oh no bless you. I hope the bloods show something..poor you x x
poor Jenny. Migraines are awful. They are NOT just a bad headache :(
As you say they are horrible. :( Luckily i have taken my meds quickly as am home so its eased off a bit...but still throbbing.

Trying to take my mind off it though- am sat in the dark with just the tv on low - and bless her my mum has just ordered us a Chinese, so am sitting with my mum and sister.

How are you today? x :)
This is my beautiful labby boy at 17 weeks :)
I fainted twice last summer (once was on top of the guinea pig's cage :( and once was at work). I am having blood tests next week. I could sleep anywhere to be honest - I could happily curl up under my desk at work and go to sleep most days!

Defiantly sounds like you have an under-active thyroid. Or you could have M.E. But yeah you'll have to see what tests come back as really!
:hb::hb::hb:I feel really angry.
I have been looking for another 120cm cage (David fell on top of my spare one in the dark and the base broke!) and have just seen an ad for guinea pigs the reason for rehoming being "for sale as we are getting a puppy"
:hb::hb::hb:I feel really angry.
I have been looking for another 120cm cage (David fell on top of my spare one in the dark and the base broke!) and have just seen an ad for guinea pigs the reason for rehoming being "for sale as we are getting a puppy"
That is awful! What a poor attitude. Idiots.
:hb::hb::hb:I feel really angry.
I have been looking for another 120cm cage (David fell on top of my spare one in the dark and the base broke!) and have just seen an ad for guinea pigs the reason for rehoming being "for sale as we are getting a puppy"
This upsets me.
yaaaay! It was okay! Got really annoyed with a woman in the chicken isle at tesco earlier! I was already in pain from my ankle! So it put me in a fowl mood!
How was your day?!
Hellloo! :D How was your day too?!
Oh god, drama in tesco! what happened?!
It was looong, but okay! I'm happy now I've found the biscuits and am now sat with a dribbling cat on my lap ha :)
Hellloo! :D How was your day too?!
my day was okay, although did have a migraine earlier, but luckily took meds early and it has gone after a few hours- so relived. I also managed to paint some of the rabbit hutch today - so been a semi productive day :) My mum also treated us to a take away- so had a nice Chinese for dinner..yum.
Oh no about your ankle...bless you. Hope your okay?

Oh god, drama in tesco! what happened?!
It was looong, but okay! I'm happy now I've found the biscuits and am now sat with a dribbling cat on my lap ha :)
Bless your cat- so cute hehe... mmmm biscuits...what kind? I have a small bar of galaxy...yum :)
I was at the chicken buying the 'free range, proper diet, outside space chicken' and some woman comes up to me in a dirty tracksuit, hair stuck to her head! She goes 'I can't work this chicken out what's the different' So I said "well that stuff *points at £2 chicken breasts* is really bad for welfare, this stuff here *points at more expensive chicken* is better but not great welfare and this stuff here *points at stuff in basket and my hand* is the best for welfare they are able to express natural abilities and live a happy life before being killed" She then says... and brace yourself! "Hahaha who cares about welfare I'm only going to eat it! I don't want to keep it as a pet -giggles-" I could have punched her. I told her that if she was a decent human being she would care about the welfare of animals. She then just laughed and said "nobody has time for that I can't afford a posh chicken".. And picked up the £2 crappy chicken.