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I'm not really into guinea pigs in a school either, but my sons's school has a pair, I check regularly that they are OK and I do their nails and also make regular enquiries as to whether they are OK for hay etc. But its not a situation I am comfortable with, even though they are well looked after, I dont believe its the right environment.

@jenniferanneharris I didnt know you were interested in bunnies. I find that they are hard animals to look after properly. I have my Princess Katie the lionhead but I have to say that I dont think I will make a career out of bunny ownership. Their needs are a lot harder to meet than piggies. They need sooo much space to give them a life worth living :( What breed is the big rabbit that you have taken on? It sounds like he will be much happier with you even though his previous owner obviously meant well.

I'm glad that your gran is only down the road and you can pop in regularly. I know what its like caring for and visiting very unwell elderly relatives, and how upsetting it is when you have to finally admit as a family that you can no longer meet their care needs.

Its been a weird weekend. And I think that its going to be strange week too. So many things to worry about, but I'm trying to think positively.
I'm not really into guinea pigs in a school either, but my sons's school has a pair, I check regularly that they are OK and I do their nails and also make regular enquiries as to whether they are OK for hay etc. But its not a situation I am comfortable with, even though they are well looked after, I dont believe its the right environment.

@jenniferanneharris I didnt know you were interested in bunnies. I find that they are hard animals to look after properly. I have my Princess Katie the lionhead but I have to say that I dont think I will make a career out of bunny ownership. Their needs are a lot harder to meet than piggies. They need sooo much space to give them a life worth living :( What breed is the big rabbit that you have taken on? It sounds like he will be much happier with you even though his previous owner obviously meant well.

I'm glad that your gran is only down the road and you can pop in regularly. I know what its like caring for and visiting very unwell elderly relatives, and how upsetting it is when you have to finally admit as a family that you can no longer meet their care needs.

Its been a weird weekend. And I think that its going to be strange week too. So many things to worry about, but I'm trying to think positively.

Thanks, Yeh i love rabbits!, I have had rabbits since i was 16 - all rescues except my first one who died age 4 months due to a genetic condition (he had a twisted bowel :( )
(10 years ago now) and when my last few died i have had a gap of a few years - loosing them is always hard so needed a break.

Rabbits are very hard work indeed - My previous bunnies were at first house bunnies, but then my step dad built them a beautiful encolousre of 2 playhouses with a connecting run between them. But we took it down after my last bun died as it was too painful keeping it up and took up so much space.

He will be in my very well made hutch
(that one) i bought it 3 years ago for my piggies but they soon became indoor piggies after about 4 months lol. Plus i also have a run i am doing up.

My conservatory is being built in the next few months at home (i live with parents) - so when that is built mum said that he can come inside for winter. I am gonna get him vaccinated when i collect him - plus neuter him in the summer when its warmer.

Tomorrow i will be painting the run and steam cleaning the hutch- then spray with f10 cleaner and allow to air dry a few days.It will be a vry busy day tommor as i ahve to go to my great aunts place and help tidy/ throw away some old stuff as she is due out of hospital thursday all being well- but she has so much stuff in a small flat she needs it cleared before she can come home.
I also will be visiting my grandma for a few hours- she's still in the temp home down the road- she has been doing well- but had a bad day today- think her meds need upping again. She was very dizzy and confused- something she hasnt been for weeks- she also had a bad cough that has been there a few weeks so the doctor is visiting her tomorrow.... busy busy :)
Your rabbit sounds like he will have a wonderful life, @jenniferanneharris
I often worry that I do not meet Katie's needs fully because she lives alone and I know that she should really have a friend, but I am really not in a position to take on another rabbit. Katie belonged to someone at work who was unable to keep her due to moving into rented accommodation. My husband has suggested several times that I rehome her to someone who is able to offer her a friend, but I know that it is really hard to find good homes for bunnies, and she has her other needs met such as space, toys for enrichment and non-bunny company. I do feel guilty though!
When I adopted her she was living in a Ferplast 100 and I immediately moved her into a dog crate with pen and now she free-ranges in bunny proofed area.

I took a big step today and went to my GP for anti-anxiety tablets, I'm just not coping so well with a few things at them moment and need a little chemical help!
Aw bless - well done asking for help. Its always the biggest step asking for a little help. Hope the meds help :)

Aw well she is a loved bunny and I'm sure she has a great life. I am the same and worry he will be on his I know he will be loved and cared for and in a better position than he was. Hopefully when in a better position I may be able to get him a friend- but I know for now he will be happy. Hopefully will be collecting him end of this week or next week. I just wanna make sure I have his hutch sorted and run sorted.
I love seeing pictures of princess Katie on the forum and she looks well loved indeed....can we see a pic again soon? :-) I do love bunnies <3
Once he is home I will take a few pics...he dose have a name...but I will re name him- I want a new name for a new start :-)
I think I have bored at @piggyfan at length about my bunny-related guilt ;) I have to admit that if someone who loved really lionheads came along and offered Katie a fabulous bunny home with a guaranteed friend then, for her sake, I would give her up. Even though I love her and am really proud of her.
One friend who seemed pretty clued-up and already had a neutered bunny offered her a home, and I was going to let her go until I mentioned that she could have all her grooming things and she said “Oh, no, I wont have time to brush her!” Katie gets very matted without regular brushing and then mats can cause sores, so then I had to retract the offer….!
Yes, I have propanalol – it's a beta blocker – not for everyday use but for the days that I am struggling. I have some hospital appointments coming up for (hopefully nothing sinister) issues that just need sorting but I get so anxious that they are going to find something really bad that I can hardly speak to the consultant! I just lose the ability to form words! Its ridiculous and I am aware it's a disproportionate reaction. Just at the minute I can’t deal with it all without help. I'm even overly-anxious about the piggies now, but I think that's largely because of Toffee and Ripple dying so unexpectedly. We have an audit at work and that's stressful too.
Things will get better :) Its nearly Spring!
I think I have bored at @piggyfan at length about my bunny-related guilt ;) I have to admit that if someone who loved really lionheads came along and offered Katie a fabulous bunny home with a guaranteed friend then, for her sake, I would give her up. Even though I love her and am really proud of her.
One friend who seemed pretty clued-up and already had a neutered bunny offered her a home, and I was going to let her go until I mentioned that she could have all her grooming things and she said “Oh, no, I wont have time to brush her!” Katie gets very matted without regular brushing and then mats can cause sores, so then I had to retract the offer….!
Yes, I have propanalol – it's a beta blocker – not for everyday use but for the days that I am struggling. I have some hospital appointments coming up for (hopefully nothing sinister) issues that just need sorting but I get so anxious that they are going to find something really bad that I can hardly speak to the consultant! I just lose the ability to form words! Its ridiculous and I am aware it's a disproportionate reaction. Just at the minute I can’t deal with it all without help. I'm even overly-anxious about the piggies now, but I think that's largely because of Toffee and Ripple dying so unexpectedly. We have an audit at work and that's stressful too.
Things will get better :) Its nearly Spring!
You have never once bored me. I think it is lovely that you love princess Katie so much and want the best for her.

Like you, I am very anxious about my little onces. I constantly check they are breathing and stress over them.

I can understand your worries over your hospital appointments. It is hard to be in a position were you do not know what is going to happen. I would be the same.
Ah, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who checks that pigs are breathing! Especially when they lie on their sides,... asleep...
Ah, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who checks that pigs are breathing! Especially when they lie on their sides,... asleep...
Oh gosh that is like torture for me! I am so paranoid about Amelia Jane due to her being six and a half. It is silly.
Yep another person guilt of that. Even worse these last few weeks since loosing Honor- I have to touch/ check Sweep that he is breathing. Terrible isn't it lol

I am always anxious about the animals - but I guess I would rather be over cautious than not cautious enough. Its just finding a healthy balance isn't it?

I am so excited to bring him home...but want everything to be "just right" for him :-) got some insulation in the post today so will be working out how to fix that up over the next few days. :-)
Yep another person guilt of that. Even worse these last few weeks since loosing Honor- I have to touch/ check Sweep that he is breathing. Terrible isn't it lol

I am always anxious about the animals - but I guess I would rather be over cautious than not cautious enough. Its just finding a healthy balance isn't it?

I am so excited to bring him home...but want everything to be "just right" for him :-) got some insulation in the post today so will be working out how to fix that up over the next few days. :-)
Does he have a name?
He dose....but I am changing it. New start new name. Once he arrives and I get a feel for his personality etc will re name him. I think he's called Dusty or Smokey... They call him both...long story. But not keen as I like a new name for a new start when poss. :)
I've never really had rabbits I've looked after. We took care of a friend's house rabbit once. She was really sweet.

@piggyfan I always check for breathing too! All my piggies except Brillo I've found in their forever sleep. Since losing Brillo gave me such a hard time I'm really worried I'll find something devastating and be upset again. I was worried I wouldn't bond with my girls for this reason.
I am ok, not really done much today.
How about you?
Its been non stop for me am exhausted. Been sorting my great aunts flat out as she has sooo much stuff in a small flat she can't come home from hospital till its clearer as shes had a few falls and not much space to maneuver Espec as she cant walk far...across the flat is too far...she has to walk with an been throwing out all sorts she didn't need or no sentimental value exhausted...just been shopping in Tesco for my dinner and now off to see my grandma for a few hours. Am too tired to steam clean hutch gonna go that tommor. Cant wait for a nice cuppa n a sit down! My back is killing me...but flat looks so much better.
Its been non stop for me am exhausted. Been sorting my great aunts flat out as she has sooo much stuff in a small flat she can't come home from hospital till its clearer as shes had a few falls and not much space to maneuver Espec as she cant walk far...across the flat is too far...she has to walk with an been throwing out all sorts she didn't need or no sentimental value exhausted...just been shopping in Tesco for my dinner and now off to see my grandma for a few hours. Am too tired to steam clean hutch gonna go that tommor. Cant wait for a nice cuppa n a sit down! My back is killing me...but flat looks so much better.
Oo, you have been very busy. I'll drink a tea for you!
Its been non stop for me am exhausted. Been sorting my great aunts flat out as she has sooo much stuff in a small flat she can't come home from hospital till its clearer as shes had a few falls and not much space to maneuver Espec as she cant walk far...across the flat is too far...she has to walk with an been throwing out all sorts she didn't need or no sentimental value exhausted...just been shopping in Tesco for my dinner and now off to see my grandma for a few hours. Am too tired to steam clean hutch gonna go that tommor. Cant wait for a nice cuppa n a sit down! My back is killing me...but flat looks so much better.

Wow what a busy day! Glad the flat is clearer now for her coming home. I think you deserve that cuppa! I'll get the kettle on. ;)
Aww bless her am also have. been cleaning my mum flat out too as she has to much stuff in her flat n has been staying with me as iv been going flat to sort it out a bit been missing gym to tho yesterday one of my sister came to help n we got loads done am on my way back to mum flat now big hugs to you x x x
Will your aunt be OK with your decluttering her flat @jenniferanneharris?
Yes she gave us permission. She knows its a condition to comming home. Mostly been throwing mostly bills from the 2000-2010 out- she had loads plus loads of old clothes that don't fit her anymore. It was mostly arranging as she couldn't get in her bedroom - she sleeps in a recliner on lounge as cant walk and climb out of bed where shes been poorly. But since they have changed her meds in hospital she can get about now so will hopefully will be able yo get in n out of bed now. She still has loads of stuff...its just put away in cupboards and anything tucked away she cant use. Looks so much better now- my step dad had a meeting with the hospital people today about her so will know more when I get home. Once they r happy and we r happy she can come home :-)
At my grandmas atm having a second cuppa and a chat.